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Everything posted by Vasshpit

  1. What size base are the chosen on? Is that bloodpelt on a 50mm?!?!? Pleaaaase tell me!!😄
  2. This actually makes me wonder if design for destro was shifted late into development. We can see this in a more realistic and slightly less stylized design with kruleboyz and the new bloodpelt. Just a thought. I was very excited when mawtribes announced as I like ogors but the current line doesn't interest me. To each there own. More than likely I'll still pick up the bloodpelt. @Neverchosen Thats a cool idea for a board. like whole wrecked ship yard in a cove or something. very cool.
  3. If they got equal love it wouldnt hurt as bad.
  4. If true he's truly ogor sized and the biggest so far!!! Will be my first ogor purchase annnnd just wait for others to match.
  5. @Nezzhil You mentioned bloodpelt stats, have you seen them? Care to share with the class? Also with a $45 price tag im thinking he might actually be on a 50mm.
  6. I do not play, collect, or even otherwise know that much about rats BUT I salute your fandom!! ✊
  7. My sympathies for fans of the fatties... feel like y'all have been shafted... "Here, look at all these new and shiny toys!! Ogors, here's some old stuff we found under the table for y'all though." See ya again in 4 years. ✌ Still hoping the bloodpelt is on a 50mm and is what ogors will become going forward. My Condolences yall.
  8. Appreciate the enthusiasm but no please. Keep the pony folks out of destro. I dont think BoC need another slap in the face. Also tell me the base size of the bloodpelt hunter, Geedubs, right nowwww!! 40 or 50 mm!?!?
  9. Still have yet to see the bloodpelt in any of those pics. im very curious of his size. Is he on a 40mm or 50mm like the tyrant?
  10. The mace rumor engine pic looks very similar to the mace from the soulblight Underworlds vamp with the wings. Thinking new grave guard. Yeah, a lot of those older ones give me a FEC vibe as well. I really think things got screwed up on the back end with that and makes me wonder how much was never released.
  11. Gutrippaz Scare shields just becomes a 2d6 vs bravery of attacking unit for -1 to hit. Points drop to 160 Consolidated stikkas and hackas profile with hackas stats and stikkas reach. -1 rend to weapons Boltboyz 5+armor Shaman cast and elixer if pot grot still alive Belcha Murk Nob Changed to a unit with ability to be added to a troop unit and becomes unit champion. Sloggoth 2-4 more attacks on trogg. Trogg gains venom encrusted trait and one more kind of buff. Not sure what. Killbow Overall just better performance Killa-boss on foot Able to be added to gutrippaz unit, become champion, unit gains buff. Hobgrots Battline after one mandatory gutrippaz unit. More reliable dirty tricks. Quick wishlist...🙁
  12. And I for one absolutely am on board with their design from anatomy to their gear to their beasts of burden. Keep em coming, Geedubs!!!
  13. Drip fed teases suck no doubt but lets not forget the whole goddamned world shut down not too terribly long ago. It did and is still affecting everything. 😉
  14. At this point im expecting gutrippaz to be consolidated with stikkas and hackas. @KingBrodd I feel ya man. I dont even play or collect SoB but I am a destro fan and It was pretty lame to see an upgrade sprue when you see chaos get all these new goodies.
  15. I really really wish they'd of kept the Underworlds models anatomy. While they are cool, they're just regular skinks with a different head and tail... Kinda same and lame. Meh, gratz dino fans!!
  16. Could the "monsters" be man-eaters? 🤔 And able to be taken by any destro warband. They do hire themselves out.... There was that rumor about the mancrushers getting an upgrade sprue, what if what they really saw was a highly customizable man-eaters sprue?... Sounds juicy.
  17. My bets on warcry ogors so they can release close to the tome kinda giving them more than just the bloodpelt. 🤞
  18. Total random (had a few beers) but I do want to see the seraphon warcry kit as all skink chameleons, just one sweet ass multi loadout cross compatible kit!!! Its one step closer to a range refresh as I really, really want to like seraphon but most of y'alls kits suck!! ✌
  19. Only thing im hoping to see tomorrow is more updated kroot. 😉
  20. @Neverchosen A bit of tweaking needed, yes, but thats a great idea imo. I particularly like the ghur monster den. On that note it would be great to see some beasties that can be taken by factions other than chaos in warcry. @Ganigumo i think i read that somewhere as well now that you mention it.
  21. What was the last set of endless spells and faction terrain released? Kinds seems like faction terrain was a bit of an experiment that may not keep going. I'd definitely take more generic terrain though, please. Or bring some of the mia kits back.
  22. Im hoping for more than just points decrease so kruleboyz do not just become s spam,/horde army. 🤞 "Kunnin and brutal", make it work Geedubs!
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