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Everything posted by JerekKruger

  1. GW won't do that anymore, as they lost a court case over the right of third party companies to make minis with GW IP names for things with rules in the game but no GW model. It's why in 40k you have a bunch of space marine captains with highly specific wargear options: can a captain take a storm shield? Yes, but if he does he can't have a power fist because no model exists.
  2. Conspiracy Theory time: perhaps GW made new Maneaters, hence the reason the old ones disappeared, but then some higher up decided that should release them as part of CoS as someone calculated that's make them more money. When someone asked what they should do about Maneaters, as those were already in the Ogor Battletome and if they didn't have minis it'd open up third party companies to release them without the usual deniable names they decided to stick with the old ones, only to discover manufacturing was half way through destroying the moulde got them. Hence the reduced range. I mean, what else could explain keeping those awful finecast sculpts, but at the same time getting rid of the ninja and lady with rolling pin 😄
  3. Those wouldn't look out of place in a Mordheim game (well, maybe the Yndrasta conversion, but otherwise).
  4. If forced to guess, I'd say it's a piece of a Hearthkyn Kill team that looks almost identical to the piece above, but is slightly different... or they've given up
  5. He's a cool mini, but making him limited edition is annoying. I really don't get what GW gain from releasing him like this: does the number of non-FEC players picking him up speculatively really outweigh the number of potential future sales?
  6. Yeah, it'd be a bit of a kick in the teeth, a sign from GW that they were only willing to put a handful of resources into the release for your faction, but then when it came to another faction they were willing to make minis that fit your line for them. Basically "we weren't willing to make new Ogors for you, buy we're willing to make new Ogors for CoS, and I guess you can use them for Mawtribes if you insist" energy. I'm sure plenty of BoC are using Ogroid Theridons as Bullgors, but I'm also sure a lot of them are not happy that (as far as we're currently aware) GW decided to release a single refresh for their army whilst taking them time to make Bullgors Theridons for S2D.
  7. And a 3+ bodyguard rule for his squad of 6 2 wound gitz! TWO WOUND GITZ! His squad have enough wounds that his 3+ bodyguard will, on average, provide him with the same survivability as a 3+ ward (effective wounds of 18). Skragrott better get a big hench-up, otherwise I think there's a new Loonking in town.
  8. I just did the same, found the nice art, clicked it and was redirected to a 404 error page 😆
  9. Can we just take a moment to recognize that Grinkrak the Great, a git with delusions of grandeur, hits about as hard as a Knight-Questor, one of the fightiest of the Stormcast knight characters (who are themselves meant to be superpowered heroes). Not that I mind, it's just a little funny.
  10. Where are you seeing that? Not only is it not available on the UK site, it's not even listed there anymore.
  11. Not only is IDK still very close to exactly where books should be, but thralls really suffer from the while Gallet veterans/bounty hunters dynamic. I suspect we'll really see how good IDK is sometime after the next GHB, when thralls become less punished.
  12. I am terrible with names, but I remember Simon and yeah, he was a great guy. He always seemed to have time to chat about pretty much anything hobby related, and seemed genuinely enthusiastic when he did. I can't remember the name of the other staff at the time, but I do remember them all being pretty decent. It was also noticeable just how many there were: it usually felt like there were at least 3 staff in the store at any one time. I've been in to the store more recently and it seems like there's just one person working there now. It doesn't have the same feel that it used to (though of course that might be true tinted glasses).
  13. I suspect a lot of it is nostaglia. For me the main things I prefer are (a) the setting (to be honest I still prefer the Old World for various reasons, some of them no doubt rose tinted childhood glasses) and (b) it has a much heavier focus on campaign play and warband management, which scratches a particular itch for me. The current version of Necromunda is similar (since it is itself fairly close to old Necromunda, which mordheim was basically the fantasy version of), so you can get some idea of what it's like by looking into that. I think a lot of it is also the community that grew around it (and still exists). Along with Necromunda, mordheim has to have some of the best custom scenery makers out there. Have a look on Instagram at various mordheim tags and you'll see some amazing custom built boards which just make you want to play mordheim. Vince Venturella has an interesting video on it:
  14. Ooh, that's a good idea. The setup pretty much writes itself: dangerous city largely destroyed by a sinister disaster, with a valuable but dangerous commodity (gravesand) up for grabs for warbands brave, or foolish, enough to enter it. Will you enter Ulfenkarn: City of the Dead!
