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Posts posted by Chikout

  1. 4 minutes ago, bethebee said:

    daemons belong with mortals because their worship directly empowers and manifests the daemons; they aren't different, just two sides of the same coin.  they share the same ideals, visual language, general playstyle, and most other things with each other.  one being made of human worshippers and the other being magical nonsense is integral to their dynamic, not something that seperates them; cultists summoning demons (or being turned into one!) has been a staple in Warhammer as long as it's existed.

    kruleboyz and ironjawz have nothing connecting them but being orcs.  they dramatically differ in where they typically live, their strategy, physical + mental makeup, how they engage with other factions and races, their wants, their visual language, and they both worship the same god so differently it's almost impossible to tell it's the same one (almost like he's two put into one or something!).  i won't go so far as to say that they shouldn't be able to ally with eachother but they're direct opposites in aesthetic and it makes zero sense for them to be together in this way.

    There some to be some passionate people on the other side of the argument. In a perfect world there would be dozens of factions with fully built out Troggoth, Spiderfang, dispossessed and Kurnothi factions. 

    What I was trying to do was predict what GW might do. Even the biggest miniatures company has limited resources. Dividing the ironjawz and Kruleboyz for the indexes makes sense as it's easier to write battle traits for them. Putting them back together in the battletome also makes sense. The book will sell more as two sets of players will buy it,  it frees them up to add a new battletome (Chaos Duardin) and they have history of having an eclectic mix of factions under the Orruk or Orc banner. The two faction could be easily described as encapsulating the two sides of the coin that is Gorkamorka. It won't particularly bother me if GW make two battletomes but I don't want to see people getting too excited about a prospect that has at best a 50% chance of happening. 

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  2. 21 minutes ago, Bosskelot said:

    The visual language of IJ and KB are so different that they really shouldn't be the same army.

    They are no more different than the mortal and demon side of most chaos armies. 

    They are also no more different than the old orcs and goblins are. They certainly aren't more different than grots and troggoths.

    If I was in GW's position I would give them separate indexes but indicate that they will still be one battletome in the articles. Ironjawz and Kruleboyz are a clear representation of Gork and Mork. There's a good argument to be made that they belong together. 




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  3. 5 hours ago, Mcm6495 said:

    Let's hope that when the Ironjawz battletome comes out it comes with a Battelforce like they are doing in 40k

    I'm still not convinced the actual battletome will be separate. Having the indexes separate makes sense. Were they really going to have half a page of battletraits and a shared pool of spell lores and artefacts? That would be even worse if the tried to include big waagh as well. It makes just as much sense for them to recombine the factions when the battletome comes out. It already looks like we're going to have something similar in 40k as Deathwatch and Agents of the Imperium may well be combined despite having separate indexes. 

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  4. I’m quite surprised how little we know about what’s coming for Stormcast post launch. We’ve known pretty much the whole lineup for Skaven for quite a while now but not a peep about Stormcast. 

    On the 40k side there are strong rumours (mostly courtesy of valrak who’s been pretty accurate lately) that 10th will be getting more Eldar with Phoenix lords,  agents of the imperium, more Krieg, blood angels, space wolves and emperor’s children 

    On the AoS side we’ve got rumours of chaos Duardin and that’s pretty much it. 

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  5. While I agree that edition changes come and go too fast, I do think this change seems to be setting up the game in a promising way going forward. The actual mechanics of the game seem to be much less of a hodgepodge of rules than before. It's a solid foundation that has plenty of hooks where interesting mechanics can be added. The wyrdflame rule is a little example of that. The anvil of apotheosis is a thing that has been popular in principle.  it looks like exactly the sort of thing that hobbyist have been asking for, a chance to make a unique characterful hero which you can then make a conversion to represent. GW is pushing right into the core of the game by including it in every battletome. 

    The rules we've seen so far are simpler but how much of that is a fundamental change to the game and how much is index hammer remains to be seen. 

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  6. One thing that is guaranteed is that the battletomes will have more rules than the indexes. They want to sell us books after all. It will be interesting to see how different the Stormcast and Skaven books will be from the indexes. At the very least I expect there will be more artefacts, heroic traits and lores. They've said each book is going to have an anvil of apotheosis and different paths. I wonder what else will be included. Will there be spearhead content or will that continue to be in different books? 

    My biggest hope is that the lore sections don't see the cuts that the 40k books got.

    Edit @Sarouan Did you miss the path to glory preview? 


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  7. 6 minutes ago, Gailon said:

    Nagash also had the keyword, but somewhere it was confirmed that he will have a warscroll in each index with the keyword for each faction. But I’m sorry I can’t remember where that was confirmed. 

    It was in the article that first talked about warscrolls. I'm sure it will be the same for Kragnos. 

  8. 20 minutes ago, KarrWolves said:

    I'm a tournament player and even though I'm usually at the top tables I'm definitely for a lower skill floor: easy to learn, hard to master is great imo.

    And I'm pretty neutral to underdog mechanics.

