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Everything posted by GhostShark

  1. Acknowledging that there are gates isn't the same as gatekeeping.
  2. I played older GW games that use charts like this. I never internalized any of it. That not how my brain works. Instead I'd refer to the charts every single time. It never actually slowed the game down. It takes like 5 seconds. Yes, you have to ask your opponent what their unit's stat is. That's part of the 5 seconds. In my experience at least its really, really not something that slows down the game.
  3. If this guy has a good track record than it seems likely he's either majorly misunderstanding something he's been told, or someone is lying to him. For example, There may have been a one day meeting where the design team created a general outline and decided on major parts of the rules. That wouldn't mean the rules were designed in one day. It would only be a starting point for writing. But design meetings like this are common (I'm a game designer), and someone who doesn't know any better might hear this and misunderstand it.
  4. I like the new model, but I'm not buying Tomb Kings unless those ancients skeletons and horses get updated. I hope it happens eventually.
  5. Much of that is less a problem with metal and more a problem with bad models.
  6. Yeah. Anyone who has ever written rules knows that this just isn't true. My guess is that this person is majorly misunderstanding the information they have access to.
  7. I'm very happy with this reveal. The new models all look great, and its good to see that the old models will be sold in larger boxes at full regiment size. And personally, I love the old models. They're dated of course, but they have a charming old style look that I associate with WHFB, and I have always wanted to field a big army of them.
  8. I mean, way way WAY less than half the models in the game are female. A quick look at the store shows me about 190 female models out of the roughly 1665 non terrain and endless spell models. Now that's a REALLY rough count, but its clear the disparity is enormous. It seems kind of ridiculous to be complaining about more female models when they're clearly in the extreme minority.
  9. I wonder if they plan to update the armies in waves? So older models released now may slowly be replaced by new models later. If that's the case, a big box of 80 or 90 old miniatures and a new centerpiece accompanied by a few separate new releases isn't TOO surprising. New players can buy the big box and get playing right away. Old players can buy the separate new releases to supplement their existing armies. Both types of players can buy new updated models in the next wave.
  10. I I really wish they would. I'm so tired of new editions every 3. years. It drove me away from 40K. So often the changes seem meaningless and arbitrary (Less so in AoS). It also seems very disingenuous. If your game needs to be fixed every 3 years, then its nota good game. And if it doesn't need to be fixed, quit selling us a fix. I know the whole point is to sell us stuff, but sell us stuff we actually want instead. Go ahead and do a giant 2 player box set every 3 years. It doesn't HAVE to be tied to a new edition.
  11. This was pretty much verified by the designers already a few months ago, right? When they said there wouldn't be a starter box with two armies, but there would be launch boxes. It makes me wonder if army boxes will be the release model. Starting with these two, and then another one every few months as they're ready to introduce more models for different armies.
  12. I get that. I really do. And I'm sure your mind is made up. But this is just going to keep happening. GW is going to GW you over and over again. So it might actually be worth considering learning a new system and recruiting your friends. Think of it this way: - You can keep using all your models, and buy whatever new models GW releases that you like. - You don't have to buy and learn a new version of teh same game every 3 years. - You don't have to worry about your army suddenly becoming illegal or getting squatted. - You don't have to spend money on GW books unless you want to read the fluff and look at the art. - You don't have to deal with random changes to your army every edition. Of course, there are plenty of downsides too! But maybe its worth considering? I was personally so much happier after leaving 40K for Infinity. As neat as AoS is and as much as I love the models it has been very hard to come back and engage with GW as a business.
  13. I think the big problem is that people are comparing AOS to something that has decades of well developed background (much of it benefiting from being based on the real world or popular fiction). AoS is actually fairly well fleshed out (and in my opinion, fairly interesting) for its age. Of course more would be better! For those of you saying that as an adult you've found you can't have the same enthusiasm for a setting as you did as a kid... I don't think that's universally true. It isn't for me, anyway. I hope its not that way for you! I wonder if looking for AOS to fill that gap for you is a mistake. That's not a criticism (of you or the game), but maybe there's a different setting out there that would light that fire for you?
  14. I mean, we're probably still half a year away from release, right? At least? I feel like its way to early for them to be showing us much at all. You all are talking about the hype dying down, but I feel like we aren't even at the point where the hype should have started yet. Or to put it another way, I feel like its too soon to be disappointed that we haven't seen more for a release thats probably still 5-6 months (or more) away.
  15. Yes, they're not like Space Marines. Except in all the ways you just listed. Which is what people were complaining about.
  16. I doubt there's ever been a single idea in D&D that wasn't done somewhere else first. Anyway, the weapon isn't actually a scythe (or double scythe), is it? Those aren't blades.
  17. My point is it hasn't actually been presented yet. We haven't reached the point where they're showing us what they're doing. We're still in the pre-hype phase before that, I think. Similar to when they showed us the 1 Terminator and Termagant a few months ago. We all knew that wasn't going to be the entirety of 10th edition 40K. It wasn't just going to be 2 models. We all knew that there's be a bigger presentation later when they revealed more of their plans. We're still waiting for that with TOW.
  18. I think people are jumping the gun on this. They've shown us pretty much nothing yet. We don't been really know when the game is coming out or how much support it will have. I think its way too early to be making any kind of predictions about implosions (or success).
  19. My guess is Kislev simply isn't ready yet. I imagine it will be added once teh initial 9 armies are released.
  20. I don't think launching full brand new ranges for 9 armies was ever going to happen, especially for a specialist game. We didn't see anything at all like that for Horus Hersey. It appears like they're starting with a mix of older kits and a few new kits, with plans to do more new kits as the game grows. That seems extremely smart to me. It means anyone who wants to play can start day one with a full army. That seems much smarter than slowly fleshing out just one or two armies at a time over probably several years.
  21. Its worth pointing out that we really have no idea how many new models they'll be releasing, or over what time frame. It could be 5 or 6 new kits for each faction all at launch, or it could be 1 character model for each faction spread out over months. We just don't know. I think new model releases will dictate a lot of interest, so until we know what they plan its really hard to guess how successful the game will be. That said, I don't feel like its a big problem that we don't know this yet. They've barely talked about the project, and I don't really expect them to reveal more until the new edition of 40K is out and out of the way. There's no sense in talking much about another new game that might sap interest until their breadwinner's sale window is safely closed. So my guess is we'll learn more later in the summer.
  22. I think the main target audience is pretty clearly old players, with a smaller emphasis on "new" players who missed out on WHFB the first time but were always curious and an even smaller emphasis on genuinely new players. I suspect that nearly a decade of old WHFB players loudly saying they wanted the game back and would play it if only GW let them led GW to believe that they wanted the game back and would play it. Whether or not GW is too late or overestimated the demand is another issue of course.
  23. You're right. It isn't all armies. Just most. And you're right that it probably wouldn't be a huge undertaking to include the rest. Which makes me think they will, eventually.
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