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Son Of Morghur

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Everything posted by Son Of Morghur

  1. Thanks for your advice! @Sception Someone on Reddit is already planning such a tome, maybe we can contact him or get in touch with him? He plans to add the new rules into the tome once we get legacy.... https://www.reddit.com/r/BeastsOfChaos/comments/1by01nd/some_quick_scans_of_the_unofficial_battletome_im/ I have no reddit nor insta socials tho
  2. Yes, and honestly, I would find it weird that they lead the lore of the Beastmen so close to a new release (or at least to somwhere) during Broken Realms, just to scrap everything because of old world. I would understand why they would want to change the beasts as we know them to destruction, and I find that they fit at least as well in this role as in chaos. But I do not think that they would scrap the WHOLE assets and the design (and probably the minis that got designed to), they would or will at least reuse them or a part of those (be it just the base assets) to some degree in another fraction, at least if the lore really seemed to lead to a refresh! The lore is changeable (as we have already seen because of financial reasons), but the effort of the design team and everything behind such a big release? I wouldn't be so sure! Also, there have been some intriguing lore entries in the white dwarf #498 as a reddit user posted here: https://www.reddit.com/r/ageofsigmar/comments/1bbntk5/galletian_bestiary_from_new_wd/ Here are the images: We do see some more lore and wildlife, not to mention the silent ones who got also already posted here if I remember correctly. What is even more intriguing, ist that we have a mention of a non-chaotic cockatrice, so this would still be a hint about a future possibilty! Here are the images again:
  3. I think, writing them a mail is also underrated (if you guys have the time.....)
  4. Nothing has come out of it so far at least. (Hopium) We might still have some surprises, and we don't really know to which extent they will ignore them in the lore. Maybe things got just shaken around because of Covid and Brexit and we might still get a successor to BoC in some ways or the other... Maybe Morghur will remain in the setting and be more prevalent than before! Maybe Kragnos will get an army of his own! Maybe the timing of Old World was just really bad and they would have wanted to push an overhaul through but it got delayed or other things got in the way! That is the problem with GW intransparence. I would really just wish, that GW would dare to do things like the CoS announcement more often. I found it kinda cool to get some updates about it and to just know what they were working on and also to get some insights and snippets of the process! Nothing really prevents them from doing this (apart from themselves), and it does definitely not kill the hype when you see how well CoS were received (and how hyped and liked they still are now)!
  5. It really feels bad having to think about these kind of things 10 years into the game ... We shouldn't really have to worry about these things that much... It's literally just planned obsolescence for miniature games...
  6. Good ctach!!! I didn't knew this insect!!! I don't think so, from what I know of the lore so far, Alarielle ist still searching for the broken parts of Kurnoth and some Sylvaneth are waiting for the return of ther Horned Deity! Some enclaves seemed to have formed, but they are not spoken much about in the Sylvaneth society (as far as the battletome goes). We never got a confirmation that Belthanos was in fact the incarnation of Kurnoth, he has his spear, but he seems to be more a part of Alarielle herself, and not her long lost lover! I didn't read Dawnbringers, so I might not be up to date on his lore, tell me if there is more written about him there!
  7. You are right! But on the other hand, the designers who dare to absolutely break these boundaries, make very interesting models a lot of persons here like. The different warcry bands and some underworld warbands would have been more difficult or even impossible to implement in Old World than in AoS (that's why they nuked it in the first place, or at least, that's one of the reasons) ! I kinda feel like this is really one of these moments where they dared to make something truly completely different. Same goes for this asian style themed Vampire Underworld warband that was also really interesting. I think that there is a certain difficulty or disadvantage for the designers and GW, who try to make something new, but they make something new from these old pieces, and certain expectations are carried over. But a lot of these unique models just got scrapped which I find still annoying and weird, and we now have a wild mix of everything. And sometimes it's cool, sometimes it feels out of place. The new warsong revenant for example, is really cool, but he also has a completely different vibe looking a lot like an anime character with the sword on his back. I do not mean that these things are 100% bad, I just wonder about the design choices because sometimes they do neither fit the old design of 8th Old World, nor do they feel like a commitment to really trying to redesign an army and look out of place, and sometimes they also feel a bit lazy... It maybe feels like I am trash-talking, I do not mean to (I think that a LOT of redesign are really well done, especially the whole vampire and ghost range). I am also aware that the whole redesign is complicated and I am also happy that we are still having some clear inspirations directly out of the old world (like lumineth "elyrian" cavalry, spearman and so on). Just looking at Kragnos, I think he just feels out of place, he has aesthetically speaking, nothing to do with any of the destruction armies and always looked like he belonged to beastmen. It maybe makes a bit sense, if they release the spiritual successor of those under the form of his own army, but time will tell.