    So please don't say "Tournament players don't want X", just say that you, as a tournament player, don't want it.

    Apologies. That was a bit of a generalisation. I'm actually not a tournament player myself. I'm basing it off players I've talked to and interviews I've seen. I was trying to make a point that balance is not done primarily for tournament players but for new players who might be more badly effected by a negative experience. 

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  9. 5 hours ago, Tonhel said:

    Yet, the AoS ruleset seems very focussed on tournament games.

    Edit: And GW balances the game through tournament results.

    This is another point I disagree with. Tournament players don’t want a simplified game with a lower skill floor. Tournament players certainly don’t want underdog mechanics. GW uses tournament data to balance the game but they are doing that for new players. If I’m a tournament player, I’m already fully invested. I’ve bought and painted a 2000 point army and agreed to pay more money to play the game. If I lose at the bottom or round 2, I’ll be annoyed but I’ll move on and play the next game. If I’m a new player I get thrashed in my first few games by an army that is simply better than mine, there’s a fair chance I might just decide that gaming isn’t for me. The balance is for that new player more than the tournament player. 
    They use tournament data because it’s much easier to gather that than it is to visit everyone’s garages or living rooms and ask them how their game went. 

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  10. 5 minutes ago, Sahrial said:

    I mean… everyone is getting new books, there’s no reason to think ours is early-on in the schedule. I hope the book fleshes things out. We need to realistically be okay with using the index for 1-3 years, sadly.

    I get that. I mean new book with new models and new rules not just a copy and paste from last edition. 

    • Like 1
  11. 11 minutes ago, Jetlife said:

    The Ogor preview is definitely the weakest  of all the previews so far. To me it screams that it's just a place holder until they get the refresh and battletome this edition.  

    Copium hot take. Is this evidence of a new book incoming?  They've been putting all their effort into the new book and they don't want to show their hand too early??

    • Like 2
  12. 6 minutes ago, Sahrial said:

    As a die hard Ogors player my main reaction is

    ”… huh.”

    “Whelmed” really is the way to put it.

    it doesn’t seem… awful… but like… I feel we just lost a lot of character to the army.

    This has honestly been the biggest hit to my hype, yet.

    I like the prayer though. Being able to freeze a bunch of terrain and then push through a big prayer to give everyone a ward save is pretty cool. The gluttons ability is also pretty good.  12 gluttons would have a  control score of 36. There isn't much  in the game that can beat that. 

  13. 13 minutes ago, Tonhel said:

    That is from dec 22 to nov 23. The data from the Honest Warhammer is  for the month april 2024.

    Ofcourse the data that is based on tournament results is not representative for the average hobbyist. But the numbers are what they are.

    Exactly. It's a years worth of data rather than a month's. Surely that's a much better representation of popularity? Here's the more recent data from woehammer. I didn't share it before as it covers a shorter time period though still more than the Honest Wargamer. Screenshot_20240530-214530.png.52dddee83e62ffcefaa4ad95cf754595.png

    The changes from month to month also highlight how much usage swings. There are very few armies that have consistent stats over a year. On the other hand most people's favourite army rarely changes at all.

    The other thing that's important to highlight is how tiny a proportion of the player base tournament goers are. AoS has at most 10,000 tournament players and 40k about  triple that. The Warhammer community site has had about 5 million visitors so far. That makes tournament players less than 1% of the customer base. 

    The financial results back this up. If every listed tournament player spent £1000 to buy two armies a year, they would still only account for less than 10% of GW's revenue last year. 

    Tournament attendees are the bonesplittas of GW's customers, highly vocal but statistically insignificant. 

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  14. 10 minutes ago, Tonhel said:

    I don't think you can't find much better data than this. It's from the Honest Wargamer and stats and data collection are their thing. It's based on tournament results from all over the world.

    You can chose to not believe this data. Even if it is only from tournament data, it is the best thing we have. Ofcourse GW are the only ones with 100% correct numbers, but I trust the Honest Wargamers data a lot more your subjective gut feeling 😛😉 


    This isn't true if you're trying to guage faction popularity. The woehammer stats are more comprehensive. If you look at this you can see that DoT used to be 6% of the meta and then it dropped off a cliff. That's has nothing to do with popularity and everything to do with competitive viability. image-16.png.e8d45296c743560f0edcc2566cc4ff9c.png

    There are a few trends you can learn. If an army has bad results but consistently high representation it's a sure sign that's it's a popular faction. The opposite is also true. 

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  15. 12 minutes ago, Snarff said:

    Aelves actually get releases though, unlike Duardin lmao

    I guess everyone forgot 2015- 2017 when we got two whole armies for Duardin and nothing for Aelves. In terms of number of AoS specific kits Aelves didn't overtake Duardin until  the Lumineth release in 2020. 

    Dok still has the fewest AoS kits of any Aelven or Duardin faction. 

    • Sad 2
  16. 2 hours ago, Baron Klatz said:

    Holy cow, really?! Good for them! 👏 🐀 


    Fingers crossed even 40% of your predictions hit home and make us feel like we’re back in 2018’s Malign Portents era of rapid releases and updates.

