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The Lost Sigmarite

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Everything posted by The Lost Sigmarite

  1. Rootking would be more in place with Sylvaneth imo. They use the plants of Ghyran instead of metal and have a long relationship with Alarielle.
  2. 6 BTs for dwarfs only ? I mean, I love the stunty little grudge gnomes, but that looks like a lot... that would be a nightmare to navigate and balance. I would prefer if Morghur stayed with Beastmen. He's their more iconic character... With him gone, BoC players would really feel let down. I say, keep Morghur in Beatsmen, make him a cool "faction leader" centerpiece mini for BoC players to play with, and profit by upgrading the BM wih a more "feral, mutated" aesthetic.
  3. Dwarfs have been getting the short ("short ?") end of the stick since 1st Ed ended. Elves have had a lot of love in AoS, with the Khainites, Idoneths, Lumineths, possible Kurnothi and Umbraneths... meanwhile the Dawi have KO, FS and Disposessed in CoS. I say it's time for GW to give them some loving once again, or else... they're going in the book
  4. Sigmar be like : "I need manpower for my dawnbringer crusades ! You know what ? ****** you Belakor !" proceeds to unchaos your chaos legionnaire And as a result, the CoS line aesthetic was born...
  5. Problem is Valrak has absolutely no clue about the meaning of the AoS rumours he gets since he ignores the game entirely. He just repeats what his "sources" say to him (contrary to 40k where he says if he thinks it's true or not, brings along tinfoil Valrak, etc.). Tbf it's logical that CoS will not be at Adepticon since we need to finish Seraphon & see what OBR/SBGL look like in 3rd. No offense to Valrak, he's a fun Warhammer youtuber and I like his videos, but for AoS rumours Whitefang will always be the gold standard. At least him knows what he's talking about when he drops intel here.
  6. See that's the sort of things I would like to see ! Imagine them in super dynamic poses, next to the satyrs and centaurs and the wider Sylvaneth range. It would complement the army well.
  7. Those antlers look heavy... think some puny elgi could support them ?
  8. *Wishlist mode activated* : if (or more likely when) Kurnothi get released, I hope we get the satyrs and centaurs like the WHU warband, but also some miniatures closer to Kulathis the Exile (the Cursed City hero). They would complement each other well and bring in some of that old "Wood Elves" aesthetic back with either a bit or a lot of AoS weirdness. Like, imagine some elves like Kulathis, aka "classic WE with updated sculpts and little mutations (Kulathis has little antlers, so things like that) and others like the WHU warbands who are already half animals. *Wishlist mode deactivated*
  9. I don't think Whitefang would've dropped that big a rumour about them if they were coming back only as a Warcry warband... To me, they're in the pipeline for a "main" AoS release later down the line. Maybe to close off the Era of the Beast against all the new Destruction stuff he hinted at. Maybe later. Who knows. As cold blooded creatures, it'll do them wonders I'm sure !
  10. I've been thinking about it. What BoC unit would do the best to be redone as a Warcry band ? To me, it's the Bestigors. They're special enough to warrant a Warcry box, instead of Gors and Ungors who you need to keep (~) cheap (money wise) because they're your battleline. Whereas Bestigors ? They're elite, they're independant, could use diversity in their minis, they would fit right in Warcry.
  11. You're quite brave to do that... I wouldn't buy myself a BoC army in this day and age. The mainline kits are too dated to me. If I were to play BoC, I would only have the Beastlord, Bray Shaman, Dragon Ogors, Cygor/Ghorghon, Slaangors and the Tzaangors kits. The rest of the line imo don't old up in 2023.
  12. Problem is, about rumours, and potential new releases we have rumour fuel for : GW has teased so many different things it's going to be impossible to release all of them in an edition. In fact, even in multiple editions. So far, we have got teased : - Cities of Sigmar - Malerion and Umbraneth elves - Kurnothi - Return of Morghur - Dawi Zharr - Frazzleface Snazzlegit and the grots that worship him (Gitmob/Grotbag) - Return of Grungni w/ Grombrindal, Gholemkind and new Dwarfs - New Lumineth temples - Silent People ? Deep Ones ? Wraithfleet ? That's way too big. It's impossible to drop all of that in even 2 editions. That's why AoS rumours are so difficult to nail down... and why Whitefang is a godsend from Sigmar.
  13. Don't do that. Don't give me hope (I don't play BoC, I just want cool new minis for fellow BoC players, who have suffered many years with old miniatures).
  14. And it's a Haha react. I guess this means this is back to the natural state of things for Beastmen enjoyers : being ignored by GW for another edition. Apparently no Morghur for you mates, sorry ! Hope you like the new Beastlord !
  15. I've tried to attract the attention of Whitefang last hour. I'll try again : oh wise and sagacious Whitefang, I call to thee : Morghur's return has been teased in Broken Realms, will we see him this edition ?
  16. My guess is : - Cities teased in Spring - An "early access" box in Summer - Full release in Autumn. Summer is gonna be Seraphon like the timeline suggests.
  17. Hopium take : GW remarked how Duinclaw took the community by storm with his awesome crab-ness. This sudden rise in popularity has prompted GW to design new Duinclaws for AoS. They're just not ready as we speak. In fact, prepare for AoS to be renamed AoD : Age of Duinclaw.
  18. I'd love to see placoderms for IDK at some point. That and crabs.
  19. I'll try myself to the "Whitefang reacts". I'll mention the return of Morghur GW has teased in Broken Realms 2 years ago (damn... time flies) and see if he reacts to it. Will the GOAT of the goats return in AoS like the BR short stories suggest ?
  20. Yeah... a "Warcry monster or beasts" style of kit for some factions instead of a foot hero would've gone a long way into fleshing them out (hello IDK and FS... would you rather take some small scale fire/oceanic monster and/or little beasts, or another foot hero ?)
  21. I mean, if you wanna do an edition focused on Ghur, isn't it better to keep the Destruction stuff for the end to send them off with a bang into the next edition ?
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