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Everything posted by Ejecutor

  1. Oh. I see. Maybe it is just the forum compression. It lowers the quality of all the images.
  2. Great summary about CoS inspirations, guys, but you are missing the most important one: Doggos. The historical reference to the good ol doggo comes from... Jokes aside. I think almost anything fantasy wise can be narrowed down to historical inspiration of some kind, also, AoS tend to mix inspirations (as has been shown in the previous posts) not only time wise but cultures wise, while WHFB armies tended to be focused all around one culture and period per army or those similitude were easier to spot/associate.
  3. Literally no chance. Think just about the FF and how many we are still missing.
  4. We knew that with their pricing policy that barrier would have to be broken sooner or later, in the same way we know in the following 5-10 years they will break the 150 pounds one.
  5. Pretty solid freehand on the banner. Would be interesting to see that armour with a NMM approach.
  6. While I agree, many of us don't read what you mentioned, it would be cool if that kind of piece of lore didn't come from "side products". Obviously, you cannot put as many details on a Battletome as in a novel, but when those products with nice little bits are not part of their core products (they don't have the same treatment in terms of translations, for example) you are reducing their exposure. So yes, IMO, GW is putting a bullet on their feet in comparison with how they did things in the past where even countries like Spain or France had their very own WD version with commemorative minis being 100% exclusive. They are doing also pretty nice things that they didn't before, but not all the community gets the same coverage in terms of accessibility to those efforts made by GW.
  7. Maybe some very differentiated stuff depending on if they follow Morathi or Krethusa?
  8. I don't think it is that hard to believe it. Why? We don't know any Timmy or Tommy who is poor and won't have access to Aqua Ghyranis, we know powerful characters with a lot of money or from powerful organizations that have access to tons of Aqua Ghyranis. Everyone around could be dead and they will still survive because they are "the ones ruling the cities". So having any kind of time jump wouldn't affect at all the Cities of Sigmar as we know them in a significant manner. They can even do it and say X or Y city was founded from this Z crusade.
  9. I expect both Dawis and Warcry, mainly because we have just 3 announcements before the Skaventide one. They are the only missing bits from Adepticon.
  10. With Embergard we have also the point of resolving a main plot outside of the screens. Spoiler from DB6:
  11. It has to be years, even if we only take into consideration how massive the city ended up being. Even in the latest video from Callis and Toll, they call the city something like powerful, so it ended up being one of the most important cities from Aqshy. That needs time. EDIT: Migthy Embergard. Around min 4:24.
  12. I see... thanks. On one hand, I like that kind of winks to 40k, in the other I wouldn't want them to mix both universes too hard. Let's see how this ends.
  13. Is Ezkarien someone mentioned before? What about dispossessed?
  14. 110 to 115 € IIRC. I noticed the € prices in general went up less in comparison, in the example they give it was like 2, 2,5 and 1,5 depending on the currency and € was the lesser increase.
  15. I recently bought one sealed for 37,43€ in Wallapop (shipping included). Maybe it's worth a look, I don't think there's much demand for it.
  16. Yeah. Spears increased their price by 5 €.
  17. I like the crystal a the "lake". I don't think I will use the skeleton, if you would be interested.
  18. And I think they also mentioned somewhere (FS FF?) KO and dispossesed.
  19. That's true, but it will be also easier to make it fit and all be better if you don't have to be retconing the lore every two years before you have to adapt what you have to the launch of a brand new faction.
  20. Cannot be compared, IMO, until we are 3 years into the edition.
  21. Don't forget that 30k got most of their new plastic kits since the second edition. Before it was like TOW.
  22. That's not true. GW can make as many time jumps as they want and justify mortals life length thanks to Aqua Ghyranis. That said, they relocated the Callis and Toll novels frame so they weren't that old.
  23. I think the root of the problem is that we are still setting the pillars of the game. I know, it sounds weird after almost 10 years, but that's the truth.
  24. Which ones? I have the sprue and don't like them all neither.
  25. I can clearly see an AoS version of Thomas the Train now.
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