  15. What we need is more Mordheim. We could call it... MOREdheim. But yeah, I completely agree, I want a Mordheim style skirmish game set in the Mortal Realms (or, to be honest, is settle for Mordheim 2.0 when TOW is released).
  16. If the Battletome written at the start of the edition is good, why does this matter? Nurgle have one if the oldest Battletomes if the edition, but it's still great. New Battletomes for the sake of be Battletomes seems a weird thing to want.
  17. I'm not sure the current system is the lesser evil. At the moment some factions get to have up to date Battletomes for a few months per edition: that's terrible. At least longer cycle would lengthen those periods.
  18. It's happily take five year cycles. Three years is just to little. That said, personally I think the actually rules for armies should be released for free as a PDF (by all means sell a really nice physical lore and art book sold for each army too), and those should all be written and released at the same time as the new edition. The fact that armies are waiting years after a new edition is released for an update is just absurd (moreso when some of those updates will come shortly before the end of the edition). But I doubt this will happen, as GW have clearly decided selling books is a big part of their revenue stream. Personally I think that well produced lore and art books with original content would sell well, but the problem with original content is it requires work to produce, and given GW weren't even willing to stretch to new covers for half the 3rd edition Battletomes I think it's clear they're not keen on that.
  19. Tell me about it. I keep looking on eBay on the off chance someone is selling them for a non-ridiculous amount, but it's always £60+. I hope GW bring them back into rotation for the book release, but I'm not expecting it.
  20. Yeah I think there's probably a big dose of this. I suspect a lot of what I remember about, say, Korhil is actually the product of my young mind inventing cool lore rather than listen at school, and I didn't have the internet to distract me from doing that. Plus things seem more original when you're young because you haven't yet seen where they've been borrowed from.
  21. That's true. I wonder what makes it feel different. Take Korhil as a fairly minor character: I remember his first being released back in (I think) early 2000s, along with a White Dwarf article with maybe four pages of rules and lore. That is probably the sum total of his lore, republished in slight variants in every army book he appeared in. Given he's a High Elf, he likely appeared in a few Tyrion/Teclis novels, but won't have had a huge amount of development himself. Yet for some reason he feels more developed than most AoS characters. Some theories as to why: The world was different: I probably read that edition of White Dwarf multiple times, as well as all the other White Dwarfs around the same time, because there just wasn't as much to distract myself with online. When I've picked up the occasional modern White Dwarf I've found little desire to actually read it: part of me feels like it is different (more produced and less personal), but it might also be that I can just watch YouTube videos more easily (this sometimes depresses me). The World surrounding these characters was more developed, both due to being older and due to being more concrete than the mortal realms. This means that the lore for a character like Korhil is linked to loads of other lore and so feels larger than it actually is. Whilst there were a lot, they were not being introduced all the time, but rather remained largely static after their initial introduction to the game. Look in the 3rd edition High Elf army book, and the 8th edition High Elf army book, and you'll find a very large intersection in named characters. There might be a few new ones (I want to say the Captain of the Phoenix Guard wasn't in the third edition book, but I might well be wrong: he certainly didn't have a mini) but the big names were there for most of Warhammer's history.
  22. It doesn't help that AoS gets far less resources dedicated to it than 40k does when it comes to Black Library novels. From your list @novakai, at least Tor Garadon appears in at least one novel (one of the Valerian and Aleya books) and it wouldn't surprise me if he appears in more since he was apparently in charge of the Imperial Fist's fortress monastery during the Battle for Cadia. I'm sure others will get slotted in as and when they can be, so they will eventually get their lore integration. But I do agree GW are much less good at this than they used to be, but I won't if it's because that release stuff much faster more than they did back when a lot of classic characters were released. They just make me stuff too fast for a good lore background to build up a body of lore. But it also feels like they don't really care either: I doubt we'll get any novels about Bastian, we're just supposed to accept he's a bad ass and leave it at that. Personally I think that's a shame.
  23. The only way to be sure on GW's website is to zoom in on the sprues and see if they have dates on them. The URL date refers to when the current boxing was done I think.
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