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Everything posted by Vasshpit

  1. @MitGas Ive played a few games of Frostgrave and now they have Stargrave so could just as easily give that a go as well. Thanks for the suggestion. Thats why ive stayed away from space GW. I've always heard how messy and bloated rules can be there.
  2. They had some of the absolute coolest forgeworld models as well. If they're getting an overhaul i may have to finally dip my toes into 40k, or at least Kill Team.
  3. @Chikout I absolutely love kroot!! I dont play 40k or any of their other games but will definitely pick up any and all kroot models jusy for fun. I'm hopeful this heralds an update to their line. They're just so froggin cool, their lore, designs, models, all!! #teamkroot
  4. Ok, i just want to get this off my chest and this seems to be the place for it. The new warcry terrain... whats up with all the redonkulouse oversized skulls? Take the piece with blow horn on top, for example, if that had been either A: More structurally built with bamboo or B: designed around the skeleton of a large beast I would have been much more interesting. Alas instead we get these dopey, titan sized skulls. The anatomy of it doesnt even come off as real. If I do purchase this I may have to take a knife and dremel to it to make it look like carved stone instead. Id of much preferred more bamboo structures. Just my opinion but hope the future terrain isnt just more big dopey skulls. Im going to assume one will have the thondia dragon skeleton bits though. Nerd rant over.
  5. Theres pics of four creatures at the 4:00 mark that makes me wonder if they'll get models like the murder chickens and imps from season 1. He even seems to skim past these pages with a quikness.
  6. I really do feel like the vulture should've been on a smaller base. @Ganigumo Good looking lot!👍
  7. Notices gutrippa in bottom left corner... Assumes that means no kruleboyz warband... Fists bumps my own little gutrippa currently on the painting table... Consoles him and his friends... "Its ok fellas. We knew getting into this and you being a non SE starter army things were going to be difficult... But big papa @Vasshpit has your backs." Tiny hugs said half painted gutrippa.
  8. @Smash There were a lot of great points made that I really hope to see implemented. A few of my favs were making the belcha murknob a unit and not hero, seeing those genestealers-esque abilities implemented and just the overall theme of more hit and run/ambush styles of play applied. Also the bits about faction battle traits being a gamble was nice. Still love my Kruliez regardless and will continue to play them.
  9. Does the sloggoths +1 affect the mirebrute even though its a mount or just the rider?
  10. @Ganigumo I thought that as well but its not working for me. Regardless it CAN fit into the troop battalion slot, correct? EDIT: Figured it out. 👍
  11. Question here, is there a reason the sloggoth doesnt fit into any battallions on the app? It doesnt have the "leader, monster, artillery" keyword? Or am i missing something?
  12. Look up orc minis on etsy. Tons of WoW looking orcs.
  13. Essentially isnt that what khainite shadowstalkers are?
  14. Meh... chorfs, humie chorf chums, space marines, sigmaries, leech lord lads... Gorkamorka cares not... WAAAAAAAAAGGGGGHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! 🤘💀🤘
  15. Has anyone run 3 beast skewers alongside 6 x msu of boltboys? Results? Im going heavy on big yellers and this will be the backbone to my list. I'm still fleshing out the rest of list.
  16. Keep your puny humies out my destro!!😝 To each their own and i can respect that this is a split opinion but I like my grand alliance just the way it is, nice and monstrous. It sets it apart. Wouldnt they just be darkoath but with a destro sticker? No thanks. Bonesplittaz would be an easy rules suit for a human proxy destro army if anyone cared to do it. Hell, even kruleboyz would work.
  17. I really enjoy the simplicity of the "god" theme going on in destro. You had Gorkamorka and most things were derivatives of this. Spiderfang branched off a bit but still tied into Gorkamorka. Chaos and order were filled to the brim with god x and god y, death not so much but thats another topic, so it was, dare I say, more casual of a grand alliance. And this was the allure for me. No god squables, just might makes right. I was hoping it would stay this way and instead of Kraggy we saw existing champions of Gorkamorka rise up even more in favor. A really cool story arch I wanted to see when death had the spotlight and all those stormvaults were being opened was Gordrakk finding Azog the Slaughters crown of Nagash but this time being in more control. But instead we got... a centaur... We did get Kruleboyz however and they are awesome so still excited for the future of my favorite grand alliance.
  18. Krakentoof =Bonesplitterz (meh) Dreadfang= ? (🤞 graveguard equivalent) Spinecrawlers web = spiderfang Great stinkhorn= gloomspite (fellwater troggs are stinky 😉) Van talex =? Camp fortune = dawn bringers Wyrdlights=tzeentch Eater pits = ogors
  19. I think ogres will see something "new" like kruleboyz are before they're line gets updated. I always thought it would be cool to see their basic infantry be a tad smaller than trogg size, a bit more monstrous and less fat human. Time will tell.
  20. With the release of Warcy 2nd edition and the somewhat 50/50 split pertaining to all warbands thus far being chaotic in nature what would your top three warbands be to see hit the table? Something new, something reimagined, it does not matter. Bonus: throw in a monster you'd like to see. •1 Kruleboyz Beast breaka klan in nature. A couple handlers, a pack master and a pack of hunting (insert cool beastie here)s. *Seeing as they have a warcry box I'm going to assume that krule fans shouldn't hold our breath. •2 Spiderfang Perfect time to reinvent or update. For those of you familiar with the Gremlins 2 movie I'd like to see grot spider driders. •3 Seraphon Bonus monster: Troggoth Hag
  21. When warcry was first released did the non starter bands release at the same time or were they drip fed to us?
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