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Everything posted by Copywolf

  1. I have a suspicion, which could be entirely wrong, that it's just a named version like Fjori for the Grimhold Exile.
  2. I think this might be my first Whitefang react!
  3. One thing to keep in mind, an ardboy big boss may be just one step from being a brute or a brute with a more tactical mind in line with previous ardboy lore about them being more like regiments. Regular ardboyz may be a tad smaller with more orthodox arms for an organized (for an orruk) unit, i.e. choppas shields or spears and shields for an orruk phalanx of sorts.
  4. As long as the new 'ardboyz have some kind of shield+choppa combo and come in units of 10, I'm fine with them looking like mini brutes because the armor is very Ironjawz but the loadout and size would be enough to tell them apart.
  5. Or for an even more radical idea, summer king and kurnothi tag-team against nurgle
  6. I would absolutely adore Kroot coming to AoS, as unlikely as it seems. Though them getting their own faction in 40k would be neat too.
  7. The Offal hounds are unnerving but in a good way. Very excited to see what else FEC may get!
  8. Correct me if I'm wrong but couldn't the javelin raptadons shoot twice with that new rule? Once normally and then a second at the end of the charge phase?
  9. Maybe reading too much into it but maybe Spear saurus are now saurus guard? Those look like slightly more ornate saurus to me.
  10. Maybe they will be like old Ushabti and have a mix of dinosaur inspiration? One ankylosaur head/tail, one stegosaur head/tail, one triceratops head/tail?
  11. It looks like I'm having issues uploading but it's on page 27 of the 2nd edition battletome, bottom paragraph of the rightmost column on that page.
  12. The 2nd edition battletome for Seraphon mentions that the Saurus Knights are a subspecies of Saurus so maybe this is playing more into that?
  13. Could it be Seraphon perhaps, some kind of skink or saurus headdress?
  14. I was sniffing some hopium that ogors wouldn't end up like my fyreslayers but the Whitefang sad react seems to have sealed that up
  15. I'm not convinced that's the only new model for Ogors. Just seems like a strange choice of a new hunter type for their one hero.
  16. Could that mask and axe be part of the Bloodpelt Hunter? And not the Khorne Underworlds warband?
  17. That hook could be a Pirate Maneater or a reimagining of a "Bragg the Gutsman"-type ogor.
  18. I would be absolutely stoked for reimagined Fimir for AoS, preferably to diversify Destruction.
  19. That looks to me like the bottom/other side of an avian skull on a necklace or some other decoration. Unfortunately, avian skull isn't super specific to any one group.
  20. I'm personally betting on a FEC "artist" with a mace instead of a paintbrush. It's the kind of fun thing I think FEC could pull off.
  21. Gitz didn't get one so I would suspect them. I don't think Ogors did either. Neither did Lumineth or Tzeentch I think. That being said, we do have a S2D release in the winter which means we are near the phase of those with Tome Celestials getting books.
  22. That silhouette definitely has that head with the tongue sticking out rumor engine that people thought was the Jabberslythe's tongue potentially.
  23. I almost wonder if the Beasts of Chaos "bonding" with the magic of the realms opens them up to being not strictly chaos? Potentially both chaos and non-chaos (probably destruction) as options.
  24. New article about the Incarnate, but beastmen and orruks working together?
  25. I don't think that leg matches with the design of the dustbugs. The hook and carapace look doesn't seem the same to me
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