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Everything posted by Sparxius

  1. I started this a while ago and my wife keeps mentioning that I need to finish it. But ofcourse we all have different extra projects. Haha Hope you like my take on the Everqueen, still WIP. Working on the beetle right now and wanting to finish this one first before takeling the Everqueen again. Luckily I already finished parts of her. Just need to do the legs and weapon and healing pot.
  2. On the boarders between the reaches of Thyria and Yska in the Realm of Life which is called Ghyran. The new lands that are still deserted and barren of life have been found home to a coalition of Nomads. The War of Life has taken it's toll on the Sylvaneth of the Hestianglade, these ones peacefull Sylvaneth had been overrun and set to fire by demons of different shapes and sizes, after that a desease struck them, almost wilting out the last of them. With the wisdom of the eldest ancient (Ashborn Alderbloom) and his life magic, the last of the grove survived. The Everqueen gave them a new mission to gather their strength and rebuilt, together with the Stormcast of the Axes, they have been send out to give life to the barren desert. On the way they came across a big nomad gathering of Wanderers, under the guidance of the Nomad Prince Kelach they found a home in an abandoned city they have called Brimstone. Below an old picture of my Sylvaneth of the Hestianglade. (the Expedition force) I'll be adding new pictures and a revised paintscheme from after the Soul Wars, after the glade has been rebuilt till a certain degree.
  3. Finished 1 of my bloodbowl wood elves, just need the transfer and then varnish it. Luckily the bases are done so that makes it easy to really finish them. On to the next one.
  4. Finally had some time to do a little bit of hobbying. So i made the bases for my bloodbowl team. I went for a meadow kind of feel to it, high grass, a few flowers and some white stripes. Now to see paint the models themselves.
  5. Haha, i know the feeling, I haven't had much time to do stuff aswell, so i get what you mean with irregular posting. But the main thing is that, these montly post are to keep you going and motivated, it doesn't matter if it's just a base or a whole army. Painting, creating, or just building your hobby stuff is all progression against the Grey and Pile of Potential. But this model looks amazing, i love the were-vampires, but not really the east europian influance. So i have created a jungle theme vampire army, i bought panther models to replace the wolves, and looking into the different options for the knights. So hopefully i can start posting those after i finished my bloodbowl team
  6. Yeah, I've been painting yellow my whole warhammer carrier, XD I tried so many different ways of painting yellow, even over black undercoat. Tried the bone colour layer style then give it a yellow wash. But with the new contrast paints this really helps out a lot, you just have to paint the part you want yellow in a light colour, i like wraithbone(citadel) And then you don't need that many layers.
  7. That looks amazing, I think you really took the feel of the real building and painted the terrain like it. Great work!! I also like the differtent feel to it then other terrains. Good work keep it up!
  8. I love these, i might steal your colour scheme for the warband!
  9. So new month, didn't post much last month. But Painting a bloodBowl team and playing the game has got me into the game aswell. So i bought too much 😅 I started my wood elfes team. Here is the start, hopefully i can finish it before the end of the month. Happy hobbying!!
  10. Hello folks and welcome to the Painting Contract for August 2023. If you don't know the rules they are: Each month you post an amount of models that you agree to try to paint/build/convert/sculpt. This can be terrain or models for Age Of Sigmar, Warcry, Blood Bowl, Blitz Bowl, Dungeon Bowl, Warhammer Underworlds, Warhammer Quest, Gorechosen, or HeroQuest On the 28th of the month the contract closes and you can then post your progress images so that they can be critiqued, shared and boasted about. It is a great way to get involved in the community and to get inspiration.  I'm looking forward to seeing everyone share their progress! Enjoy!  @Mohojoe & @TheOtherJosh& special thanks to @Kramer and @Sparxius
  11. These are amazing and i think everything fits together perfectly.
  12. Last week I painted a full dwarven bloodbowl team for a friend. The models where nice 3d printed more cartoon style then the sleek GW models. It was also really interesting because I used the slapchop method and my friends paints. I use Citadel paints most of the time and he has some citadel paints but mostly armypainter contrast paints. I tried using both and found out that the citadel contrast has more pigments(colours) in them, which makes it more vibrant and it then takes one coath of paint. But thats my opinion, i do think its good to try and use different paints to test out and see what you like. Same is with painting methods, i have used slapchop method before but not a complet model and then only use contrast over it. I am more of a layer paint guy.
  13. I am the same, got so many underworlds warbands to paint. Also need to paint my Sylvaneth army up. But i can't wait to see what you do with it.
  14. That looks amazing, can't wait to see how you paint this up!!
  15. Can't wait to see what you come up with.
  16. Hello folks and welcome to the Painting Contract for June 2023. If you don't know the rules they are: Each month you post an amount of models that you agree to try to paint/build/convert/sculpt. This can be terrain or models for Age Of Sigmar, Warcry, Blood Bowl, Blitz Bowl, Dungeon Bowl, Warhammer Underworlds, Warhammer Quest, Gorechosen, or HeroQuest On the 28th of the month the contract closes and you can then post your progress images so that they can be critiqued, shared and boasted about. It is a great way to get involved in the community and to get inspiration.  I'm looking forward to seeing everyone share their progress! Enjoy!  @Mohojoe & @TheOtherJosh& special thanks to @Kramer
  17. Place holder for when i am home to start this off with some pictures.
  18. Wow such an amazing collection. I always love big armies. A freidn of mine has all the stormcast units painted and it looks amazing. I love this, keep it up.
  19. I am stepping off the big guys and doing something different then my Sylvaneth. I have 2 warbands from underworlds that i want to finish. The Kurnothi warband that is almost done and the Wurmspath(nurgle warband). And if i am lucky, i might try to get another one done.
  20. And here is Durthu, with complete base. Finally after 2 months 2 treelords done, ready for a tournament.
  21. Hi people, Here are some beauty shots for my finished treelord. Durthu will be coming up, still need to finish the base.
  22. Sorry for the crappy picture, i was in a hurry to take it yesterday. I worked on the bases. - Lighter Treelord base, almost finished, painted up and started to add tufts, just need to paint te rim and earth sides. - Durthu base needs more painting and adding tufts, excited about this one where it will end. After this they will be done and i'll take some beautyshots. 2 month progress coming to a finish, supper excited, because these bases will pave the way for how more bases will look in the future. Next project might be the Queen of Sylvaneth, my wife has wanted me to finish that project for a while haha.
  23. Nice work everybody, love seeing all these project getting finished. I finished my Durthu aswell. Just need to do 2 bases, before the end of the month.
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