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Everything posted by ScionOfOssia

  1. The main reason I doubt BoC get squatted is because of how weird of a decision it would be- I could see Spiderfang, Gitmob, City Aelves/Duardin, who are subfactions of a much larger faction or maybe Bonesplittaz (Though they’re pushing it), but BoC are only in need of a refresh and a day in the sun. They’re a different narrative role from the Darkoath, who are “Slaves To Darkness Flavored Conan” and act as a dark reflection of the Cities of Sigmar, being “Natural Horror” and acting as a dark reflection of the Sylvaneth- Plus, assuming Chorfs get released, and S2D remains 1 Battletome, it would keep Chaos at a perfect 8 Tomes, a thematically perfect number.
  2. I hope one of the armies in dire need of a Wave 2 (Idoneth, Kharadron and Fyreslayers all have tiny ranges and were 1st Edition armies so they should be prioritized over Bonereapers) get theirs soon, then the Bonereapers (Although another Warcry warband and some Underworlds stuff would help tide me over).
  3. Never. This method is easier to drum up hype (See speculations about what the Skaven are up to), explain new models (“Oh, these are new Bonereapers/Stormcast/Idoneth/ETC who until now were either prototypes, or are in response to something new”), and can sell multiple substantial campaign books each edition to drive the story forward.
  4. Voted no because although traveling to England sounds great, I can’t exactly do it because I live in the US.
  5. Okay, but if he was going to do that, he’d probably be after Settler’s Gain, not Phoenicium. The more likely explanation is that the vision refers to Abraxia and her mysterious “destination”.
  6. My money is on them eating the entire regions of Aridian and Capilaria with minor breaches in Aspiria. This would put the threat directly on the doorstep of Hallowheart, Brightspear, Lumnos, Hammerhal Aqsha, and Har Kuron, and would make them a threat to the Idoneth (Fuethan Enclave), Fyreslayers, and the ongoing efforts of the Crematorians to covertly gather information from Lumnos about their Balefire problem. This sets up 2nd waves for the DoK, Fyreslayers, Idoneth, and OBR as they rise to meet this new threat, and maybe CoS if GW feels like it. The Kharadron could receive theirs coinciding with whatever happens in Ghyran.
  7. For some reason, yes. Could be worse though, at least we’re not stuck in Ghur again!
  8. Bernouli’s Principle has been revoked. Now only Morghasts can fly, and the Sylvaneth.
  9. I was about to threaten violence if there was no trailer. Also, sighted: Probable new Brood Horror sculpt- The new gun is a Ratling Gun.
  10. She looks fantastic, but the crimes I would commit for the Ossiarch are vast and unending.
  11. You know what would be even cooler? Skaven.
  12. Sigmar spawns insane cultists the same way I spawn sprues of Mortek Guard.
  13. As a Bonereaper player, I’d be furious- We fulfill a similar role and are the dedicated Elite faction for Death- The Stormcast would be stomping on our toes HARD and would absolutely split our releases even harder. The Stormcast can stick to just being part of their own Grand Alliance.
  14. So the quotes are by Stormcast. Or an Ossiarch required to keep track of Vokmortian’s quill usage who can’t actually off themselves to escape the tedium.
  15. Ossiarch Hunters vs Idoneth Beast Pack would be ruinous for my wallet. Anything else means I need to buy just half.
  16. I don’t expect to be wowed (Ossiarch Warband aside, but Ossiarch are like jingly keys to me), since unless they start revealing new rules and such for 4th Edition, there’s nothing beyond the Ossiarchs I’m expecting to see that I care about. I’m not interested in Skaven or Stormcast, and there’s no Idoneth stuff probably. I hope I’m wrong, but I don’t think I am.
  17. The issue with this is that Death and Destruction are substantially smaller than Order and Chaos, clocking in at 4 and 5 (At most, assuming KBZ, Ironjawz and Bonesplittaz each get 1) possible factions to receive Warbands from, while Order has up to 11 (Assuming 1 for each race of CoS), and Chaos has up to around 11 (1 for Moulder, Skryre, Eshin, NuMors, then 1 for the others including speculatively Chorfs) Unfortunately, it seems parity is impossible unless they do Death and Destruction earlier than the rest.
  18. As opposed to now where I’d be using the same battletome while the arms race gets worse?
  19. I pray for worse Rend, Wards, Saves, and Mortal Wounds. Rend 1 should mean something and shouldn’t be nearly as common as it is. I’d also appreciate an actual drawback to the All-Outs if they’re sticking around.
  20. Ah. Then I’ll rephrase it: Are they at least toning down Rend, Saves, Mortals, and Wards?
  21. Does Warhound have access to the indices? If so, can they shed a bit of light on the Bonereapers and Idoneth? I hope Idoneth get to keep Tides of Death, and the Bonereapers get to keep Relentless Discipline + Ossiarch Commands
  22. Nagash knows where Arkhan keeps the good stuff, and he absolutely won’t share it with anyone else. He’s half-sassy, half-blazed, and fully chill (For Nagash, anyway)
  23. Yeah, it’s super time consuming, especially with things like Mortek Guard, where it genuinely does matter if it’s base-to-base-to-base. I’m curious as to what it is now.
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