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Everything posted by ScionOfOssia

  1. Unless they’re planning on releasing a Super-Elite warband or we’re getting flying Mortek Guard (Hopefully archers, javelineers, or other skirmishers), that wing probably isn’t from Warcry, because I can’t see what role smaller Morghasts would fill, and a 5x unit of regular Morghasts would be too weird of a warband.
  2. We still have the Morghast wing floating about but I wouldn’t honestly expect that this year because 4th Ed. will probably eat up the rest of 2024 for major releases
  3. Leaving foot heroes at home might be true for the Slaves To Darkness, but it's definitely not true for the Bonereapers, where I'm pretty sure that everyone besides "I Am Having An Identity Crisis" Soulreaper has seen play (And even they showed up as a cheap Merciless Blizzard dispenser in a few lists, I think). I do think that Heroes need to differentiate themselves from other heroes more though, especially because it feels like every single one has to have a D2 attack somewhere on their profile even when they shouldn't be hitting very hard at all.
  4. That was literally just the Changeling though- They’re probably like the Bonereapers where they show up and play a minor role in the narrative but don’t get anything
  5. First- 8 is the perfect number for Chaos thematically speaking and it’s not like everything is evenly distributed as is (See S2D having over 50 options while the Fyreslayers haven’t had much love since pre-COVID and have 19 units and the Bonereapers only have 20 units (4 of which aren’t even from AoS) while the Idoneth and Kharadron don’t even have that. Second, Order has 9 already.
  6. The Bonereapers have 16 units that aren’t from Fantasy and 2 of those are from 1 Underworlds band, with redundancy between the Morghasts and Necropolis Stalker. That’s not a “Decent Range”, there’s an entire subfaction who only benefits 2 units because they specialize in Cavalry and the BONEREAPERS ONLY HAVE 2 CAV CHOICES.
  7. I’d be annoyed if one of the Wave 2s goes to two of the largest factions (Gloomspite and Cities) as opposed to KO, FS, Idoneth, or the Bonereapers who all need it far more. We even know the Bonereapers are getting a new Morghast of some description.
  8. The drawback isn’t because they’re trying not to hit their own guys- The drawback is BECAUSE they’re hitting their own guys.
  9. I'd prefer not being able to fire into melee EXCEPT for the Skaven. The Skaven should have some drawback but they absolutely should be the only faction indiscriminately firing into melee.
  10. You have 3 years of 4th Edition. Chorfs still have plenty of time.
  11. To my knowledge, the only other way to achieve this level of save requires the Bonereapers to give up the option to have Immortis Guard + Stalker battleline, any better command traits or artifacts, and 1 CP each time you get attacked, plus you need a Wizard or Katakros.
  12. Wow, after seeing Callis and Toll, I no longer can say that Katakros has the most overloaded kit.
  13. Why would the Kurnothi, whose main character is in Sylvaneth, main representatives (The Kurnoth Hunters and Skaeth’s Wild Hunt) are in Sylvaneth, and are part of the overarching narrative of the faction head of the Sylvaneth, be in Cities of Sigmar? They’re absolutely Sylvaneth.
  14. CoS might get another Warcry warband but it’s probably not this year- Warcry (Since 1st Edition) hasn’t done a repeat bespoke so far and there are still 8/9/10 factions without one (Kharadron, Idoneth, Sylvaneth for Order, Gloomspite, Ironjawz, and Bonesplittaz for Destruction if they aren’t squatted, Bonereapers are the last Death faction without one, and Chaos still needs Beasts (Same condition as Bonesplittaz), Slaanesh, and Skaven.
  15. I would say the jury’s out on if he gets a new model, since his current one is still excellent, but the hooded figure from Dawnbringers 4 is 1000% Arkhan. The Bonereapers battletome flat out says he does that, since he’s missing a body.
  16. Yeah, he’s definitely stronger, but also that’s me complimenting Ushoran. He needed 3 Mortarchs to bring him down last time, and probably has gotten even stronger
  17. He’s definitely not on-par with Sigmar or Nagash, who would probably club him like a seal, and probably fairly easily too. I don’t personally rate him much higher than Morathi, and might even rate him on-par with Ushoran, since IIRC the fight between him and Gordrakk hurt him, and Ushoran is stupidly strong and far smarter than most people in-universe give him credit for.
  18. How exactly is the Era of The Beast gonna end? That’s my big question at the moment, because IIRC, it’s almost entirely because Kragnos is active, and unlike Nagash, he doesn’t seem to be able to create avatars.
  19. Even the Bonereapers aren’t perfectly loyal to Nagash, such as the Crematorians- They’re more interested in stopping themselves from having a lifespan measured in weeks per body than carrying out his orders as intended.
  20. Katakros has been stated to be preparing the Bonereapers for something, and I suspect that it has to do with the upcoming Skaven events, while
  21. Because unlike a new character, they frequently end up replacing characters that already did what they do. It would be like Krell showing up as a Bonereaper with his gimmick of “Extreme violence”, which would probably put a bullet in any chances of seeing Ghuri Xza, a preexisting character, getting a model.
  22. I want them to stop relying on Old World characters for Grand Alliance: Death. Ushoran should be the last one we see that’s a Mortarch, and ideally the last one we see, full stop. I have no attachment to these Old World characters and I want them to stop being the sole figureheads for entire factions as opposed to making new characters whose appeal is something besides “Remember this person? They’re back!”
  23. He is. The GHR taking to the field would be like Sigmar taking to the field- Not happening.
  24. TBH I'm not a big fan of the GHB. It feels bland but it's strong enough that I still feel compelled to run the Null Myriad, even if I wanted to run something else.
  25. “If we weren’t still in Andtor” about sums up my thoughts on this GHB.
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