  8. I know! And I like the concept. But again, I do not find it always particularly well implemented. In old world, we had these spitling-like fey creatures, that were really special and well designed. Just looking at the "new" Treemen they have a lot of these on their sprues, which is super cool and the old Treemen had a lot of them too (and those looked even more like they would sometimes be playful or sometimes would lure you into the depths of the woods)! The newer ones however, feel way less "fey" and "cruel or playful" and look a lot more like generic insects most of the time. The older ones had a way better mix of different things (there is the three-eyes owl on the treeman and he also has a cool insectoid mini dragon, which is also insanely cool but they were not insect bound at all). I am not sure that someone looking at the models and playing another army would be aware of that, and this is also what bothers me. Instead of utilizing the whole potential of the fey aspect, they make very insectoid like creatures, that in the end, do not look that different than just mashed up insects (whereas the fey insect dragon or the three eyed owl really had something much more etheric and supernatural). I do find it very well implemented with the gossamid archers (I love these models). And I think that this applies to a lot of armies (fyreslayers, Idoneth, cruelboyz), they have so much potential and end up with sometimes very generic units. Not every army tho, I think that the new CoS are extremly well designed. Same goes for Gloomspite Gitz!
  9. The following spoiler contains images of the different mantis I meant, in case anyone is insectophobic.
  10. I fear that may be the case. And I am not even sure, that it would be that much of a problem. Sylvaneth have a lot of potential, just not as anthropomorphized trees. Just look at the new Belthanos model, Belthanos has long braided hair, which looks silly and makes no real sense to me - let the revenants have hair, or not and let the trees keep their fresh growing branches. His insect also makes no sense - from a design point, it feels like they threw every idea they had onto one model. The insect is grasshopper and beetle like with strong cicada elements too. It's mouth got insectoid elements but also has a radula (which is this rolled up tongue with teeth that you can see on the model) which most gasteropods - snails and clams - have. I also have nothing against a design change, if the models are well thought! Since AoS, it seems to me, that Sylvaneth do not have a clear classic forest and woods theme anymore. They are lorewise in an area that also includes jungle elements. So if that's the case, I wish that GW would let their designer go absolutely wild! Give us parasitic Sylvaneth, give us Sylvaneth that include elements of carnivorous plants (venus flytraps, give us plants that secrete fluids that digest their ennemies, Nepenthes and pitcher plants where ennemies also get gruesomly digested inside the plants), give us Sylvaneth that mimic plants and strike down on their unconscious foes. Give us insects that make sense in their design, give us a giant mantis that looks like a ghost or an orchid mantis, wasps are cool, insects are super diverse and there is so much potential. Give us disgusting insects that parasit their ennemies (love the lore of the gossamid archers which have arrows that contains grubs that bore into their ennemies flesh and make them explode in a rain of blood and flesh). Give us a rafflesia like model or even terrain, they could make a giant rafflesia. (Same thing goes for a lot of other armies, that have just SO much potential, there is an image in the Idoneth Deepkin book, where they have an entire city on top of a giant copepod, that is SO awesome)
  11. I strongly doubt, that the Treelords are going back. The distinction in their style is there and they definitely had already been designed to fit the AoS Sylvaneth army. Also Wood Elves got their release really late pretty shortly before Age Of Sigmar. All modern Sylvaneth elements are there: they've got runes carved in their bark, their loincloth is very similar to the new AoS Style and they have noting in common with any of the Fantasy Wood Elves Tree range. I think that they're gonna bing back the ancient treelord model!
  12. Hello, I am very sorry for everyone. I just gathered a whole Beasts Of Chaos Army, and planned to play them more seriously and to start engaging with the competitive scene, since I only played very casually until now, and wanted to get more invested in the gaming aspect at my local store. I still plan on doing that, I will play the beasts as long as I can and as much as I can. I also still plan on painting my whole army, and I hope (just got some strong hopium delivered by my local Dark Eldar Salesman ) that we might get a similar looking army back.... Maybe under the form of chaos-freed Beatsmen roaming around in the mortal realms.... Only hope remains. I do not feel investing anything into my other armies at the moment - honestly this move did destroy my motivation. I am still waiting for Idoneth to get their second wave (I am kinda tired of playing the same armylists over and over again, be it a full eel list, or a full shark list, it does not feel that different in the end), and I am not fully convinced to buy more into sylvaneth. I couldn't bring myself to get Alarielle since the beginning of AoS.... But I like the new Cavalry units they just received. I will stop buying GW products for at least a year. The whole scrapping just shattered my confidence in GW. I have enough to paint and a pile to work on.... Why should we lick the boot that kicks us anyways?
