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Everything posted by Loskelodd

  1. It's possible it will be updated for Warcry. Same could be said for the Gutter runners too, though, so who knows?
  2. Kruleboyz lore is pretty sweet, wish there was more of it around. I didn't like their lanky look at first but the lore and monsters turned me around, so this week I bought and assembled the stab-ladz to play in Warcry. Here's hoping Kruleboyz receive something in 4th beyond a hero. I'm always down with fantasy cavalry, and I think some gobbos would be a good addition. Then they'd really have that classic O&G vibe.
  3. It's the perfect opportunity to finally release a plastic squiggoth, my pet Ork obsession. Anything more is bonus.
  4. Yeah that jumped to my mind immediately when I first saw the image. They are cool models but that is a really unfortunate choice of colors for the flag.
  5. Well, my Bonesplitterz weren't used for AoS to begin with; they tread the battlefields of the 41st millenium. I am a bit bummed there won't be new kits released to use for kitbashing but what can you do? Ironjawz will have to be the replacement.
  6. Silent people ate them after fully waking-up from their long slumber.
  7. Well this certainly was not what I was expecting to see out of James Workshop today. Was thinking of a little rat tease, not James beheading 2 factions and enucleating another. I thought we would have to wait a while longer before an announcement. Pretty sad to see the Bonesplitterz go. They where my favorite variant of Orcs in the old WFB days, and they are the basis of my Snakebites army in 40K. Hopefully their legacy will live on with Beastsnaggas. We might even see some of their themes be recycled in the Kruleboyz and Ironjawz. I didn't believe James would flat-out squat the BoC, but the release of an army box containing a Stompa despite how improbable that seems should clearly have taught me I have to expect the unexpected. I don't know that they will release Beasts as their own faction again, but I think it's possible we might see new Beastmen kits spread all over the Chaos alliance. That's no consolation for those who lost their army, of course. The theory of some new beastmen kits being released alongside Chaos Dwarfs intrigued me. That would solve the issue of how to replace their old greenskin chaff. It would be an immense lore downgrade to Beasts, though, that's for sure. I've seen Kragnos' people be mentioned earlier in the thread. I don't think that one is happening if Kragnos is representative of his species. Destruction already has a Giants faction. Of course it's always possible it's an entire faction of mini-Kragnos but I doubt it. 😄 I don't care for the Stormcast kits by themselves, but it's ominous to have an entire swathe of the posterboys get the axe like that. If they can get eliminated so easily, it does not bode well for smaller factions that don't receive nearly as much support. The Wacry news also worry me. I was thinking of getting in with Briar and Bones but I am reconsidering. Those kits might not even be legal a year or two after release for all I know.
  8. Hey everybody. Been lurking for a moment, and decided to sign up to participate into rumour discussions. This whole thing is pretty nostalgic to me; I haven't participated in a forum for more than 15 years. Last time I did was during WFB 6th or 7th edition. I own about 3k points of S2D I acquired by accident. I own about the same in 40K Snakebite Orks largely based on Bonesplitterz kits, as Savage Orcs where my favorite greenskins back in fantasy. I want to get into Warcry to satisfy my treacherous heart that always want to start new armies. I figure warbands will scratch that itch while taking less space and costing less. Kruleboyz, Sylvaneth, Ossiarch, Lizards, there are too many cool models... Lastly, I am a Chaos Dwarfs true believer. I never got the chance to collect them, but I believe every year is their year until proven wrong. Praise mighty Hashut.
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