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Everything posted by RyantheFett

  1. So I first thought that the animal may be a water buffalo for the LRL because of the horns, but looking at all the old LRL units I realized that every element unit has horns lol. They put horns on a fox lol........... I just finished painting it and somehow did not notice. My money is still river dragon, but really if the animal does not need horns it could be a lot of creatures lol.
  2. Ya I got nothing yet. My hope is that it is future Vespids rumored for Kill Team, but I have seen better theories on what it could be.......... I just don't remember what was the common consensus lol.
  3. Found a better pic that shows the spikes I think lol?
  4. Oh ya your right!! After more looking the sword is most likely a different kroot unit? Looks like he top indent for both cav are the same, but bottom is different lol The tail is most likely for the shadow tease we got a while back. Makes me wonder if we are getting the kroot T-rex back?
  5. OK two questions I have about the LRL river unit. Do you guys think that is the only river unit we will get for the faction or will this break the element rule of only having one unit, one solo mage, and one monster spirt for each element. Be interesting if this means they go back and give us more earth and wind units. What will the river monster look like? We got maybe a seahorse head, but will the body be like a traditional seahorse???? My guess it will it be more like a eastern dragon, but i really just want that myself lol.
  6. Man it looks like Kroot took a lot of rumor engine. The Kroot ones that were resolved right now: This sword is most likely Kroot, but based of looking at the new cav pictures way too long lol it's just not one of the ones revealed tonight. Sorry! These are most likely future kroot:
  7. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Kroot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. According to the rumors Kroot/Tau are the next 40k faction being released. So there is a chance we get the whole box reveal today. Or they may just reveal the 3 units they teased already.
  9. Think Old World was a big red flag in the mindset of GW and the future of Cities. Mix races is a big no no since they rather sell each faction as its own thing. Why put normal Dwarfs in Cities when they will just sell a whole faction in Old World. Pretty much the same way they run all the human faction for 40k? Will love to be wrong in this and I will always run my Cities army full of all the Dwarfs and Elves I already bought. Really we won't know either way until the books comes out (and maybe points if they never touch the nonhuman stuff lol).
  10. I play both 40k and AoS and right now I personally think AoS is the more complex game. While I am ok with this, I don't think that how GW wants the game to be run? Feels like a lot of streamlining and removing a lot of stuff from the game will be coming. Also would the removal of battle tactics and making it worth fighting the other player!!!
  11. Seems like with 40k they do a hard reset every other edition. We will soon see if AoS will do the same or not. The interesting thing is that 40k stole a lot of rules from AoS. Cant wait to see if AoS will steal the stuff right back from 40k or it will be the game where GW test all their crazy ideas before putting the good ones into 40k lol. My top guess for changes is that the magic phase will be removed, objective control will be different for each unit, and maybe solos will be able to attach to units....................... after that not sure since the core rules are pretty strong.
  12. A big advantage of of heroes joining units is that it allows armies to spread out more. Most AoS armies want you to form bubbles to get the effects off. I play LRL, Stormcast, and Cities and they pretty much all want to form a big ball for those auras. The only real down side is that you got to often buy two of every hero lol.
  13. Having jumped from all the Star Wars games to GW I would say they both have pros and cons. Legion has a better turn system then AoS, but I would say their combat was a step down. The fact that everything was canced out by rolling crits........ugh Would of said all the Star Wars games were top tier and worth a try....... then they switched developers and everything went downhill from there lol. They killed armada and spilt the xwing community right down to the bone. The fact that Legion is still good shows how strong the rules were since AMG could not even ****** it up..... yet lol Also with 4.0 I'm sure they will fix a lot of the issues we all have with the game.
  14. Thanks! Really needed the 28 to 25 and the 32 to 25. Now I can get my Fusiliers into Empire and start thinking about LRL into High Elves.
  15. I think eastern dragon is more likely or some other river creature. The animal has to both be a headpiece as well as a unit. The only thing that I see is going against the hippo would be pretty close to the bull we already have with the earth temple.
  16. The best part for the duo battle Standard is that is is really just one model. Can only take 1 in every list. Think every game I'll just find the point to upgrade to the pegasu version which is in plastic lol. The lady I find they have a lot of alternatives to find, but that paladin less so which means I may buy it.......
  17. Ya I play cities a bit and they feel like they need some help. Maybe just better battle tactics? Still waiting for them to show up in a tournament winning list on woehammer so I can figure out a list lol.
  18. Feel like this is one of the bigger red flags about the future of the faction. They introduce a lot of new units that would be perfect for mixed races like scouts and gunners, but did not include one head swap lol. Think Cities is closer to Imperial Guard then Empire right now. Tabletop wise it will be all humans, but lore wise they will be full of all the races and other factions.
  19. GW most likely needed two waves to fully redo Cities. As you said the magic, gunpowder stuff, and devoted stuff still need to be added. I play Cities and it feels off and half done still. Figure next book they fully remove all the old stuff? I would say with all the new info we got from TOW that its a good bet that Dispossessed are gone from Cities. With Chaos Dwarfs on their way and Dwarfs being a major faction for TOW that leaves little room. Wood elves and High elves got the exact same treatment.
  20. HAHAHA new species in Tau that is so funny outside of the two. Where would they even find the models for stuff like human Tau? What is next more races in Cities!?!?!??!?!!? I wish so bad this one would be true, but sadly I have heard nothing. Kroot and Vespids is all I have heard and I have been paying attention.
  21. Would not be surprised. Both with Cities and with Tau its pretty clear that he was more info, but he either wants to drip feed it for the clicks or does not care enough to even give names lol. I just find it an interesting since he feels like he is just wants to be a Space Marine hobbyist, but at the same time it feels like he is really trying hard to be more. He post a lot of videos at the right time and the right length to get the clicks, got several tier list where he keeps the good stuff, and mentioned above he does a lot of drip feeding rumors. I just find it a shame that with just a bit of effort (or just getting a friend who knows anything about other factions lol) he could be the go to figure for all rumors.
  22. GOOD NEWS!!! New Vespid Kill team apparently as well. He has talked about them a lot. And if you don't play Kill Team, most units come in group of a dozen or so and all have different looks/abilities.
  23. New box of nothing but new Kroot, like the Dark Angles box shown off. 2 heroes 20 new kroot Carnivore cavalry (He was not sure if the shadow thing we saw one of the solo heroes or part of the unit) a big gun (Last rumor video he also mentioned Krootox rampagers or something like that which may go with the cav. or the big gun rumor) He thinks they will show Tau next week and that they should come out next, but is not 100% sure. It has been painful going thought all his stuff, like pulling teeth. If its not Space Marines he truly does not know or care. Will be interesting to see if treats TOW the same way as everything else lol.
  24. The thing about Valrak is that he does have all the leaks for all the games and often throw out some info for AoS or other game offhandedly. He has said AoS 4.0, but I don't remember if he said Skaven or not. He just truly does not care about anything outside Space Marines. Like even other 40k factions take second place to the great Space Marines. I been watching a lot of his videos for the new Tau units and it has been painful. Which is sort of strange since he is clearly deep in the YouTube algorithms and you think he would try and get a few extra clicks lol.
  25. The only issue with the warscrolls is that next week we have LVO. They may not want to change up a lot with such a major tournament next week. The new stuff would not be valid, but they may still want to wait?
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