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Siegfried VII

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Posts posted by Siegfried VII

  1. 1 minute ago, boyadventurer said:

    Has anyone seen anything about Ymetrica and if its still the same? Sprues and Brews and GMG videos both skip over it, but it just seems SO weird that all the new characters (especially Severith) are shoehorned into the most specialized subfaction that has nothing to do with them.

    All the old stuff are the same as they were before, even the point costs..

  2. 6 minutes ago, Tiberius501 said:

    And thanks @Siegfried VII, that’s good to know. I’m not sure what I’ll be using them for, I’m not great at this game lol.

    No worries mate we all learn together! I've been playing since the bginning of AoS and even before from the 6th edition of warhammer, but I'm always learning new things and evolve. Lumineth are a tough army to master so there is a learning curve.. That makes it more interesting though in the end! 😉 

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  3. 13 minutes ago, Tiberius501 said:

    @Ragest, nice, keen to hear how they go in more games too as you get more used to them.

    Unrelated question, because I seem to be asking lots of questions today, do Wardens perform well in units of 10? Or do they wanna be in blocks of 20? 

    If you want them as screens, sitting on the back objectives or as extra wizard yes.

    If you want them to be able to fight 20 is the way to go..

    4 hours ago, Aloth_Corfiser said:

    I have found my Home in Alumnia now. Give me militarized Soldier Aelves all day. ☺️ So looking forward to discovering the Lore.

    Alumnia will be my nation of choice too. I think they're awesome!

    • Like 1
  4. 2 minutes ago, Ragest said:

    2 Cathallars are (20 points more) 10 wounds, 1 cathallar and 5 Blademasters are 15 potenial wounds (tied to a 2+ roll) You don't need 2 Cathallars most of the time, you allways need 1 in the table.

    True but the second Cathallar will add an extra spell choice and an extra spell cast which with our great Lore is always good..

  5. 2 minutes ago, Ragest said:

    Third, Ballistas are weaker than Sentinels? yes, but Sentinels are S+ tier. Reliable shooting, fnp5 and debuffing hit. For 100 points i can't want more tbh.

    The wording on the leak for their battalion was worded in a weird way, so I'm not sure how to think of them... It seems they can be more tankier and much more resistant to mortal wounds... Plus they get a nice debuff we weren't aware of.. My main problem with them is the fact that they need to stay put in order to be effective and that can be a problem...

  6. 16 minutes ago, Athrawes said:

    Could be, it could also be a typo in the Italian army book. Typos on points in different language books do happen semi-frequently with GW. 

    I know, I won't get any extra boxes before it is confirmed and I have made my initial list building... 

    Thanks for the heads up regardless! 🙂 

  7. 4 minutes ago, Tiberius501 said:

    Honestly, from my experience, trying to convince people on the internet of something they don’t want to be convinced of is a fruitless endeavour, which just makes you angry as it goes round in circles. Let them believe whatever they want to believe, they will anyway. Not really worth your time and effort. It’s much healthier to just chill with those who are more positive about the things you like, rather than try to argue with others.

    In regards to pickup games, if they’re going to refuse playing you because they read somewhere on the internet that your army is OP, they probably aren’t worth playing with anyway. 

    Agreed. You can't reason with some people.. And yes if a dude doesn't want to play with us on the principle the army is broken without even having tried to actually play and aquire at least an informed opinion  they aren't worth our time...

    • Like 1
  8. 4 minutes ago, Athrawes said:


    That General "lumineth Realm-Lords Discussion" Thread is getting exhausting.

    I know it might seem best to not engage, and let it blow over. But I can't. If you let people start making the claim that something is broken, or should be banned from tournaments, without stepping up and  pushing back against it, you end up giving anyone else license to use that argument as an excuse, and all of a suddon the guy you were going to have a pickup game with refuses to play you because he read that your army is "basically cheating" on the internet.

    I did my bit. I see @LuminethMage did his.

    Anyone else want to step up and carry the load for a while?

    I'm afraid if I go there and post what I want to post I will be very offending and end getting banned from the forum...

  9. The shrine rules are awesome and give an extra incentive not to use Teclis which is great!

    It gives extra control of our casting and unbinding and the free command abilities will help us tons as our army at the moment at least is starving for command points!! I think it is wonderful without being offending!! 🙂

  10. In here we have no negativity from LRL fans, I haven't checked the facebook group today, but up until yesterday I don't remember LRL players be negative..

