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Everything posted by Flippy

  1. I imagine that more astral or magitech will be a leading motif of this release - and I really like that. We're not in Lustria anymore.
  2. My feelings exactly. I even have the Squigalanche box in the basement and planned to order the GSG Vanguard & book yesterday. Then BOOM! Warriors of the Stars appear in a flash and I can suddenly see the elements of the Great Plan. Squigs must stay in the basement, where they naturally belong.
  3. I wouldn’t be surprised if some of the Seraphon fat was cut in transition. The variety is good, but, well… Saurus Guard are just glorified Warriors and can be merged into single unit. Then we have four (four!) foot heroes: Oldblood, Sunblood, Eternity Warden and Astrolith Bearer. There will be casualties.
  4. I planned for the OBR, but after Arkhan I decided to paint my birthday gift for a change. This time, unusually, I’ve tried to follow the “official” scheme and stick to more muted colours.
  5. Saurus Knights are 100% if they are kept in the new armybook. My mind breaks every time I try to imagine the old Knights along these new foot Saurus models. Then I would say Kroxigors and Salamanders. Maybe a single hero (my bet is on Saurus hero).
  6. I don't play Seraphon, but now I'm having second thoughts. The models are awesome.
  7. Da Grimscuttle are a bunch of spider bovverers over in Shyish. They’re up to some right nasty stuff involvin’ Arachnaroks. Last I ‘eard, one of their stalktribes fed a whole coven of bloodsuckers to a big spider called Boss Seven-Eyes.
  8. The latter, I suppose. The key part of the article is the one in which GW essentially communicates that TOW is not WHFB coming back to replace AoS. One of the most important aspects of Warhammer: the Old World is the setting itself. Obviously, this is the World-that-Was, a world of legend destroyed by the machinations of the Ruinous Powers of Chaos at the culmination of the End Times – an event that doomed the denizens of the Old World to oblivion and heralded the birth of the Mortal Realms and the Age of Sigmar. It’s important to remember, though, that even though the setting is returning, these events still happened, and that the Old World was destroyed. The End Times had long been foreshadowed in the background of Warhammer Fantasy Battle.
  9. Haven't they already? I was under the impression that the Stampeding Squigalanche sold exceptionally well.
  10. Another OBR month for me, starting with Arkhan the Black. After him, I will build Katakros and some additional Stalkers.
  11. Very nice thread. I always like to see the painted stuff and this will hopefully bring more people to the painting & modelling part of the forum. As for the 2022 models, I will pick three. The third place goes to the Liege-Kavalos from October. The second place is for the Megaboss on Megasquig, finished in March. And the first place, for the sheer amount of work - and the spectacular presence…
  12. I have played two 1000 pts games today, using this battlepack. I’ve also used OBR for the first time and this hindered both games a bit, as I had to constantly refer to the app. Nevertheless, the games were significantly quicker and easier than matched play and I’am very willing to use the casual handbook regularly. The one thing I would consider is the scoring system - as it is linear, it’s really difficult to come back once you fall behind. In the second game, we finished in the third round based on calculations; even though we both had units on the table it was apparent at that point that I will not be able to catch up. This may be a result of a specific setup (I was against Sylvaneth; in a 1000 pts game it’s rather difficult to catch them teleporting on objectives).
  13. Nice. The Endrimaster's and his troops reductions will really help in small games (1000 pts).
  14. I disagree. It's just the matter of GW's support for the format. For many people, the real way to play is the way that receives attention from GW - imagine a Casual Handbook for every season with some fun battleplans, campaign ideas, new artefacts and spell lores, backed up by WH+ casual battle reports and some WD coverage for casual play nights. For those who do not remember - there used to be a time when the tournament players were supposed to houserule (i.e. comp systems) the game, not the other way around. This was also far from perfect, but at least casual players was not expected to learn the Swedish Comp in order to pick up a game.
  15. To WFB. The old fantasy had many versions, but the one I've played was easier than current AoS. The reasons for this will very much echo the Beliman's remarks on HH and acr0ssth3p0nd's comments regarding game design. Once you've learned the basic rules of WFB, the actual play was easier and focused mostly on positioning. Points were awarded for killing and the units' abilities and stats generally stayed the same throughout the game; the game was not based on buffing / debuffing dynamic and aura effects, which are prevalent in AoS. In WFB, stat modifiers were passive (e.g. two-handed weapon = +2 strength and strike-last effect) and there was no need to constantly track changing modifiers. Even the magic was more focused on direct and immediate effects (with a standard 2D6 S4 hits spell available in almost every lore). AoS, on the other hand, is practically impossible to play without some sort of markers - this is not sophistication but a memory-check. If you ever watch Season of War battle reports, it becomes clear that even top competitive players regularly forget this or that modifier or ability. Not a sign of a good design, I'm afraid. At the same time, the AoS construction allows to peel off certain layers and still have a perfectly playable game. You can take away battalions and just allow 1 enhancement for every 500 points - and the game will be fine; you lose some sophistication in listbuilding, but you also don't have to remember that this particular unit can re-roll charge once per game. That would be perfectly acceptable for more casual players. Just to be very clear - I don't want GW to simplify the whole game. I would just like to see the official casual battlepack with regular updates from GW that would appeal to players looking for a slightly different experience. I am such a player myself - while I can deal just fine with pretty much any ruleset, I'm not looking for any hobby-time experience that resembles my job (I'm a tax attorney).
  16. Everything you say is true. This is how the tournament/competitive pack should work, with regular updates and more complex listbuilding, scoring and game rules. However, there should also be a standard/casual pack with simplified rules, but with equal care from GW. For some reasons most people like to use the play mode that feels supported by GW and once you tell them to just play the vanilla battleplan from the core rules, a favorite plan from an old GHB, or even just makeup your own, they will likely drop from AoS.
  17. I would start by removing from the standard battlepack: - stuff that complicates list-building: battalions - stuff that usually gets forgotten during the game: battalions, monstrous rampages, heroic actions - stuff that significantly slows the game down: battle tactics, grand strategies Then we can see if any additional trim is required.
  18. They also mentioned “a stockpile of artefacts”. That’s an instant 👍 from me.
  19. I suppose these are oil-based. The kerosene smell of mineral spirits should keep any sane person from putting anything into their mouth.
  20. That explains a lot; I’ve dropped from WHFB during the 6ed. Thanks!
  21. I’ve never seen the second one - they sure look like regular goblins.
  22. No, no - these were already different groups at that time. It’s just that the “regular” goblin minis were so old that the newer Night Goblins were used as the basic troops for the goblin part of O&G. Were the regular goblins from the 80ties ever refreshed? I don’t think so.
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