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Everything posted by Chikout

  1. Well, the rumour of upcoming releases seems somewhat logical. The very first teaser image from GW suggests duardin. We know that gathering storm book 3 is coming after the vanguard releases. That would allow the duardin to come at the end of the month. Then we have warhammer quest in April and 8th edition in time for warhammer fest in May. Silver tower had two Aelves so we know they are being concepted at least. The Slaanesh bit seems the most problematic. It has been heavily hinted by Atia that we will see Nurgle stuff in the autumn for 40k. Three chaos gods in one year seems excessive.
  2. Presumably in this case the Tzeentch player would focus on buffing spells. Can anyone read the restrictions on the chamber? It looks like it says must include at least six somethings. I wonder if that prevents it from being used in 2000 point battles. We also don't know how much these special rules will cost.
  3. Using battalions is a good idea as it frees the rules from the paint schemes. I can paint my Stormcast pink, but because I use the appropriate battalions, I can take advantage of the special rules.
  4. I wonder if we will see a joint book with the fyreslayers built in. It would be a good chance to update them to the new rules with allegiance abilities etc. It would also be a good time to do a start collecting box.
  5. Not sure if this has been shared but the skies above chamon are mentioned again in the tzeentch book. Grot scuttlings are also mentioned as a separate faction allied with some bonesplittas.
  6. Some pictures from the digital sample on the black library website. Alternate heads for the loc and new horrors. Still no Kairos though?
  7. This month's white dwarf is a week later. The official release date is January 6th, presumably to avoid shipping around New Year.
  8. It is definitely not Azyr. As mentioned in the live stream Sigmar has established some new cities in the realms of fire and life. Tzeentch implanted cults in these cities as they were founded. What we are seeing in the art is likely one of these new cities which explains the slightly better condition of the architecture. Regarding that art, the only thing that will stop me starting a Tzeentch army, is the temptation to do a Duardin army. A box set featuring them both would solve my dilemma nicely.
  9. With the name change it seems that they will add demons; maybe a loc too?
  10. Already have prime, but used it to sub to warhammer live. Really looking forward to today's show.
  11. Bols and spikey bits are the WORST places on the Internet for rumours. Their rumours are guesses at best. Check out the rumour accuracy tracker on dakka. It has a nice list of the nonsense they have shared over the years. The websites are terrible, and have put spy ware on my phone. We all know that arcanites are coming. There will be Tzaangors (obviously) acolytes, clam packs and most likely a loc (this was rumoured by Sad panda, who actually knows what they are talking about). One thing I will share is that the loc is currently out of stock world wide. (the other greater demons are all still there) This may mean nothing, but it is certainly intriguing.
  12. Rumour has it that it will be £50, the same as start collecting. I think that qualifies as absurd.
  13. Here is a weird rumour courtesy of the war of Sigmar blog https://war-of-sigmar.herokuapp.com/bloggings/1460 The Warhammer 8th edition starter is being reprinted for Aos. Not sure what to make of this. Those minis are cool but I want new stuff.
  14. I think what bothers me most is the combination of the long gap and the lack of communication. After Silver tower came out, I decided I wanted to do an Arcanites army, assuming they would come out soon. In July the Sylvaneth came out and I was very tempted, but I didn't dive in because I assumed the Arcanites would come along soon. Now in December a VERY tempting Slyvaneth box set is out, but they teased Arcanites so they must be soon, right? As someone who only gets a couple of hours hobby time a week I cannot buy a new army every month, but had I known in July that the next Battletome would not come out until 2017, I would certainly have bought a bunch of Sylvaneth in July and the December box set too. Instead I have bought nothing and found myself playing titanfall 2 instead of painting and playing AOS. There are hints of a change in policy but is not enough. I would love it if they came out in January and said Ok This year we will do 5 new battletomes in Feb, March, June, August and September. We will also do one new board game in May. They need not give any more info than this but it would let people like me make much more confident purchasing decisions, and avoid the disappointment of getting the white dwarf each month and seeing no new AOS stuff.
  15. I am excited for the possibility of an inquisition release, but the wait for a new AOS has already been too long. Over on bolter and chainsword there is talk of something big for 40k in January. So February? That would be 7 months between battletomes. In 30 years of being in the hobby there has never been such a long gap between army books for one system. GW has made a lot of great changes recently but the balance of releases this year has been terrible.
  16. You are missing my point. I am in favour of Tzaagors in 40k and of dual kits. What is strange is that there is no leader model on the box art despite white dwarf saying there are multiple options for it. The box art is literally 5 minis photoshopped to make ten. It makes the kit look much more monopose than it is. There are very few Tzaangors shown even in the big army shots. The 40k bits are on a little add on sprue. If the intention from the beginning was to make a dual kit it could have been handled much more elegantly. I have not read the fluff book yet ( obviously) but it will be interesting to see if there is much mention of the Tzaangors. My guess is, not a lot. Maybe my guess is wrong but that makes the poor box art all the more baffling.
  17. The Kairic acolytes will get a box. The blue and brimstone horrors are in 40k now so they will get a box. At the moment the AOS Tzeentch release will probably look like this: loc horrors Tzaangors Kairic acolytes a few clam packs. I hope they will add a new unit to the mix, something along the lines of the blight kings. That would make it a pretty perfect release for me. Edit. Totally misread that quote. All the heroes are already out. The Aelf heroes will probably be incorporated into a battletome at some point.
  18. I'm not saying it is a bad idea (I'm all for wacky stuff like Tzaangors appearing in 40k), it is just weird. Why do box art and publicity shots that make the kit seem much worse than it is? It is clear that this was not originally intended to be a 40k kit. I wonder if they were doing some testing, then decided they needed a meat shield unit in the book.
  19. Yeah. I just saw this. What a weird release. There are clearly more than 5 torsos, 8 sets of horns, standard bearer options etc, but none of this is on the box art. This really feels like a last minute addition to the wrath of Magnus book. It is, however, proof that Arcanites are coming soon to AOS.
  20. I am going to double down on my realm of metal Tzeentch vs steamhead Duardin (and Stormcast of course) campaign theory.
  21. The more I look at the box art and the official photos, the stranger it is. It is clearly just 5 models photoshopped. There are options in the kit for a leader model so why not put it on the box? Having compared back and forth a little, the paint job on the AOS models was far superior. Seeing the sprues this weekend should answer a few questions, but it is a bizarre way to promote a new product.
  22. Yeah just noticed that. Especially wierd as it seems like converting the arms at least would be very easy. The Aos Tzaangors went together strangly so I can see why the head, torso and legs would be a set, but not including adjustable interchangeable arms is a dissapointment. I hope the inevitable aos Tzaangor box has a few more modelling options.
  23. So the 40k Tzangors pics just leaked on the war of sigmar blog. Aside from the weapons they are identical to the aos ones. At the very least they would make great conversion fodder. Edit ninjad.
  24. Definitely Duardin. Here is the only official reply to a guess so far.
  25. In the previous books the agents of sigmar were looking all over the realm of metal for the duardin but were unable to find them. There were also little snippets about lights in the sky. The earlier rumours of duardin with jet packs look like they are true. I think we will see an army of steampunk duardin with lots of flyers. The realm of metal is the number one contender for the focus of the next campaign with Tzeentch being the primary antagonist. If I was a betting man I would predict that the next two battletomes will be the duardin and the Tzeentch Arcanites. If they want to continue the technological theme they could do a clan Skyre book too. It has been a very long wait for new info, but next year is looking very promising at this stage.
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