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Everything posted by TrawlingCleaner

  1. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2024/03/25/warhammer-age-of-sigmar-heres-whats-changing-in-the-new-edition/ Small teaser of rules changes to come. Double turns being a tough choice sounds cool, there's a lot that could mean
  2. Maybe Khorne ascends him to daemonhood anyway with a smirk and a great jest played. It wasn't Vandus' skull he needed, it was is own. The laughing of the Gods echoes into eternity as Khul's headless body ascends to daemonhood 😁
  3. *Archaon makes the Great Horned Rat the 5th Chaos God* It would be cool to start getting minor gods coming out of the woodwork to backstab each other or try and indispose of one of the current big 4 to get a seat at the table
  4. Oh man that cinematic has me very hyped for 4th edition, even if neither army is for me! Stormcast with axes is fantastic. As cool as hammers are, I'm an axe man myself 😁 I love the Ghoul Underworld team, they're really cool and the CoS Bonker Brigade is hilarious. Abraxia is such a sick model and by the looks of it, absolutely huge! The terrain is really cool too. So Index edition for 4th and also Spearheads being it's own gamemode as was thought, both of these are great in my opinion and I'm really looking forward to seeing what the rules changes bring 😄
  5. Info on the rules and indexes are going to be the most exciting bit for me I think. Index "Season" or the year(s) before everyone gets their books and things are solved, is the most interesting and exciting time for me. Also I've seen Darkoath so my AoS fix is sated 😅
  6. They're for all us non-skaven, for whom the bell tolls 🤘
  7. I'll happily take BoC in StD, I think they'll fit right in with Darkoath 😁 I do wonder if BoC are rolled into StD, how likely is it that they'll get their own army book after that? It would seem a bit weird to roll them into another index, then update the models and also split them back out into their own army. Unless the army refresh is a long way out?
  8. Beasts potentially being rolled into Slaves to Darkness would make that book/index the biggest right? I love options but that seems a bit silly 😅
  9. I wondering about this for my own Darkoath themed army too! Aesthetic wise I was thinking something along the lines of: Ogroid Myrmidon Ogroids Fomoroid Mindstealer Sphrinx Furies and Raptoryx maybe with the addition of: Bloodreavers from BoK - those that fall to Khorne and blood lust, the models are mostly shirtless barbarian looking with some fur that comes over their boots Untamed beasts - those that fall to a beastial nature Beasts of Chaos - Undivided and more on the wild side, I think they could be some good allies And with a little conversion work: Centaurian Marshall - maybe some more furs and a different head? Chariots - Replace the Chariot Riders. Add some furs and cover some of the armour plates on the Gorebeasts and the chariot itself? Warshrine - a little bit of un-chaosing the shrine and the rider or sticking the shrine on a mammoth would be a fun call back Sorcerers on foot or on Manticore - Maybe switching out the rider for something else and they're good to go and the same for on foot I'm thinking for most units I've listed, it's minimal work or mostly down to paintjob for them to fit in well with the Darkoath aethetically and also still be Undivided units or a bit more bestial looking 😄
  10. Exalted Champion and the first 5 Chosen are done! More warriors up next I think, I've got a Myrmidon and a Fomoroid to work on too!
  11. I wonder if this is another reason why Anvilgard was lost (other than to give Morathi a win and have consequences in the narrative), to use the paint scheme for the new chamber? Black, white and gold looks really nice on stormcast so I'm looking forward to seeing full photos!
  12. I wanted to get these guys done over the weekend but I bought Helldivers 2 and magically lots 48 hours somewhere. It's mostly tidy ups, reds and details left to do!
  13. They didn't print the Indexes for 40k either, they're free PDFs with purchasable Index datacards for army rules and unit rules Indexes are still possible though 😄
  14. I can't tell if that's a ROgre or a Troll? 😅
  15. Or perhaps it means GW will put Bonesplitterz "on ice" 🤔 (I'm joking, I do think Splitterz are on their way, they're so bloody rad)
  16. With that desciption, they sound like they're in the same spot as FEC were before their refresh. They're such a cool faction too, hopefully they get redone soon! 😊
  17. Could the Clans work similar to (although more limited in scope) Marks of Chaos for Slaves to Darkness? You have Clanrats as your main unit, they can either be Marked: Eshin, Pestilens, Moulder, Skyre or Masterclan with each mark giving the unit a benefit Each of the "marked" characters (Assassin, preist, ?, Warlock or Clawlord) can join their specific marked unit to boost that benefit etc I could be way off with that though 😅
  18. It's an informed theory I think but following their patterns so far of 2 editions with compatitble books followed by an Index edition to shake things up and get people to rebuy all their books (like 40k for example). GW want to make money after all! 😅 They've been getting rid of Finecast resin models (Custard Forge World models aren't going away for example as they're also being used for the 30k range), honestly the Finecast range is horrible to work withand I'm glad they're finally getting rid! It does suck for Skaven to not get immediate replacements but with their impending range refresh hopefully means they get a big release in their Wave 2 Most AoS armies are in a really good spot for not having Finecast, it's mainly those that used to have Fantasy models like Skaven, Beastmen etc 😊
  19. All of the Darkoath artwork is actually nuts 😍 So rad!
  20. After a little while of working on my 40k and MESBG armies, I'm back in the Slaves to Darkness saddle! With the Darkoath and potential Lady of Ruin heading this way very quickly, I need to start clearing the decks! So first WIP up, Chosen and an Exalted Champ!
  21. Most excellent artwork, my only thing would be that Stormcast only have their elvish looking lettering and not English (assuming that it's a Capital E) I really hope they use these concepts though, so rad looking and kinda looks like Kratos from God of war!
  22. That would make a lot of sense, so less of a separate army and more of updated datasheets and lore. I did wonder how they'd make it work! 😅
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