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Everything posted by Chikout

  1. At the very most the wraith fleet is some converted models, but it is probably just fluff and an alliegence ability.
  2. I suspect the pirate vampire stuff will just be in the fluff. I doubt they would announce a new faction or minis in the comments section of the Facebook page. That said I would love to be wrong.
  3. So a few things. 1- on the Facebook page someone asked about Seraphon. GW said the art 'might not be everyone' 2- regarding the extra Stormcast and Blood Warriors, someone suggested that they might be expansion characters. GW replied 'the plot thickens' This is actually kind of exciting. Expansion Vampire anyone? 3- Shadespire is season 1 of Warhammer Underworlds. On warhammer TV Vince said the starter came with 96 cards which were marked as part of a series of 431. Take away a few cards for expansion characters etc and you have 8 warbands each with about 50 cards. 4- That strongly suggests that we have 2 warbands from season 1 and maybe some more characters yet to be revealed.
  4. Some new art that was hinted at in the rumour engine suggests that new demons are coming.
  5. Here is the latest rumour engine. It looks like it is Aelves or their 40k cousins.
  6. Everyone should watch the warhammer weekly video about Nova. Lots of tidbits like more female stormcast coming, more deathrattle after Christmas, and more info about Slaanesh in 2018!
  7. Took a couple of pics of the ardboyz. The boss is wearing a cloak. Is that a first for a GW ork? I especially like the guy in the mask. If the price is reasonable, I will buy every single Shadespire warband.
  8. Regarding the artwork and black library. There was a spell when GW was very tightly controlling both these parts of the company in order to insure that they only depicted available minis. Recently I believe they have given the writers and artists a bit more leeway to use their imagination. So now writers are encouraged to make pitches to GW about what they want to write rather than just following a tight brief from GW. (Books like dark Imperium are probably an exception to this). Artists are allowed to create characters to fill in the back ground and give flavour to the piece. That picture may have been inspired by a new guo model but, I would temper you excitement somewhat.
  9. I think GW has stopped doing miniless books for AoS. With 15 factions getting allegiance abilities in Ghb2 it is safe to assume that those factions will not get a battletome for at least a year. They said the reason for not doing other factions was a lack of minis or a lack of ideas. Both would prevent the release of a new miniless book. There is chance that we will get a nurgle book but I think blight war is the stop gap release there. So much like Tzeentch we may see a full book plus minis next year. Aelves are definitely on the way. That said the lion cloak and mini dragon arm may both be from Shadespire. I would not be surprised to see a quiet winter followed by a very busy spring again. GW are doing a panel about Ghb2 at the nova open next week, during which they will talk a little about the future of aos. Hopefully they will show us more than just the season of war stuff.
  10. Here is a guesstimated release list for the rest of the year. aug 26- blight war sep3- season of war sep 10-24 Deathguard oct 1-8 admech oct 15- 22 shadespire plus expansion 1 0ct 29 elf bloodbowl Nov 5 - 12 Necromunda plus expansion Nov 19 shadespire expansion 2 plus 40k codex 6 nov 26 Dec 3 codex 7 plus minis dec 10 codex 8 and 9 dec 17 codex 10 dec 24 40k chapter approved That is already a rediculously packed shedule and I am kind of expecting at least one more big mini release for 40k this year. It does not leave much room for a new battletome unfortunately. P.s The order is definitely wrong but these are the releases that GW has already promised will come this year. Even if they announce nothing else, they will struggle to fit it all in to their usual release format.
  11. So the warhammer community article has been updated. The release month is neither September nor November. Here is the quote: "If you want to try Shadespire for yourself, you won’t have to wait long – it’ll be available this October with the first two expansions out by November."
  12. It would and I kind of hope that is true, but a while ago Hastings, the famous rumour monger said that Skaven were coming to Shadespire. The rumour picture makes me believe this is true. Hopefully the pace of releases is brisk and we won't have to wait long to see a destruction faction. If they are serious about doing tournaments they need a good selection of factions early. In bloodbowl they could release rules without minis and let people convert, but in this they can't as they need the card packs. Having 4 factions available within a month of release is an encouraging sign.
  13. Here's a weird thing. I went back to read the Shadespire preview on the community site again and noticed that it has been edited. It now says that the game is coming in October with the first TWO expansions coming by November. They said that they will have a Shadespire announcement at nova next week. I expect it to be the second expansion after deathrattle. That expansion will probably be Skaven. This image has been said to be a bloodbowl mini but it does not match any of the currently available minis. I think it is probably from the Shadespire set.
