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Everything posted by Chikout

  1. There is also this one which looks like a fell bat but doesn't match the previewed sculpts.
  2. You misunderstand me. I'm saying that rumour may well be made up because it is a lot of very safe bets. Also I don't doubt that a new edition is coming, I just very firmly on team "delayed until later in the year" for the reasons I explained. I think we should have got Slaanesh last year and broken realms 2 in February. 40k did get 9th edition but even that was delayed, also all of the production work on that edition would have been completed pre covid. A big chunk of the work of this edition would have been scheduled for the middle of the pandemic lock down. It seems somewhat likely that part of the reason why the power levels of the recent books are so disparate is because of the effects the lock down had on playtesting. There is now way the development of third edition hasn't been impacted. I will be genuinely surprised if AoS arrives on schedule in July.
  3. People are saying July because gw are have historically done July. I'm not convinced by it though. There have been a bunch of delays recently and the Evergiven situation may actually have caused some more. My biggest query is where Gardus and the nighthaunt hero are going to fit into things. They didn't say Kragnos would be the last book. Everyone was convinced there would be just 3 books with Alarielle after Morathi and Teclis but now we know there are at least 4. It has been a very AoS centric start to the year which I am very much enjoying but we've already seen 3 major releases for AoS and just a hint at 2 for 40k. Are we really going to get 2 more AoS armies before the end of summer? This year there have been 12 kits released for 40k including 4 in the killteam box. In the same timeframe there have been 19 kits for AoS, 2 underworlds warbands and cursed city. Looking into the future there have been 5 40k kits previewed, 9 for AoS, Be'lakor and 3 more underworlds warbands. I've been playing gw games for more than 30 years and the last time fantasy dominated the release schedule so much, 40k didn't exist. Surely gw have something major for 40k up their sleeve.
  4. It is the same price as Indomitus in the UK and EU so probably $239.
  5. Thanks everyone. Glad to hear it’s covers important events.
  6. For anyone who has seen spoilers I don’t want details but it would be nice to know if we are talking plot moving Morathi style lore, or anaemic psychic awakening style fluff? I can’t wait to get my hands on the book so I can read it for myself. It’s going to be a long week.
  7. I could see the Be'lakor book covering every chaos faction, and the Kragnos book featuring every destruction faction. The question I have is where Gardus and the nighthaunt hero fit in. It would feel weird to have them as a side show in the Be'lakor book. They could be in the Kragnos book as we have no idea what it will be about. In the psychic awakening a couple of factions got relegated to White dwarf so that could happen again. There has been a strong assumption that the broken realms series will end with 3.0 but it would be pretty cool if it continued throughout the year. I would be down for broken realms 5 featuring a combined Duardin army with a handful of new kits against the skaven with a new clan. Also despite all the new kits I still kind of want a Broken Realms Tyrion book.
  8. Does anyone know where the April 3rd rumour came from? It wouldn't be particularly surprising except that gw don't usually like to have two windows in a row feature the same system. Looking at what we have coming out I could see a release schedule that looks like this. Preorders: April 3rd cursed city. April 10th Titanicus and underworlds. April 17th admech. April 24th Be'lakor. May 1st Necromunda and underworlds. May 8th sisters of battle. May 15th Soulblight maybe 2 weeks. May 29th orks maybe 2 weeks. June broken realms 4 July AoS 3
  9. I'm not sure what to make of that rumour. It's a mixture of very safe predictions that anyone might guess and some outlandish claims that no-one seems to want. The one thing I REALLY hope the don't do is drop the digital battletomes. Living in Japan, it relatively difficult to get hold of physical copies of books and I have limited storage space which I need for minis. Assuming they do come out with a new starter set I'm very curious what the stormcast will look like. They've done regular line troops, heavy cavalry, light cavalry and scouts, magic users and even a bit of artillery. As a dream I would like to see a devoted of sigmar/ order of Azyr army with stormcast priests and lord veritant types supported by human witch Hunters and fanatics. Grotbag scuttlers with an actual airship could be amazing. If this rumour is true does it mean that broken realms is only a 4 book series? If the other books are as good as Morathi, that would be disappointing. I'm still hoping for a delayed release for AoS 3. With broken realms, cursed city and Soulblight my wallet is going to need some time to recover.