    The main issue that may come to light (and I believe is the reason some people are worried) is the fact that the new units are prone to direct comparisons with other lumineth units already existing due to having similar roles with the relult ofone being perhaps clearly better than the other..

    The Windchargers while I feared in the beginning the unique movement rules make them a truly unique and interesting choice and I believe they will find their place in lists, especially with the players who prefer high movement armies to pilot..

    The Bladelords with what we know so far seem to have a good chance  of suffering from this effect if they end up being worse in the damage department than wardens, not as resilient as stoneguard and worse horde killers than dawnriders.. How many wounds they have and their point cost will be crucial in the end..

    Another unit that may suffer from this are the ballistas which have a high chance of directly compete with the sentinels.

    Well we'll know in a few days one way or the other.. 🙂 

    • Like 1
  11. 5 hours ago, Austin said:

    Do we know they are 5 to a box?  Maybe you have ordered 40 and you  just didn't know it.

    And, on the subject of internet negativity, you just gotta block that out! ESPECIALLY once people know it bothers you, because the internet is like a pack of sharks that was raised poorly.

    They always show in the pictures the contents of the box/product so 99% there 5 in a box. 😉 


    5 hours ago, Tiberius501 said:

    Yeah the Internet is as bad as it is good. Just don’t read the asshats, they’re everywhere for everything.

    EDIT: So this is just speculation and theory crafting, but if Ymetrica does change (I’m expecting it won’t though at this stage), would it be too powerful if it allowed the army to utilise the stone stance for ignoring -1Rend, while units who already have the stance ignore up to -2 instead? That way their army makes better use of it without being so niche. But perhaps it’d be too powerful on other units. 

    I don't see them do that, but I do see them perhaps changing Ymetrica so it boosts all the aelementiri.. Personally though I would just add a 5th nation (like Helon for example which was already mentioned in a wacom teaser post) and have it boost the hurakan units. It would be more unique that way and and we would still have 3 more nation of which 2 could be for the other temples and another one generic for when Tyrion gets his time to shine..

  12. 3 hours ago, LuminethMage said:

    After I joined this site I was honestly also surprised about how many  people seem to harbor negative feelings about elves (or are just trolling, not sure). I’m honestly baffled by this, sure, I like Lumineth the most, but there isn’t any fantasy faction I really dislike, no-interest is as far as it goes. 

    During the first reveal when we had a similar situation, I argued a lot, but nothing good comes out of that, and you only work yourself up. From what I see, none of us enjoys looking like they are always bitching around or being defensive. So I try to avoid doing that (don’t succeed always though).

    But, I doubt we can really do anything about it, so waiting this out at places like this part of the forum is probably good, we are only a maybe a week away before the show moves on.

    On topic, I’m also getting at least 2 boxes of these because they are such good looking models. 😍  And I like the abilities from a fluff point of view, they are really thematic. Let’s hope they either get a few more abilities by themselves or have good synergy with some of the new heroes. I’d be a shame if such a good looking and nostalgic unit would only be playable in non-competitive games. But sadly that happens to many factions (hello Slaangor). 

    Agreed. I have a difficult time tempering my nerves with what I read.. And it's not only on the forum, but also on the official aos posts on facebook were there is 0 moderation and the comments get even worse.. There really is no excuse. And it is not a matter of likes and dislikes. Personally I was never fond of dwarves and they are not my cup of tea but I never went to trash talk them on any forum/facebook comment or disrespect the guys who love them or go and ******/complain like the sky is falling on topics that actually have a different purpose..

    I believe it is one of the main negative sides of the internet as especially in the last few years there are tons of people who hide behind their keyboards and think they can be toxic/rude/offending without any consequences.. Most of these people are cowards at heart and I highly doubt they would have the balls to behave this way up close and personal.. Sorry if that came out as a rant but I needed to get it out of my system..😅

    Hopefully the next preorder will be Cursed City and they'll leave us alone.. 🙂

    On topic I did some math too using the AoS Statshammer app and I compared 10 Bladelords with 20 Wardens on the assumption they will be about the same points and Bladelords will have sunmetal weapons and power of hysh.

    x20 Wardens with power of hysh deal and without the bonus of fighting a unit that has charged do 16,28 damage on a 4+ save unit.

    x10 Bladelords using flurry of blows with power of hysh and 3 attacks per model (so 30 all in all) do 13,33 damage on a 4+ save unit.

    x10 Bladelords using flurry of blows with power of hysh and 4 attacks per model (so 40 all in all) do 17,78 damage on a 4+ save unit.

