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Everything posted by Chikout

  1. That Norse team would make fantastic marauders.
  2. Maybe it's regional. On the UK store vandus hammerhand, the grimwrath beserker, the battlesmith, the runesmiter are out of stock. To be genuine, I think that when models first come out, the best looking models sell best but once a model is several years old a new book with good rules will drive sales. My understanding though is that most minis sell more in the first month than their total sales after that so the rules related sales spike isn't nearly as big as the looks sales spike. Of course models like the Akhelian King get both. I don't have an idk army but I bought one just because it looks amazing.
  3. Genuine question. Is it better to have a mediocre unit that can be made good by buffs or a good unit that gets broken if you add any buffs to it?
  4. I think that Malerion's Aelves are a shoe in to get a book at some point. Along with Tyrion Malerion is the most notable absence from the ongoing story of AoS. With the juicy rumour that @Norray has kindly just shared, I could see both of those god's being introduced into the main game in 2023.
  5. Named character upgrade sprue like this one they did for the knight? Different paint job suggests it's a new model.
  6. So it's painted differently. The haft of the axe and the sword are different. I think we are getting a mega gargant upgrade sprue, like we did with the 40k Knights.
  7. They've done rumour engines where they photoshopped out the background before. I think that is the case here. They look like trophies so chaos or destruction are the options. Definitely an AoS rumour, so gw haven't given up on us completely. Edit. Wow did they just mess up or are we seeing a megag argant upgrade like they did with Knights and they just forgot this part was old?
  8. Prediction time. They usually do about 5 reveals so I'm going for: Underworlds zombies Blood bowl Norse team 40k chaos marines AoS Slyvaneth Vs Skaven battlebox Necromunda ash wastes The AoS thing is the only part I'm not sure about. There's a possibility we might see some more models for Nighthaunt. I'd love to see the next Underworlds starter but I don't think they'll show two Underworlds things in one show. A new campaign book for AoS would also be cool. There will probably be something for Warhammer+ . They promised they were going to ramp up the release schedule this year and Adepticon would be a good time to show it off. They might fully unveil next year's models too.
  9. I always imagined in game death just meant being driven off the battlefield especially for special characters. Also are people not overestimating the power of this ability. There's a fairly high chance it does nothing at all. If you hit someone you have to wait until the next turn to choose a new target and then you have to wait until the turn after that to make another judgement roll. You can do a maximum of three rolls per game and you have to roll extremely hot and survive until the end of the battle to achieve that.
  10. There's a lot of hyperbole going on here. If you look at the stats, the top end of AoS isn't doing too badly especially when compared to 40k. No army has a win rate of over 60%. There are a few problem warscrolls which need rewrites and I still don't understand why gw doesn't just change them. The Autarch change was very well received. It's really the bottom end where the problems are. Nighthaunt, Skaven and Slyvaneth are getting new books soon so hopefully that will help. That leaves Khorne, Bonesplitterz, Gloomspite and Slaanesh. Some of those factions can be helped by points which should arrive with the ghb, and hopefully Gloomspite will get a new book by the end of the year. I really think that the limitations of physical books that is holding things back. It's not too difficult to imagine a situation where has written a new improved Gloomspite book but don't want to introduce any if those changes until the book is out. As for the studio, the recent article introduced us to Matt Rose, who accorded to the internet has been the new boss if AoS for six months. If it's the same guy, he used to be a producer at Ubisoft. Given that new books are usually completed a year in advance, it will be a while until we see his impact on the game. I hope it changes things for the better.
  11. I think a lot of the complaining is misdirected. The core problem is the ghb and the points updates that will presumably accompany it. That book is already written. The cut off for points changes was about new year. Due to the way these rules are put out gw can't change any points right now incase they invalidate the ghb before it is even released. I doubt it was the rules team who made the decision to release rules in that way but they have had their control over the game limited by this system. They also seem reluctant to change warscrolls unless they can put them in a book. This may also be a top down mandate. Given all the constraints gw have put themselves under, this isn't a bad idea. A big potential issue with points changes is that it prevents people from being able to play the models they want or forces them to buy new ones to compete. Let's say I have 4 megas and the points on all of them go up to over 500. Suddenly I can't take 4 in a list and my £125 model becomes worthless. Not only that but I have to buy and paint some other gargants to fill out the points. This sidesteps that issue. I can still take 4 megas but I'm at about of a disadvantage if I do. It probably won't help the lowest tier armies but it might give the b tier armies a bit of a leg up. It is a bit more bookkeeping but really not much more and it can easily be written on your army list. As for new players surely one of the first pieces of advice would be to read the tournament pack and the latest FAQs. I'm curious to see how it plays out.