  13. While I do not find it very likely either, it's still better than nothing. Also I will try to email them or write them a letter. They will probably just ignore it, but still, if we want things to change we should try everything we can (this also just generally speaking,not just about this particular situation). As consumers of their product(s) we still have some choice. We have the power to buy (or not buy) their products (and Games Workshop already felt backlash through boycotts in the past: https://spikeybits.com/2021/11/news-of-the-gw-fan-revolt-has-hit-wall-street.html) and to be more or less vocal about their marketing decisions. I am definitely not always against GW nor a complete GW hater - although this time I am totally against them, because scrapping a whole army after 10 years of support and telling people to play another gamesystem, after some of those players maybe even had rebased their WhFB armies armies to play AoS, is just downright outrageous. I find that they are often extremly clumsy and doing things in really outdated and impractical ways. (Still a lot of things about the company are outrageous and really problematic, like not giving credit to their artists, designers and all the people involved.......). I also think that GW has made progress about some things - especially about listening to their community - so far.
  14. Hello Everyone, I was lurking since the beginning of the year, and now decided to create an account. I just wanted to advise everyone, that someone on reddit just made a petition for our Goats (https://www.reddit.com/r/BeastsOfChaos/comments/1bxdar0/petition_to_get_our_goats_back/) and I am daring to post this here too: Here is the link to the petition: https://www.change.org/p/prevent-the-cancellation-of-beasts-of-chaos-faction-in-age-of-sigmar-4e?source_location=psf_petitions I think, most of us who got their army blown away would appreciate it if you would sign.... I also just wanted to say that I am sorry for everyone that lost miniatures recently. I really struggled to find a home for myself in the age of sigmar since they scrapped warhammer fantasy. I was a Wood Elves player, and although the Sylvaneth are really what is closest to the wood elves, I really do not enjoy their aesthetic anymore - I liked the savage part of the Woods, the Barky Treemen, the tree kin and so on. The change from Wood Elves to AoS Sylvaneth is already visible in late Warhammer 8th edition, when the Treemen got antropomorphized a lot and got their new models, but it didn't bother me at first. While I really like the fey and the new insect aspect, I pretty much despize the anthropomorphization of the nature aspect, and they kinda pushed this to the limit with the Kurnoth Hunters. I just found my home in and invested myself a lot in Beastmen, even knowing the rumours. I really wouldn't have thought GW to pull off such an anti-consumerist move a second time, but I guess, I was too kind to them. I am really just sad and disgusted by GW right now and will boycott them for at least a year, if not more..... As many others here, I am also eager to get Kurnothi, since their first appearance as a warband, but I am kinda tired of waiting. I feel like, since the beginning of AoS, lots of players are just waiting and wishing, and while it is fun and can be cool theorizing about new releases, I sometimes also find it pretty draining. While AoS has consolidated a lot, over the years I still wish that it would have treated their old playerbase better.... And I would wish for honest communication about what may or may not be in the works, may it just be hints. I completely lost it when I read the Kurnothi Warbringer story, because they pull out these things as if it was normal, but they literally do not introduce them to us? Same thing goes for Belthanos, who suddenly just "appeared" in the lore without any reason. Also, I am now not even sure that we will even get Kurnothi soon or at all. What does lore presence mean anyway, when they dare to scrap whole armies (or subfactions) who were present in the lore since the beginning? I am also a bit scared not to like their design but only time will tell.... Anyway, sorry for the long post!
  15. Hello Everyone, I have played Warhammer since a pretty "long time" (depending on how you count, I only played the last edition of Fantasy). I started with a little skaven force but really got into it with Wood Elves and Lizardmen in WHFB. Since the beginning of Age Of Sigmar, I am now a Sylvaneth and Idoneth player (I am not playing Seraphon, but I like collecting their miniatures). I also started Beastmen in Fantasy, but only kept it as a project until recently and I am really sad and upset by the recent announcement by GW. I am also a lurker since the beginning of the year, so I am happy to join the forum!
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