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Everything posted by Vasshpit

  1. Yay for rats in 4th starter!!! But you have my condolences for being the "other" guys in the starter. Prepare yourselves for some sweet new models and a whole edition of sucking butt ala khorne, Nighthaunt, Kruleboyz and now rats. But hey come 5th edition you'll get a good book. 😄
  2. They really could make duel system kits with kroot aesthetic. 🤘🐔
  3. But with arrows!? Kroot coming to AoS!!!!!!!!!
  4. I ordered the Sepuchral Guard kit along with thorns of the briar queen and it took 5 months to get it. Annnnnnd then they just re release it. 😄
  5. 🤔 Or perhaps little, green, and riding more wolves... Would be fantastic to see Gitmob expanded upon even if only through RoR via 2-3 packs of Snarlfang and a tasty new warlord/shaman on chariot kit or something similar. Some more Kruleboyz wouldn't hurt either. 😉
  6. Destro just trying to live too! Dont be hating!😄
  7. I like where your heads at. ✊ Or perhaps something for the destruction dawnbringers book. It'd also be cool to see these new named heros made into plastic. They even say the name of the Kruleboyz and SE leaders names but I can't quite understand what the dev says.
  8. Does this mean the Kruleboyz killaboss will one day be available in glorious techo-plastic!? 😃
  9. KRULEBOYZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!🤘🤩🤘
  10. I'm out of the loop. What's so bad about Legion of Blood?
  11. Take it to the "old world discussion" thread, y'all. 😜
  12. Yeah I was indifferent then I got excited for new Tomb King's models to proxy for a bonereapers army but then they announced what they did about old models and scale and now my bit of enthusiasm that gained any momentum is gone. Crazy to think this is what's come out of an announced project from what four years ago? If you're excited though then I m excited for your excitement!!! Heh. Bring on more destro minis for this fella!!!!
  13. You must be new. 😉 Prices are single handedly the #1 reason more of my friends won't get into this hobby.
  14. Le Sigh... The killaboss looks fantastic but I compared him to the other killaboss on foot and like the last commerative Kruleboy he's a bit weedy. Seems more in line to be a unit champion. Either way he's a handsome lad and we wants it, precious!!😄
  15. It may be those two commerative models, the SE and the kilaboss, that were sold early at warhammerfest.
  16. @ThalmorRepresentative I salute your enthusiasm on your Aeldari project. ✊️
  17. Let me play a trogg or Kruleboy and you got my interest. I'm not a big gamer but with Diablo 4 dropping soon any time dedicated to video games is probably taken for the foreseeable.
  18. Finally something other than marines to talk about. 😝 And thats awesome to be able to get the Sepulchral Guard kit again! Some of the best geedubs skellies ever made right there!!
  19. He's a little too comical for me. Kruleboyz have spoiled me on trogg design, heh.
  20. @JerekKruger That's good news. Id ove the chance to grab some of those Nighthaunt ones as well. 😀
  21. I was thinking that the more dynamic posed warband sculpts would look great on the sides of that new Maw Grunta!🤘
  22. I reaaalllly liked the Iron Golems design and if spiky stunties go down that hole I'd be very tempted to follow.
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