  10. Those box sets are reasonably priced which is a surprise from gw these days. They all have a discount somewhere in the 40 to 50% range. The Lumineth is very expensive but no more so than the first half of the army. I really hope they do a battlebox this winter or a start collecting.
  11. Unfortunately we don’t know anything for certain except that the game is coming ‘soon’. Aside from the broken realms stuff the only confirmed window we have is that admech and the next underworlds warband are coming in April. As for speculation, they are still doing weekly articles about the cursed city characters. They still have 5 to go. That suggests a launch in early May which would put it in the same timeframe that Silver Tower launched in. I’m still really curious to see if they try to do AoS 3 this summer. I really hope they don’t. I think they should take their time with broken realms and do a book ever other month. Hopefully there are at least 5 books in the series. They could then bring out AOS 3 in the winter once everyone is able to play in events again.
  12. I'm not expecting much. The AoS preview had way more than I was expecting none of which has been released. 40k on the other hand is almost up to date. The only thing that has been previewed properly and not released is the sisters suit. I'm expecting more sisters minis and codex. Admech mini(s?) and codex, redemptionists, OBR warband and more Soulblight but not the full range. If there is a surprise it will be on the 40k side. It is still a surprise to me how few new minis there are for 40k. The roll out of Marines and Necrons won't finish until May. That's a full 10 months mostly focused on just 2 ranges. They had 2 death guard minis,1 DoK mini, possibly just 1 admech mini and maybe a handful of sisters kits. In the same time frame AoS wil have had 10 underworlds warbands, 2 warcry warbands, Lumineth twice, Sons of Behemat, Slaanesh, at least 2 broken realms books, and probably Cursed City.
  13. It looks like I was right with my release predictions unfortunately. Still that means at least one more week to work on the backlog before Cursed City comes out. I’m looking forward to seeing Be’Lakor in full. The preview hints really do make him look massive. I don’t think he’s going to fit on a 60mm base anymore.
  14. I'm sure they intended to release the Lumineth in March. The question is how badly the various shipping issues have affected them. I think they are playing catch up after the snow storm in America which closed their warehouse. The article last week was pretty vague but it did say that gw want to ship worldwide simultaneously in the future.
  15. My guess is that there won't be anything. Why would they announce the dark Eldar date but not Teclis or cursed city if they were coming first?
  16. The base of the rat prince and the vampire lord match exactly. The cursed city bases all have black rims and different coloured earth. As for the pace of releases, the psychic awakening books released monthly but it has already been almost 4 months since broken realms 1 so that tells us nothing. It really is impossible to know when things come out especially when gw can't even tell us when the next release will be.
  17. As others have said they are one of the strongest armies in the game. They have a good range of minis with options in infantry, cavalry, monsters, and both mounted and on foot heroes and with the warscroll change in broken realms they have had the kind of substantive changes that other armies have been begging for. If Beasts of chaos players got a warscroll change to make the cygor even as good as the reavers they would be overjoyed. They even have new models guaranteed to be coming soon. The only thing the army really needs is a need to the eels.
  18. The warcry article on Warhammer community has a fee campaign based on broken realms: Morathi. They said they will do one based on Teclis next month so that pretty much confirms we will see it in March.
  19. So surely that means it will be broken realms Be'lakor next. The hint implies that the book will be about him. With both Gardus and the new nighthaunt hero being broken realms related it looks like we are going to have at least 4 books. That all makes me think we aren't going to see 3rd edition any time soon.
  20. This quote from the article suggests the next book is not Alarielle: " We’re not going to give away too much right now, except to say that this is all tied in with the princely third book in the Broken Realms saga." This immediately suggests Slaanesh. Are there any other notable princes in the mortal realms?
  21. All these hero models are surely going to be connected to the broken realms books. If there isn't a broken realms Be'lakor book at some point, I will eat my hat.
  22. Those rumours about the set costing $300 look like they might be true.
  23. How many times can you gasp out loud in one preview? Love that Ogor.
  24. This whole reveal has just been mind blowing. Cursed city is utterly amazing. This is comfortably the best preview I’ve ever seen from gw.
  25. A nice little tidbit for you ahead of today's preview. There are 5 private videos in the age of sigmar section of the Warhammer YouTube page. There is one in cursed city and one in direchasm. There isn't a private video in the broken realms section. Based on that I think we will have 5 previews: Cursed city, Direchasm, Lumineth, Soulblight and Gardus.
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