  14. The adepticon to has already said that compendium armies will be allowed there, hopefully other organisers will follow suit.
  15. The cost usually appears the Monday before preorder, so we will probably get it tomorrow.
  16. Extremely excited for shadespire. Presumably we will see the skeletons in November and hopefully at least one more faction this year. It has been fairly heavily rumoured that it will be skaven. I really hope that this game takes off and they are able to add new factions regularly. I believe they have said that they will not be doing multiple boxes for the same faction so that means no more Stormcast or bloodbound after the core set. This is the first new expandable side game GW has made since Inquisitor in 2001. As awesome as it is to see the likes of Necromunda and bloodbowl return this has me more excited than either of those. While we are at it, is it just me or is the end of this year completely bonkers. we have ghb2 next week then season of war after that. In September we have Deathguard and shadespire confirmed. We probably have thousand sons and blight war too. In November we have Necromunda and sepulchral guard, we also have the hobbit warbands book. Before the end of the year we have the bloodbowl elf union team, the Minotaur and the troll. We have 5 more 40k codexes and the 40k chapter approved book. I cannot remember a busier Autumn for GW ever. My only concern is that it looks like the oft rumoured shadow Aelves may not come until next year.
  17. I think the change is good for the future, but very badly communicated to the community. It is one thing to change points values or to nerf a rule, but if GW want to make a change that effects the way someone builds a unit it is extremely important to communicate this quickly to prevent people like Tom from wasting their time and money. If I was you Tom, I would contact GW customer service on Monday with a polite but strongly worded email including a picture of your new illegal unit. I hope GW is able to do the right thing and sort this problem out quickly. It may not effect many people but it is a serious issue that needs addressing.
  18. I am so excited for Shadespire. To see gw trying something very new for them is awesome. Slightly worried about November though with both this and Necromunda coming in the same month.
  19. Fantastic box art! All three boxes look interesting. I guess these are coming the week after Ghb2. Looking forward to seeing the prices.
  20. Very mixed feelings about this. On the one hand I am happy to see the story progress and more female minis from GW is great but on the other hand Stormcast vs nurgle is very disappointing. I know that there are a lot of nurgle fans here, but their look and character is already very well established in AoS. However good a new beast of nurgle might look, I can easily imagine what it will look like. I was hoping for more outrageous flights of imagination like the overlords. Wacky underwater shadow Aelves please.
  21. The complaint is that GW sold index books at the start of 40k 8th edition and soon after made some of them obsolete by releasing codexes. Personally, I don't think this complaint has any merit. In the very presentation at Adepticon back in March they made it clear that codexes were coming as quickly as possible. This is also mentioned in several article on the community site and Facebook before the preorder date. Complaining about the bloodbound and Stormcast books being made obsolete so guickly is a somewhat valid, but the index books, like the grand alliance books, were clearly and deliberately designed as a stopgap. This is from the official announcement post in May. "Oh, and don’t worry, this doesn’t mean Orks and Tyranids are now on the same side, it just means they share a book for the moment. In the future, they’ll get their own dedicated codexes."
  22. There will be games and interviews on twitch next week from Monday to Thursday focusing on a grand alliance each day. Death won the game today.
  23. I find this all a little mystifying. Age of sigmar is a huge game with hundreds of units, items and abilities. To effectively playtest this in the studio even with a hundred players playing round the clock would be impossible, so if they save the Stormcast points update for the ghb and the points turn out to be broken, then they have a whole year before the next fix. It is much better to put the points in the book, let the whole community play with it and make adjustments based on that for the ghb. I suspect the reason for the long gap between Kharadron and this book is to give time for the community to have some time with every currently available army and try to come up with as balanced a list of points as possible. It will be interesting to see if there are any tweaks to Kharadron points. I am sure there are some the community would like to see. The aim for both AOS and 40k is to have games decided by good generalship on the table not just by choosing the most overpowered units and abilities. In an ideal world list building should be about tailoring a list to make the most fun for you to play with your playstyle and the most fun for your opponent to play against. If it takes five years of ghbs and constant point adjustments to get there, then that is a price I am willing to pay.
  24. GW just announced two new seminars during the nova open at the end of the month. The first will be focused on Shadespire. It is likely that they will announce the 4th faction then. The second is about the general's handbook AND BEYOND!! Hopefully we will finally get a preview of the new Aelves. Exciting times!
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