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Everything posted by Vasshpit

  1. Louise from Rogue Hobbies? I think over her career she worked on multiple things. If you're reading this, Honest Rob, you're one lucky nerd you sod. 😝😄
  2. Not saying you're wrong but those gorgers have five and some instances six fingers. Somewhat off topic but anyone know the gorgers size in relation to the fec horrors? Thinking about proxies here. Edit: for any interested.
  3. Katakros is a fantastic piece even if it's not my cup of tea but I find the diaroma aspect silly. If for simply gameplay sake I'd of preferred each model just have its own base and counted as a unit. This release has presented a very tempting feeling to start a new army though. I think I'd of preferred actual horses instead of those bats for calvary. Imagine what those horses would look like if somehow infected with the same madness.
  4. First thoughts were rat ogors with all the 4th edition wispers. Second thought is troggoth as the nails aren't sharp. Third is some big hulking nasty for the Khorne foreshadowing whats been happening. I'd prefer more troggs as this seem to be more in line with Kruleboyz troggs then the more comical gloomies BUT it's definitely time for the rat fans to feast on new toys. Super excited fo y'all. ✊️ Hope their reboot is everything y'all could want.
  5. It's late. It's been a long night for me and this is just some random thoughts pertaining to the most recent addition to my fav lil bog ninjas, Daggoks stab ladz. Overall the sculpts are fantastic and they were definitely dwarfed by other things revealed in this particular preview but I'll take any new Kruleboyz I can get. However there is one tiny detail that I cannot stop thinking about and it deals with Daggok himself. Now I really like him but one design point in particular perplexes me. It's his random metal spiked face plate thing. If we look across all of the Kruleboyz range so far there is nothing like this in their design as their designs have all been functional fantasy. Hope this makes sense. Now I've watched the vid to get as many different angles as possible and the only conclusion I've come to is this damn thing is bolted to his skull!! This is a design point way more reminiscent of ironjawz as the Kruleboyz have all been very functional fantasy and I think this is partly why they appeal to me so very much. It's a small thing but is this the first hints of Kruleboyz design starting to blend more into ironjawz? I do not dislike the model at all, quite the contrary actually, it's just something that is sticking out to me that I can't unsee. Or maybe it's just one nerds overlly attentive attention to detail getting the best of him...
  6. From pics I've seen across the interwebz it's ever so slighty smaller in scale. Things like your small 25mm models will look fine but a stormcast or an orruk brute for example will look oversized. I've been on the fence myself as it's a very impressive line of terrain as I tend to like more generic terrain overall.
  7. These are a decent enough design but my brain just cannot buy into how they can fly at all.
  8. About as much as we needed more marines... I know they're dwarfed by others shown BUT 🤩!
  9. K.C. MO, represent! 🤜🤛 That model is very, very cool. 🤤
  10. Is the deathgorge image a leak? I'm hoping it's something for my bog boyz but I'm biased on this front. Maybe it's a first glimpse into a reimagined bonesplitterz as a snowy and ice themed faction like how Kruleboyz are swampy wetland lads.
  11. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2023/11/16/weta-workshop-unveil-lieutenant-titus/ The first statues have been shown. I do hope we get some AoS ones as well. Those Weta folks are AMAZING!
  12. That's my bet. Throw that arachnarok rumor engine pic on his back and we good. I really hope they don't end up as my bog boyz calvary....
  13. Why does it matter when they showcase new product? And it is "product" first and foremost because geedubs sure does acknowledge the all powerful spending season of Christmas. $$Cha-ching!$$
  14. I'm hoping that essentially Gobsprakk wants to get rid of Kragnos because deep down he is a true follower of Gorkamorka. I do wonder if Gordrakks three artifact quest will play into it and they have another go.
  15. @Tinniez Looks great!! I have yet to pick that kit up but i have a question for you. On the beast nob do you think it's possible to remove the dragon/reptile skull from the shoulder with only having to do minimal sculpting patch work or is it like one big chunky piece? I find the model a bit too busy and looking for ways to tone it down a little.
  16. @Ejecutor Yeah that two faced piece is really cool.
  17. Nice little lore vid from Hobby Jackal about the summer king.
  18. Damn do I love LOVE 🖤 Truggs lore and these stories with him but damn do I highly dislike his model. 😔 Time to really push these sculpting skills. ✊️
  19. Is there any bones to this morghast hero talk or just speculation? Seems more likely the wings might be for the tomb king on dragon rumor which does indeed have some weight to it.
  20. Opposite here. There's some great developments in DB3. Like for example (not a spoiler) when Kragnos and Gobsprakk are talking Kragnos is actually well spoken and not just a dumb brute. There's other bits from other named characters that give him more foundation and even not being a fan of him I felt sympathy for his tragic backstory. Events are also laid out that really emphasize that order are not always the "good guys". I'm curious to see how this unfolds and of course to see how the bog boyz play their part in all of it. Also he's just a big centaur sooo not like it's really anything all that new and exciting imo.
  21. Something is definitely in the works...😉
  22. @GitzdeeMy fellow fan of the green that is a bummer indeed. The new monsta killaz lean pretty heavy into the aesthetic as well imo. Luckily Kruleboyz instantly grabbed onto my nerd needs and sank its poison covered blade in deep!!! Love my little bog ninjas!!! I ge it though.... ✊️😔
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