  12. I think the problem is the ghb. That book is already at the printers, presumably alongside another points update. Unfortunately since the points in that book were locked into place months ago GW is never going to be able to update points in a sensible way. The alternative is to try stuff like this.
  13. It's definitely not Skaven. It's got one big tooth not two, it's nose is too short and it doesn't have enough fingers. I really hope it's an all new destruction race.
  14. I've no idea. Something completely new for AoS?
  15. I went back and checked. The battle sister bulletin had 19 articles across 9 months. Path of the preview has had 27 articles in less than 2 months. The weird part is that it's not even that big a release. It's only 10 kits. Gloomspite Gitz, OBR, IDK, KO, Soulblight and Nighthaunt all had more.
  16. Gw really are banging the Aeldari drum hard. They've had 40 previews in February. That's more than AoS has had this year including the comics. It's comfortably the most previews they've done for any faction. So far there have been a grand total of 3 Fyreslayer previews.
  17. Last week’s rumour engine could be the jabberslythe’s tongue. These two rumour engines together really do paint a distinctly Jabberslythe shaped picture.
  18. New article focusing on Allopexes. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2022/02/21/the-akhelian-allopex-is-bloodthirstier-than-ever-in-the-new-battletome-idoneth-deepkin/
  19. So after thirty years without a map they finally made one and it's just three kingdoms era China. This project really isn't doing much to excite me.
  20. If I was a betting man, I'd say Eldar after black library then idk and Fyreslayers in march followed by more Eldar and then Killteam. That would take us up to Adepticon where gw will switch focus to 40k Chaos and maybe a new model or two for AoS.
  21. It does pretty much align with other similar polls though. Fyreslayers are way down at the bottom despite being an ok army competitively. Nighthaunt and Gloomspite are the opposite. Factions with older minis need good rules to keep them popular. This is all the same as the Warhammer weekly survey and the one a user here did. When you have 3 different surveys all posting similar results, you can start to draw some conclusions.
  22. Someone did a calculation and it's about 50% not counting the paints, brushes etc that are usually sprinkled into the collection.
  23. It's hard to pick a favourite. Dan Abnett has one of the best. Reading the Gaunts Ghosts short stories in the original Inferno was the thing that got me into Warhammer fiction. As for AoS, The silver shard by Nick Horth is up there. He also was the lead writer on Broken Realms Morathi which is my favourite campaign book ever in terms of the lore. The Red Hours novella by Evan Dicken was also great. I really hope he gets a chance to do a full novel some time. Despite the naysayers there is plenty of recent work that I'd strongly recommend. Gloomspite by Andy Clark is terrific. Court of the Blind King by David Guymer is great and all the Prince Maesa stories by Guy Haley are awesome, particularly the series of stories in Inferno. Overall I've been impressed by the new Inferno. It captures a lot of the things I liked about the original.
  24. Josh Reynolds said that Soul Wars was one of his best performing books. So it's marines and tie ins that sell. It's still a bummer that Spear of Shadows didn't sell. If that book had been a hit, Josh might not have left. It's also one of the strongest examples that what the community says they want isn't what they buy.
  25. So to get things back on the rumour track, I've been thinking about the upcoming release schedule. There's a whole lot of 40k on the way with Eldar, Tyranids, chaos and chaos Knights, but not much else. The talk about Ash wastes suggests it's not coming out for a while. Horus heresy has long been rumoured but the lack of official info suggests it also is not coming for a while. There's a Killteam box coming soon but that's it. GW could release the 40k stuff back to back but that hasn't been their custom. They usually alternate 40k with something else. This all to say that I think we could be seeing the next battletomes may be coming pretty soon. I think the next release will either be Killteam or Fyreslayers and Idk. I also think we will see the next battle box in March with Nighthaunt and DoK in April. It wouldn't surprise me to see the other two books in June. That would mean 9 books in 12 months. That's actually a good pace and would allow them to release an all new book or two and still get every book updated before the next edition.
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