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Everything posted by Chikout

  1. About 20 mins and counting until we see at least one dragon (hopefully).
  2. Yeah, I think we've seen enough to know that those rumours aren't true much as I'd love some new BoC kits. Not to worry though, we should be getting an exciting reveal very, very soon.
  3. But we've had very strong hints of that box set since Warhammer fest in May. That rumour is from June.
  4. THey said grey knights would get more than one new kit, so they definitely got it wrong.
  5. Was just checking today's pre-orders. The Vindictors and Gutrippas in the magazine and the two paint sets are all unique sculpts. That's pretty good for anyone who's looking to add a bit of variety especially the shields of the Kruleboyz.
  6. News of Age of Sigmar's demise may have been somewhat premature.
  7. It backs up pretty much everything the previous rumour said, including the fact that it's still a very long time until release. 2024 it is then? Square bases and based off old rules has me less than thrilled though. I wish they'd gone for something similar to asoiaf.
  8. But popular items go out of stock before gw can make more. The Soulblight battletome is out of stock right now. As far as I'm aware Soul Wars was never that popular. It's obviously impossible to know, but I'd be very curious to learn how many runs of the Soul Wars box GW did. Warcry and the 8th edition Kill team weren't marketed as limited but GW didn't do a second run of either of those products.
  9. The other question that occurs to me is this. Did Soul Wars ever go out of stock? With other popular products we have seen them quickly sell through their launch allocation, then get a second run a bit later, but I don't remember Soul Wars ever going out of stock. Obviously it wasn't a limited product but did GW ever get to the point where they needed to do a second run? The big question for Dominion is not really how well it sold compared to Indomitus but how well it sold compared to Soul Wars. I don't suppose we'll know the answer to that unless GW discusses it in their financial report which is due on July 27th.
  10. Second hand Stormcast doesn't because it's very easy to get hold of. The magazine has been an endless source of very cheap Stormcast models, probably cheaper than most resellers are asking for. LRL and especially Soulblight are much rarer and so the value is higher. The LRL launch box never sold out after all. When the second wave of kits launched, nothing sold out fast. Soulblight on the other hand are a genuinely popular army. I did a quick check on Instagram the other day. There are almost twice as many #stormcasteternals posts as any other faction. Skaven have the second most. Again that may just be because they are easy to get hold of but people seem to enjoy painting Stormcast.
  11. I'm just hoping for some more battleline options for Kruleboyz. Ironjawz and Bonesplitters have several options each. Either a new unit or an option to make the Sloggoth battleline would be great. That rumour engine with the stakes and the hammer definitely looks like another witch hunter. Maybe we are finally getting our Order of Azyr/Devoted of Sigmar/Dawnbreaker crusades army. Alternatively it could be from a new Underworlds warband. We still haven't had a cities of Sigmar warband.
  12. Sorry. Couldn't resist. https://youtu.be/MMiKyfd6hA0
  13. Wow! More on the community site. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2021/07/19/meet-the-powerful-kruleboyz-shaman-whos-best-mates-with-kragnos-or-so-he-claims/
  14. Probably the rest of the sisters stuff. Those players have been waiting quite a while. There's also Aeronautica which got previewed at Warhammer fest. I think the big question is whether we see Killteam or battletomes first. My guess is that we will see battletome pre-orders as early as the 7th or as late as the 21st of August. That leaves plenty of time to do another preview show, though I'd almost prefer if the pics just randomly dropped this week.
  15. Comparing the sales of Dominion to the Beastsnagga box is pretty meaningless. It's clear that they made far fewer of that set. Australian stores only got one copy from gw each, but got 30 or 60 copies of Dominion. The problem with aesthetics is that it's massively personal and guessing how a range will take is far from an exact science. Personally I love all the models except the Hobgrotz. Unfortunately they make up a third of the box. If we had got 10 more Gutrippas and the Troggoth but no Hobgrotz, I would have purchased the box day 1 even though there would be fewer models overall.
  16. No. Flesheater courts won a lot of tournaments but Skaven was the first army to knock Stormcast off the top spot. I think you can find all the old data on the Honest Wargamer website. As an aside I randomly came across this today: A new collection of short stories.
  17. They were the most played tournament army for several months after their AoS battletome came out.
  18. I'm not sure about that. New Dragons and a new Special Character are a pretty big deal. Also they've been following the 40k 9th roll out pretty much beat for beat and they did a codex preview a few weeks after the launch celebration.
  19. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2021/07/13/white-dwarf-466-gets-nostalgic-to-celebrate-a-legends-final-issue/ Jervis Johnson, the designer of Bloodbowl, Adeptus Titanicus and of course Age of Sigmar has retired. I wish him all the best for the future and whoever takes over as the lead designer of AoS has massive boots to fill.
  20. If that rumour is true, they announced the game way too early. I think they should have waited and announced the game alongside Total Warhammer 3. That would have boosted the signal on both those things considerably. Even the three years from now to release would be a very long time. 40k 10th edition and perhaps even AoS 4th edition will be out by then.
  21. Good question. Definitely Soulblight. Not sure about the others. Hopefully not Slaanesh. But even if none of them are we we'll get every book done if we keep to the schedule set by this year and don't get any all new battletomes. If DoK, Soulblight and Lumineth are considered 3rd edition. We can get three new battletomes and still considered up to date by the end of 3rd edition. I would, however, love it if this edition was 4 years. That would take us up to the 10th anniversary for 4th edition.
  22. The October battletome will be the 7th of the year. One more in November or December makes 8 for this year which is perfect timing to do every battletome in 3 years.
  23. Not necessarily. When GW announces a date it's always the pre-order date. They said the Kill Team box is coming in August too but that also means pre-order. My guess is that we'll see Beast Snaggas, Sisters part 2 and aeronautica in the next three weeks then we'll have a multi week AoS pre-order in August perhaps separated by Kill Team.
  24. A Clan Eshin refresh would be amazing. Skaven have got surprisingly little attention since the start of AoS. Only one regular AoS mini. They seem like the ideal faction to get the AoS treatment. Could they even be the Chaos book coming in October?
  25. There's one; the big dragon. This will probably be an unpopular opinion but you can always still play with your old minis. The 8th edition Warhammer fantasy rulebook is still for sale on Itunes. People regularly play rogue trader even now. Bloodbowl had a thriving tournament scene for years even though it was a 'dead' game. I saw people attending 2nd edition tournaments with Brettonians and Tomb Kings long after they were 'squatted' Gw didn't break into your house and steal all your minis or burn your old books. The idea of giving long term evolving rules support is a pretty new thing in the grand scheme of things. Is there another company that does it better? That's a genuine question. I'm not trying to be rhetorical. There was a tournament just last week were a well known player ran a cities of Sigmar army made entirely of halfings. Why not use the cities of Sigmar rules for your chaos dwarf army if you have one? It would be pretty easy to make some rules for a corrupted city.
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