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Everything posted by Flippy

  1. Not finished but some good progress nonetheless. Wish you all many hobby achievements in 2024!
  2. Different situations altogether. Idoneth, KO and Fyreslayers are obviously the first factions that should be expanded. I would also add DoK to the list. Sylvaneth or IJ-style additions (two new units, one hero/monster) would do wonders. Skaven and Beastmen are wide and deep factions that just need a Seraphon treatment.
  3. Of all the WHFB things, I miss the army composition rules the most. Partly nostalgia, partly aversion to imbalanced AoS armies spamming same units. These 0-1 restrictions and % of total point value were good and should be brought back asap.
  4. Would you really settle for a big box of this?
  5. Creative space? Maybe. Can the dictionary handle this? Unlikely. Tinker, Tailor, Judicator, Liberator, Castigator, Decimator, Fulminator, Desolator, Evocator, Prosecutors, Retributors, Storm- drake Guards!
  6. I'm 100% with you on this. GW's current approach to terrain is laughable - odd scenery parts here and there, no choice, weak theme, no cohesion. I assume they just don't care about this element of the hobby.
  7. And not a single one relates to Elves. One thing I've learned from the long history of Warhammer is that ultimately the core story is always, always driven by this or that Elven drama.
  8. Ulgu. I don't believe in Chorfs in AoS any time soon nor do I think that Ironweld revamp will come so swiftly after the new CoS range. And I would very much like to see the Shadow Elves, Malerion and Tyrion.
  9. I will start with the Hunters of Huanchi, who are already half-done. Really nice models but also very over-detailed for their size, which turns painting into a chore.
  10. Now you are right and you have your answer.
  11. These are your words, not mine. I've never said that one has to be smart enough for Warhammer (for the record - I think that both WHFB and AoS are moderately complicated games). What I said was that Warhammer is an activity which involves acquainting yourself with a fairly extensive rule set and applying this rule set to the game. This rather naturally means that it attracts people who enjoy such activity. I know a lot of smart individuals who are just not into this and I don't see any point in hiding the nature of the hobby from them. As for the social game... I tend to agree with you; personally I play AoS / Warcry in a very relaxed manner and enjoy the social interaction - but there is a reason why most people would rather choose something like snooker, bowling, darts, table soccer, badminton or a standard card game. Hint: (largely fictional) gatekeepers are not the reason.
  12. This is not gatekeeping but a simple acknowledgement of facts. Warhammer (in this or that flavour) is not for everyone, no hobby is. Most people realise this immediately upon seeing the fat core rulebook - as with everything, you are expected to at least put some effort into this.
  13. These tables are super easy to internalise, you learn the logic behind them in no time - so the costs here is minimal. And the added statistics (Weapon Skill, Initiative) give you far more options to differentiate the units. In the universal (aka rumour) thread this exact issue was recently discussed - how to make a Vampire / Chaos Lord substantially different from a Goblin or a Human General. This discussion emerges from time to time because people remember that WHFB never had problem with that; with so many RPG-based characteristics and a wide pool of traits / artefacts you were able to see all the differences clearly just by reading the books.
  14. Finally… with these guys I was really going back and forth with the scheme, but I like the final result.
  15. The Skaven have so much potential and with the current GW capability… I believe we will witness greatness.
  16. Long live good king Ushoran! A fair, valiant and wise sovereign, worthy of our loyalty. GW goes from one victory to another with these recent refreshes. I’m personally not a big fan of CoS design, but it is very good. At the same time Seraphon and the new FEC are absolutely stunning. Well done.
  17. Agreed. It is much better for the army narrative to keep the gods away from the tabletop. This leaves more space for new characters development and allows for more conflicts that do not involve top-tier beings. I would immediately remove Nagash / Teclis / Alarielle / Archaon from the game, maybe Morathi / Kragnos / Kroak as well. This would allow to introduce more characters that are supposed to act as avatars / embodiments of a particular god or its certain aspect - like Celestant-Prime (or Basthian Carthalos or Yndrasta), Eidolon of Mathlann, Lady of Vines or Avatar of Khaine (the big one, from 40k). These are all much cooler than seeing the Old World names fight each other time after time, but this time as GODS (buy these huge impressive minis now!).
  18. A rare instance of mini so awesome that I would buy it straight away, even though I have no plans to ever play or collect FEC. Just wow.
  19. I always assumed that the Savage Orcs had this Battletome because, at that time, they had a reasonably new model line. Personally I think that the Underworld band (which I own) is not a convincing argument and I would't advise anyone to invest in Bonesplitterz at the moment.
  20. I was really slow last month, so the Kroxigors (2 of 3) are still on the table in November. If I can finish these, I intend to work on the Realmshaper.
  21. I've just played Warcry for the first time and the game is awesome. GW should definitely work with what they have, as the system can definitely carry a Mordheim-style expansion (if needed).
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