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Everything posted by ScionOfOssia

  1. That's 2 units of clan rats, who are the chaff to end all chaff. 40 clan rats is about what I would expect.
  2. I feel like at this point, if you have more than like, 30 units and don't need a full-on refresh, you shouldn't be getting much new for at least a bit (Warcry and Underworlds excluded, although the S2D could take a break on the first for a while and several armies could stand to go a while without an Underworlds band but that's neither here nor there) until most other factions have caught up (Excluding SoB because Hyper-Elites don't play by the same rules as everyone else and will always be smaller). You should be getting your old stuff replaced, but beyond that, you have enough stuff to go a bit without a major overhaul or another wave.
  3. Who would the Bonereapers be splitting? There’s less than 20 bloody models!
  4. We know Warcry is this week because someone accidentally revealed their video review for Pyre and Flood a few days ago.
  5. I want Nagash to just get fed up with and start absolutely beating the hell out of them by hand out of spite. “I cast ‘These Hands’. You cannot unbind them.”
  6. God I hope the end of 4th involves Nagash command grabbing Skreech Verminking or another sufficiently important Verminlord through the biggest Skaven belltower in the realms before Hand of Dusting him. It would be nice to see Nagash get a no-holds-barred win for once and god knows the quotes we’d get would be excellent.
  7. We don’t actually know if Bones And Boughs is the last one. That’s just speculation.
  8. Low points games are already unbalanced and unless they do points adjustments for lower level games, I don’t see that changing any time soon. Their new 1k points rules are an okay start, but since it’s pretty much what my current league runs at 1k, it’s gonna skew hard into either hyperaggro or hyperdefense and some stuff will just win.
  9. Ah, but this ignores 1 fundamental rule of reality- The Soulreaper is not allowed to be good anywhere it shows up!
  10. How tho, the OBR Spearhead would either need to be reworked to include a Liege-Kavalos or the Soulreaper will need to be reworked to, for the first time in history, not suck.
  11. You mean to tell me that I can finally annoy my opponent by unleashing literally every Endless Spell in my collection onto an opponent not nearly ready for my bs? If you’re right, this will be unbelievably funny.
  12. Yeah, RN it feels like my Bonereapers won’t really be able to contest against Horde armies- Who cares about killing 30 Zombies when my opponent still outweighs my Mortek Guard with the ones left? Or my 20 Namarti Thralls kill 40 Clanrats but still get outweighed by the remainder? I need to see the new version, because it could very much be punishing for Elite armies.
  13. There’s also a Chaos Duardin forge specifically named and marked for death in the Ossiarch Bonereapers 3rd Edition Battletome.
  14. I hope that some stuff gets changed. I like Relentless Discipline, but it feels kind of boring. Tides of Death seems cool, but capitalizing on it seems hard without basically going Run+Shoot instead of Run+Charge on 2, because so much of the army wants to charge on 3 to capitalize on High Tide+Wave Riders/Crash Upon The Foe/Biovoltaic Barrier/Wave Rider, and none of those guys are seeing play currently
  15. We can safely assume the Bonereapers existed, at least as a concept, since the End Times because there’s no way the Morghast was developed in isolation and then the rest of the range spun out from 2 models.
  16. I don’t even think that’s likely- Darkoath don’t fill the same niche, and there’s really not many ranges left to update to AoS: CoS (Assuming Dwarfs and Elves stay) need those done, but that could be handled by a 2nd Wave. Bonesplittaz, who I could see going along with the end of Big Waaagh! since it seems likely Kruleboyz and Ironjawz get their own Vanguards and Battletomes. Skaven, who are getting theirs in a few months. Ogors, who it would shock me if they were more than 2 years out from theirs. Beasts, who are the only ones rumored to vanish, but have faction terrain, endless spells, and could probably be AoSified fairly easily by leaning into mutation and wild monsters. The only reason they would be going would be that the TOW team had enough influence to make it so, or GW wants to further bloat the second largest battletome in the game.
  17. A decent amount of their range is still in-stock in the US, including their Vanguard and Tome.
  18. The main reason I doubt BoC get squatted is because of how weird of a decision it would be- I could see Spiderfang, Gitmob, City Aelves/Duardin, who are subfactions of a much larger faction or maybe Bonesplittaz (Though they’re pushing it), but BoC are only in need of a refresh and a day in the sun. They’re a different narrative role from the Darkoath, who are “Slaves To Darkness Flavored Conan” and act as a dark reflection of the Cities of Sigmar, being “Natural Horror” and acting as a dark reflection of the Sylvaneth- Plus, assuming Chorfs get released, and S2D remains 1 Battletome, it would keep Chaos at a perfect 8 Tomes, a thematically perfect number.
  19. I hope one of the armies in dire need of a Wave 2 (Idoneth, Kharadron and Fyreslayers all have tiny ranges and were 1st Edition armies so they should be prioritized over Bonereapers) get theirs soon, then the Bonereapers (Although another Warcry warband and some Underworlds stuff would help tide me over).
  20. Never. This method is easier to drum up hype (See speculations about what the Skaven are up to), explain new models (“Oh, these are new Bonereapers/Stormcast/Idoneth/ETC who until now were either prototypes, or are in response to something new”), and can sell multiple substantial campaign books each edition to drive the story forward.
  21. Voted no because although traveling to England sounds great, I can’t exactly do it because I live in the US.
  22. Okay, but if he was going to do that, he’d probably be after Settler’s Gain, not Phoenicium. The more likely explanation is that the vision refers to Abraxia and her mysterious “destination”.
  23. My money is on them eating the entire regions of Aridian and Capilaria with minor breaches in Aspiria. This would put the threat directly on the doorstep of Hallowheart, Brightspear, Lumnos, Hammerhal Aqsha, and Har Kuron, and would make them a threat to the Idoneth (Fuethan Enclave), Fyreslayers, and the ongoing efforts of the Crematorians to covertly gather information from Lumnos about their Balefire problem. This sets up 2nd waves for the DoK, Fyreslayers, Idoneth, and OBR as they rise to meet this new threat, and maybe CoS if GW feels like it. The Kharadron could receive theirs coinciding with whatever happens in Ghyran.
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