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Everything posted by Vasshpit

  1. Always thought that obr spell would be a good Proxy.
  2. Would be a perfect opportunity for warcry I'd imagine. A mixed questing infantry squad with option for standard load out like the kroot farstalkers would be the bee's knees.
  3. I get it. Bizznezz is bizznezz, can't blame someone trying to get paid. My frustrations lie with Geedubs. They should at LEAST offer a one week made to order or something on all these. I do have an official event coming up so which Kruleboyz models are folks looking for. I'll see about getting some for folks if I can. Not looking to profit, just help my fellow fans so they'd be at sale price plus shipping s all.
  4. I think it's moving into this directions more and more. With the introduction of Kruleboyz and their leaning into the cunning side of Gorkamorka I'd love to see a Kruleboyz focused story showcasing a young orruks rise to a killaboss.
  5. @Twisted Firaun Best of luck to you. @DinoJon These are the times when you're supposed to actually work on models. To the desk with you all!!! 🤘
  6. I friggin hate limited edition... Can I just buy the damn thing, Geedubs...
  7. @Neverchosen after the story comment I started to see the image as a cape. The lighter part underneath being the inside.
  8. I was thinking about this today. I'd love a Mirebrute Hag! 😍 Character and generic build, please. Heh.
  9. Do any BoC players just proxy ogroids for bullgors? It's like the same design with just a different head.
  10. @The Lost Sigmarite About the only thing is a couple commerative series models were sold early at Warhhamer fest- a SE Wizard and Kruleboyz killaboss.
  11. So I've read the suggestion several times about destro Sylvaneth and while I can understand where it stems from I don't see how it fits. Nature is harsh, nature is tough, nature is unforgiving but nature does have a system and organization. Everything finds its place and fills its role towards an ecosystem. In conclusion they fit order very well, imo. Albeit on a level that's reflects destros themes closely.
  12. @acr0ssth3p0nd My votes on Qulathis. Much prefer traditional looking to the satyr aelves. But they seemed to have gone over well with fans and the design even made it into the Black Talon cartoon so safe bet on satyr aelves. I think I'll have to wait for new Dark Aelves before I start any aelvan AoS force that I like enough to collect. 🤞
  13. I always wanted to do a wooden necron army but not interested in playing 40k. Then the Osiarchs dropped and I was like hell yeah!! Proxy force here I come. "Osiarch Wood Widdlers" or something. Heh. To give credit where credit is due I originally got the idea from Bloodybeast. I'd just use the actual necron heads though. https://bloodybeast.com/blog/2014/10/10/necron-lychguards-of-the-pumpkin-dynasty/ And as for the "Rumors " thread getting off course I think most of us that have been here awhile can't argue this has organically grown into a bit of gen chat as well. The mods here are great about keeping it on course if it derails too far so props to you folks for keeping a nice place to kick it. ✊ Rando post over. Night, y'all.
  14. @JerekKruger Oh if he does I didn't know. I just assumed it was lost to time or in a siggy stormvault somewhere. Regardless I'm sure whatever the three are they'll be equally as tasty.
  15. Although I'm a Kruleboyz convert Gordrakk needs to get his green buns in gear, gather those three artifacts (the nostalgia in me hopes one is Azogs old Nagash crown) and give pony boy a proper round two!!
  16. Decently priced Mugruk Da Watcha up on Ebay currently. https://www.ebay.com/itm/145058723601?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=nn4w_VjHQt2&sssrc=2349624&ssuid=26CORIaKQma&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
  17. Great example. Definitely the direction I'd like to see.
  18. @Neil Arthur Hotep You'd definitely have to run all the numbers to get a "standard " but it was more of an example. However that does mean that the overall mechanics of the game are not as tight as could be. Of course with buffs, subfactions, allegiance abilities, etc that "standard" should be able to do some work. And in theory shouldn't "standard" be able to carry itself? Not overpower or underpowered but at least have legs? Edit: Not asking for straight chess here but some tighter consistency couldn't hurt. The new deathrattle skelly profile is a great example of this imo. Base isn't anything special BUT when those warscroll mechanics start coming into play they become something.
  19. I think the inconsistency of MW, damage and rend across the board is the issue. Like you're telling me bats have -1 rend (new vyrkos foot hero) but a 7' tall swamp orruk with a 10 foot spear doesn't? And the damage creep is a thing as well. What's the straight average damage table, +1 attack, 4 to hit and wound, 0 rend, 1 damage? This should be baseline and not frowned upon when you see it. It shouldn't be great OR bad just average and seen as standard. When everything is getting -1 rend and 2+ dam of course the "average" is going to look bad. Then you apply a slow damage creep for new models and of course you're going to run into problems.
  20. Kruleboyz warcry band. Some kind of scout hunter unit with melee and bows.
  21. I'm really hoping these new narrative driven corresponding minis are more than just another round of foot heros or heros at all in most cases. List of Hope's DEATH: SBGL expand and update deathrattle. Updated black knight with ranged and classic build. Updated grave guard with classic and ranged build. This in turn allows hexwraiths to get their much overdue kit as well to blend into the current aesthetic. Full 3 unit kit of Vargskyr/Vargheist. New Neferata kit in Hope's that she has somehow managed to pull away from the all encompassing Nagash hive mind. Full unit of vyrkos bloodborn. Updated zombie dragon. Great kit currently but with what's out there now this could be epic. CHAOS: not my jam but could get behind some new skaven or BoC perhaps. ORDER: Dark Aelves... New CoS is shaping up to be quite juicy so that's covered. Lady duardin.. better duardin. I would like to collect a dwarven army I actually like before I die. DESTRO: Ironjawz & Bonesplittez branch off on their own. Kruleboyz do the same. Further expansion of Kruleboyz line because, well, they're the single greatest model/design refresh to come out of the ashes of old hammer. Its science, don't argue. 😜 Full expansion into gitmob.... 🥴 Give us a goddamned plastic trogg hag!!!!!!!!!!!! Character/generic build options. 😍 Update the fatties!! Add in some BBWOs to the line. That's all. I'm easy. 😁
  22. I'd love for the hag to make her appearance in this new narrative event coming up. It's a no brainer for geedubs.
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