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Everything posted by Chikout

  1. I think everyone is aware of this possibility by now, but I think it safe to say I'm not alone in much preferring the other type of Kurnothi. A Kurnothi warband in the vein of the underworlds warband or the cursed city hero would be an instant buy. Some slightly different looking Sylvaneth would not.
  2. That's definitely OBR, almost certainly a new warcry warband.
  3. I think we are talking at cross purposes here. Is Eternus functionally a Stormcast in the way he was made and what he does? Yes. Is it possible for Nagash and even the Skaven to make their own versions of Stormcast. Yes. OBR are kind of that already. To me those aren't particularly interesting questions though. For me, the interesting questions are: Is it possible for a Stormcast to willfully turn against Sigmar in the that Archon did and what would happen to them if they tried? How much free will do the Stormcast actually have? What is the nature of the flaw? Was it deliberately engineered? Can it be reversed? What would happen to knights Excelsior if they suddenly got all their memories back? How benevolent is Sigmar? Can Stormcast actually die? I'm sure there are more. The question of whether another power can copy the process of making a Stormcast isn't interesting to me simply because the answer is clearly yes.
  4. Yeah but the lore implications are not remotely the same. We've yet to see a Stormcast switch factions from order. That is a lever that GW has resisted pulling so far. Eternus was a chaos worshipper the whole time. He just switched from supporting Archon to Belakor.
  5. Very excited to see the full cg trailer at Adepticon. Don't expect to see more than a couple of minis from each faction but the trailer will probably give hints about the rest. As for the lie, my feeling is that he lied about the possibility of a cure. He knew the search of the sacrosanct chamber would yield nothing.The flaw is inherent to the process and he lied about it in order to give the Stormcast hope that a cure could be found. Also turning into a lightning gheist is a matter of when and not if. Also I don't think we're going to see Stormcast turn to chaos. What if a bunch of them try to give up the fight and return to their old lives only to be treated like monsters by their old families? This could make them to to Nagash to preserve their souls and we finally get Deathcast Eternals.
  6. It would make sense. OBR is definitely the next death faction in line for an update. Soulblight got a massive update at the end of Second edition. Nighthaunt will end up with 5 3rd edition kits and FEC just got a big update. I'm much more confident that OBR will get a second wave than I am about Fyreslayers, KO or IDK.
  7. I know this is a joke but I think we would see a very different picture if we broke it down by subfaction. Perhaps this needs to be the focus of attention going forward. Seraphon is the classic example who are both over and under performing simultaneously.
  8. Not a surprise in the slightest. AoS novels this year were all about new characters except Grombindal. Almost all the 40k books were about well known characters or from well established series. I recently finished listening to Son of the Forest. It was a decent book but there were definitely a few AoS books I preferred. I voted for Grombindal but it was a tough call to choose between that and Temple of Silence.
  9. I wonder who the lead designer on the range is. There are quite a few Skaven fans in the studio. For example these Jezzails were converted by Maxime Pastourel who was the lead designer on the Death guard project after painting his own Death guard army. It's pretty common for GW to give the design job to someone who's a fan of the faction. Steve Party designed some of the new Seraphon after converting his own army and Darren Latham, who is a massive Eldar fan, designed the new Avatar.
  10. No I think they're just saying that 2026 is for cities stuff. In any case this rumour is such an obvious reskin of all the previous tga rumours that I don't believe anything new in it for a second. It's pure guess work.
  11. Yeah. That's what I saw which made me doubt myself.
  12. Yeah I noticed that. I swore there was a preview article that said she was an Aelf, but maybe I was wrong.
  13. @Clan's Cynic If you take them in a Cities army it’s Callis and Toll and a second unit called Toll’s companions. At least that seems to be what the article is suggesting.
  14. I really hope they don’t. Also they’ve just added an elf to the cities range in the Saviours of Cinderfall box.
  15. That's either Grombindal or a new TOW Dwarf hero or both. I'm very curious what GW will do with his rules. It would be very logical to give him rules for AoS and TOW, but politics could get in the way. A decision to only do rules for one or the other could confirm the rumours we've been hearing.
  16. That rumour engine isn’t the wilder fiend. But this one is.
  17. A fantastic looking box. I especially love the pose of this guy. They way he’s leaning over in the saddle to thrust his spear is awesome and a level of specificity we don’t often see in mounted minis.
  18. That’s a very cool video but GW’s open day preview has been extremely weird. That star player was the main focus of the preview video they put up on Saturday, but instead of showing him off on Sunday they’ve waited until today to say anything. Meanwhile the Darkoath video that GW themselves accidentally leaked hasn’t got a mention despite the fact that the video is all over the internet. The cat isn’t merely out of the bag, it’s up on the table, gleefully knocking all of the community team’s best plans onto a concrete floor.
  19. The specialist games studio is definitely going to run into a resources problem. We’re already seeing this. Bloodbowl used to get 4 teams a year. Last year they got one. Middle Earth used to get a couple of plastic kits a year but they haven’t had a single new sculpt in more than a year. Titanicus and Aeronautica got dropped probably because they don’t have the resources to support them alongside Legions Imperialis which has an even worse stock situation than The Old World. If selling out quickly is a measure of success, that game is GW’s best product ever. The old world looks to have been a big enough hit that it deserves the level of support, Heresy is currently getting but unless they hire several more designers, I don’t see how they can do it. It also seems to be the case that at least one designer who was being trained to make Old World plastics left suddenly. When Underworlds first came out people were saying it wouldn’t last a year but here we are 8 years and almost 50 warbands later and it’s still going strong so I’m certain The Old World will continue getting support for a long time but I don’t think we’ll see a big increase in the level of support any time soon.
  20. I'm really curious how many of the new resins they are making. Nekaph is already sold out. Did anyone here successfully get one?
  21. They've gone the other way with the likes of the unmade. I like that Chaos has such a wide identity now. It fits the lore of them being the majority of the inhabitants of the realms. Personally I love them. Between the Harbinger, the freeguild marshall and this chieftain GW might have made three of their best minis ever. I was all set to get excited about Skaven but they've got some serious competition now.
  22. Surely they’ll have to show the Skaven now? It’s really weird that they’d upload a video now if it was meant for Adepticon.
  23. Major leaks! Holy **** I’ve seen amazing things.
  24. Yeah I noticed that. Interesting decision to do a hero unit and normal units. The Darkoath are a really unusual range. Two heroes, two Underworlds units, a warcry unit, a regiment of renown and so far no regular units.
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