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Everything posted by Copywolf

  1. The more I think on that picture, the more I'm confident it is Temple Guard or a foot Scar-Veteran and not an Oldblood. An Oldblood would likely have more ornate material on the back spikes going off the current on foot one.
  2. I could see oldblood and temple guard being Seraphon's updates in 4th. That or some kind of warcry saurus berserkers.
  3. Anvil of Apotheosis being in every battletome is halfway to my dream of custom characters being added to AoS Matched Play!
  4. If we got a Runefather on a four-winged lava wyvern, I might just cry from happiness. (Or just any fyreslayer riding a dragon model).
  5. Lance from 40k which was +1 to wound on charge, maybe? Maybe something for anti-monster or anti-cavalry?
  6. As someone who owns a small amount of BoC, tying them visually into Chorfs would make sense, given the bull theming, but the lore side of things would be weird to me if they just drop them in there.
  7. I suspect BoC will stay around. I can't see a whole army being cut in 4th edition. Reimagined or revamped at some point, sure but not wholesale removed.
  8. I think it's the same artist, Raymond Swanland. For what it's worth, I think it it looks good and matches his style.
  9. My guess is some relatively close proximity to Hammerhal which would make sense for the Aqsha/Ghyran board mentioned during the preview.
  10. One thing to note too when it comes to Warcry, we have seen multiple "units" from one release ala the Hunters of Huanchi with Terrawings so it could be a satyr group and pets or base elves with a couple centaur. Not super likely but there is precedent.
  11. Sylvaneth vs OBR would make sense with Dawnbringers too since I think it was book 1 or 2 that had the Kurnothi fighting against OBR standing guard outside of New Summercourt. I wonder if these OBR are trying to re-capture or find Ushoran?
  12. Just an FYI, that's a bone kitty not a doggo. So definitely for hunting something edit: Just kidding, I misread the part that says four-femured fiend as something else!
  13. Definitely, not dogging on the Kalamandra! I just want more Kroot, specifically knarlocs.
  14. That makes me a bit sad. I always liked Knarlocs.
  15. One interesting thing about the River spirits, in the old lore article, river aelementors are noted as more common (https://www.warhammer-community.com/2021/01/26/how-well-do-you-know-the-spirits-of-hysh/). Instead of one large spirit, is it possible we could see packs of water spirits? Now that also could just be reading into it more as well. Edit: Perhaps the lumineth warband actually contains smaller aelementors?
  16. Dare I hope a swamp drake for Kruleboyz? The tongue looks semi similar to the belcha-banna tongue.
  17. That looks like an unlit torch/club combo. I'm definitely leaning flagellants, possibly a new warcry set sometime in the first half of 2024?
  18. This could still be FEC, what with the bones and insects may just indicate decaying meat?
  19. Someone on reddit pointed out that the rune on the tablet also appears on the right leg of the Ogroid Myrmidon so Darkoath is my guess.
  20. I wonder if that means the Lady of Ruin is a Darkoath Hero and new Darkoath style Marauders? I thought there was mention of something Darkoath coming at some point.
  21. In love with these new Fyreslayers! Here's hoping it's a sign of more to come!
  22. I don't think it was The one but a one. Edited because I don't know how to do the spoiler tag.
  23. I have a suspicion, which could be entirely wrong, that it's just a named version like Fjori for the Grimhold Exile.
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