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Everything posted by Chikout

  1. The hint at the end of the September white dwarf says “a return to the underworlds”. So Nightvault is coming in late September or early October then.
  2. Not enough rivets for KO. By the way the hint for the October white dwarf is a return to The underworlds. So that pretty much confirms Nightvault for a late September or early October release.
  3. This is shame. Just one or two kits each would massively boost interest in these armies. New saurus warriors and kroxigor for Seraphon and new centigors with an alternate build would revitalise both those ranges.
  4. I would absolutely love new models for Seraphon. Steve Party who is a GW designer did some amazing conversions. He should do a few official minis. Edit- just a little heads up. The imperial knight special character is up for preorder on the 15th so we will most likely get the beasts of chaos preorder in September 22nd.
  5. Yeah there were a couple with a similar weapon. Interesting to see gw dipping way into their back catalogue for inspiration.
  6. Don't worry. I saw them on a list of new releases for this week. Definitely repackaging.
  7. So looking ahead to the end of the year. We will be getting Beasts of Chaos in late September. We will get Nightvault before the end of the year, perhaps in October. If so we will get two more warbands; Moonclan and Tzeentch before the end of the year. we will get wrath and rapture, probably in November. We will get two scenery bundles and 4 battle forces in late November or December. It is not the full destruction army people were hoping for but it is still a pretty good end to the year.
  8. Beasts of chaos was originally intended to be revealed at Nova, so it will be that.
  9. Yeah. Very curious about that. Is it a supplement or a game or what? Will be listening to Warhammer weekly. Hope Vince managed to get a bit more info. The nighthaunt warband looks great. Also the stormcast warband let's you complete a unit of evocators from the soul wars box and use the spare as an Incantor. Disappointed by the lack of moonclan info, but the flying squig is awesome.
  10. Who was it who said exactly that on here a few days ago?
  11. Oops got my timezone maths wrong. It is 8.40 in the morning here.
  12. Yeah underworlds is a great game with some awesome minis. I am hoping that we see 10 teams in season 2. Not long to wait now.
  13. With a mystery reveal confirmed for 40k as well as orks, and a focus on Nightvault, I am back to thinking we won't see Moonclan today. Seminar starts in 5 minutes. Whatever comes it will be exciting. Speed Freeks is the first 40k to really grab my interest since 8th launched.
  14. The seminar starts at 7.30pm Eastern time. The info will go up online when the seminar finishes. So we should know everything in 23 hours time.
  15. Slightly worried we won't see much for AoS at Nova. GW has already confirmed more Orks, probably including the full speed freeks unveiling, and Nightvault. They will almost certainly show Delaque for Necromunda and some form of chaos for 40k, whether it is Abaddon, Fulgrim, or Angron. If they throw gsc that is already quite a lot of stuff to show. I am sure Moonclan are coming eventually but I will be a bit disappointed if we don't see them on Wednesday.
  16. With a probable 8 battletomes this year, I wonder what next year will bring. Slaanesh, Darkoath, new destruction, new death, Skaven, free peoples and expanded versions of Iron jaws and KO would be pretty good.
  17. They will have Tzaangors which means, new nice minis and ranged options with the skyfires. They have one of the best minis ever made in the Shaggoth. The dragon ogres, gors, bestigors, ungors, and bray shaman are all pretty good relatively recent kits. Some of the old resin kits especially the beastlord hold up really well. It is only really the warherd section of the army that is a bit lacking and can can sub in the awesome Mierce minis for those. I have to say the simple addition of the Tzaangor has really caught my interest. I already have a few of those and a Shaggoth, suddenly I am more than half way to a 1000 point army.
  18. Interesting to see that it will include Tzaangors. With all the various types of chaos beasts we will be looking at at least 20 warscrolls. That should allow for some pretty varied lists.
  19. Good spot. There I was thinking we would be getting them in a couple of weeks. The available now tag suggests we will get their preorder in late September. With Rogue trader probably taking just one week, we may even see the Moonclan first.
  20. With the battletome coming in the next white dwarf, it looks like we will be seeing the beasts of chaos pretty soon. As the white dwarf photos say available now. Maybe in the next week or two It seems likely that we will see moonclan this year too. That would make 8 battletomes in one year which is pretty unprecedented. We are also getting more Shadespire this autumn. It has been quite a year for Aos. Looking forward to seeing some more stuff on Wednesday. We may even see an article about the beasts today.
  21. I am firmly in the like camp. I always feel that a model which deeply divides opinion is a success. One of warhammer's great strengths, especially on the fantasy side, is that it has a huge variety of miniatures which still manage to look like they belong in the same universe. This mini definitely feels a bit more cartoony, but part of that is the very bright paint job. Personally I love the massive mushrooms, the glum expression and the stubby little legs. I understand that is not to everyone's taste but should be OK. The old stone trolls are probably pretty easy to get hold of given how long they have been around and would make a pretty good proxy for those who like grots but not these.
  22. A battletome that recreates the old beasts of chaos book would be great. I just hope Moonstone is wrong about the lack of new kits.
  23. We have already had a terrain bundle leak this year. http://natfka.blogspot.com/2018/03/possible-november-releases-that-you.html
  24. This weekend? No. Maybe next Wednesday. We have both middle earth and more kill team this weekend so GW is not easing up on their release schedule.
  25. I think people need to get some perspective. GW never released more than 5 fantasy army book in a single year and quite often just 2 or 3. This is year is already tied with 2016 for the most battletomes in a single year at 6. We have also had a new rule book, 3 starter sets, a narrative supplement, a big magic supplement and a global campaign not to mention 50 free short stories and the generals handbook. Back in the day GW would release a rule book one month, a starter set the next, and each army book would get a month to itself as would the magic supplement. So we have had 5 months worth of releases in two. Personally I think we have just had the best 8 months for fantasy of any kind. Another battletome in the autumn would just be icing on the cake.
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