    So in order to outperform the Wardens each of the Bladelords in the unit must have 4 enemy models in range.. any fewer than this and they are worse..

    x10 Bladelords using perfect strike do something like 7,43 damage on a 4+ save unit. (which is what 5 Sequitors do with half the points most likely)

    x10 Dawnriders on the charge fighting a 1 wound non mounted unit with power of hysh do 20,33 damage against a 4+ save.

    Of course the Bladelords mathhammer is based on conjecture and assumptions since we lack the full picture but I did it to give us a possible taste of what we may be getting.. I have ordered 20 of them so I hope their points make them at least viable if not valuable.. 🙂

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  13. 1 minute ago, OkayestDM said:

    I play Stormcast in addition to Lumineth.

    Everybody's reaction to my other favorite faction is giving me flashbacks to 2018 . . .

    I'm just going to do what I did then: ignore the complaining and hang around the people who are as excited about the Aelves as I am, or are at least able to be happy for us that we're getting nice toys to play with!

    I also have Stormcast mate and I understand what you felt.. Perhaps the best course of action is to steer clear of the rumour topic for the next 1 or 2 weeks..

    • Like 2
  14. 5 minutes ago, Ragest said:

    I really give up abut this situation. I'm tired of being arguing everyday about things that are CLEARLY fair (hurakan) or even WEAK (named regent and blademasters).

    Let them hate, we will love our army anyway.

    It's like they have PTSD for elves.. What makes it worse is that I only see this hatred only for Lumineth.. It makes no sense..

    You're right though, we 'll always love our army and their salty tears won't dampen my joy and enthusiasm for our shiny Aelves!! 😁


    5 minutes ago, Acid_Nine said:

    Do it.

    but yea, I think since it is sun metal, unless we are getting rid of it for some reason, will be doing mortal wounds. If they have power of Hysh, and if they go into a horde... holy ****** the attack output can mulch things!

    Yes with sunmetal and power of hysh they will deal lots of damage! All in all though all will be dependant on the points of the unit, but again we get very interesting and unique rules and it is the right direction for the rules writers of gw imo!


    6 minutes ago, LordAlpharius said:

    Just ignore them, some people just hate lumineth for some reason and seem to be either unwilling or unable to listen to reason.

    Yes, in the end they don't deserve the attention..


    • Like 1
  15. 1 minute ago, Ragest said:

    Yes, i had some discussion yesterday about getting a CP 2+ was NPE, same as having JUST 1 attack 2+/2+

    Some people either don't really play the game or are not good at all at playing the game..

    That is the only explanation I can find regarding the comments I see sometimes in the facebook posts or in this forum.. And I try my best not to get angry at those people as they are driven by ignorance... still they poison the well and create false and negative sentiments regarding certain units and armies..


    That said I must say I'm SO MUCH excited for these rules.. It may some that I'll self the mountain part of the army because of this but these kind of rules are just what I want for playstyle.. Fast, fragile and strategy in the movement phase! This is going to be an awesome army with great choices! The hype train has left the station!!! 🤩

    • Like 6
  16. 19 minutes ago, LuminethMage said:

    That’s a bit murky because technically only the Talisman of Hoeth gave him the ability to cast spells. They changed his lore several times, so he might actually have been a mage too at some point, but at least in the later editions it’s the Talisman which made him a Wizard, as far as I know.

    That is correct! He was never a mage on his own in any of his incarnations throughout the years.. always with the use of his talisman and at some point he didn't even have that (his blind swordmaster version). So fluff-wise it is the way it always was..

    It would be nice to be a wizard but if I'm honest I would prefer a couple of wounds more on his profile to make him more viable as he dies very quickly from mortal wounds.. 😝

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  17. 4 minutes ago, Allonairre said:

    While I am asking dumb questions, on a Bale wind vortex is the range of protection of Hysh increased by 6? Currently I find it a bit frustrating as wholly within 9” is very short, sometimes I wonder if a unit of 30 could even cast the spell on itself. 

    Yes! It becomes 15 inches! 🙂 

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