    Even if that ends up 2 new units and a terrain piece per faction(especially those missing them, justice of Orruks get 2) and just a new universal Endless Spell pack I’ll consider that a big win compared to AoS3’s dry spell.

    It's not that unrealistic a guess. If you ignore warcry, underworlds and single model factions AoS got 87 new kits in third edition. If all the factions I listed get the maximum number of kits I guessed it comes to 82 kits. 

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  17. Ok. Here goes. Swinging for the fences with a big AoS 4 prediction. 

    A general one. Faction terrain and endless spells are back. The slaves to darkness scenery is a sign of things to come. 

    Skaven - as has been reported by @SG Warhound 8 or 9 new kits +

    A plague monks unit for warcry. The plague censor will be a weapon option for some models instead of a unique unit. Eshin is being saved for 5th  or 6th edition whenever we visit ulgu and finally get Malerion. 


    Stormcast. A relatively small additional release. A ruination chamber centrepiece, one or two units and one or two heroes. (After leviathan marines only got two units and three foot heroes) 

    Gloomspite a smallish release 2 - 5 kits featuring gitmob and hopefully armoured troggoths. 

    Mawtribes - a big update 8-10 kits but perhaps more like flesh eaters than cities. New versions of resin, completely new units but barely any updated plastics. 

    Khorne -a small release 2-5 kits but we will see a big demon prince Khul model. 

    Tzeentch - a small update 2-5 kits focused on the demon side of the range 

    All chaos god armies will have access to the slaves terrain piece. That's why it has different builds. 

     Chaos Duardin - new range 8-12 kits scenery, endless spells

    Idk - mid sized release 3-6 all new kits. Endless spells. 

    Fyreslayers mid sized release 3-6 kits. There will be cavalry. The one thing everyone loves about Fyreslayers is the magmadroth. Of course gw will lean into it. 

    OBR - small update 2 or 3 new kits like the slyvaneth update. 

    Cities - mid sized update leaning into the religious side of the army. The underworlds warband was a preview. 

    Lumineth - Tyrion will turn up in the end of edition campaign series which gw will foolishly release at the end of the edition again instead of spaced over the years. He won't get any friends until 5th edition. 

    5th edition will buck the trend and will be a refreshed vanguard chamber Vs Malerion's Aelves . 

    More updates but smaller ones seems to be a trend GW are following with 40k tenth. I expect AoS to do that too. 



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  18. 3 minutes ago, BarakUrbaz said:

    Here's what I'm curious about: seeing that the Kharadron Code is no longer part of the KO's faction abilities, what will the Codewright do now?

    Yeah it's not the transport thing but the lack of the code that's the biggest nerf to KO and probably the most obviously missing thing in the articles we've seen so far. I think KO are the victim of the the one page battle traits rule they seem to have set themselves for the indexes. Hopefully the code comes back when the battletome is released. 

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  19. 24 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

    AoS KharadronFF May28 Spearhead

    I am starting to hate this new way of painting the Spearheads. They look too poor quality-wise.

    Completely disagree with this. This spearhead looks great and it's awesome to see gw embracing colour schemes that in almost every case have never been used in official material before and look achievable for the most painters. It's not like they aren't showing the eavy metal version as well. 

    • Like 12
  20. 1 hour ago, Schulzy said:

    Same armour save as a Freeguild Cavalier-Marshal and only one extra wound!? That doesn't seem a fair delineation imo.

    Two inches extra movement, wounds on 3 not 4 and has an extra pip of rend. Plus the mount actually has a worthwhile attack profile. For two warscrolls that are leader on  more or less horse sized mount that’s quite a bit of difference.

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  21. I'm in favour of soup for a few reasons. Firstly is cheaper for GW and for us. Look at the Fyreslayers book versus the Stormcast book. The Stormcast book has double the number of pages for the same price. It's not just the warscrolls and unit descriptions. The lore section in the Stormcast book is twice as big as the Fyreslayer one. If you have ironjawz and Kruleboyz do you really want to have to buy two books to play them?

    More soup books leave space for more factions in the future. I understand the concept of just updating existing factions, but gw needs to keep the game fresh to maintain excitement and to attract new players. Staleness was definitely one of the things that killed fantasy. The best way to increase excitement is new factions. It's not really a surprise that third edition didn't set the world alight with just one new faction.

    I don't think balance needs to a problem either. That's just legacy problems as @Nezzhil said. 

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  22. 8 minutes ago, Gailon said:

    This really shows the impossibility of a game to please everyone. 

    That's why we have more than one game though. It does annoy me somewhat when people ask for AoS to be more like fantasy or vice versa. Let the two games carve out their own niche. The honest Wargamer is a good example. He's obviously found that he really enjoys the way the old world plays which is great but now he's constantly comparing AoS to it. Why? They're not trying to be the same game. They're made by different teams and they're targeting different audiences. I wish they would allow players to use the same models in both games but in terms of play experience I want them to be very different. 

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