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Everything posted by TechnoVampire

  1. Thanks for this. I think I follow. I’m just a bit confused by the system of having GHB’s, battlepacks and core rules. Does a GHB count as a battle pack and is therefor self contained? It seems that sometimes rules/ content from a GHB can be combined with a separate battlepack within matched play, like the previous GHB could be combined with thondia… or maybe I’m mistaken. I feel like I’ve confused myself and it’s maybe not that complex 😅
  2. Hi there, can anyone tell me if by the rules you can use the grand strategies from the thondia battlepack when playing the rules/ battleplans from the new GHB? Thanks!
  3. Also can I ask why you use wight king on skeletal steed?
  4. … can anyone tell me how to hide content (lists) using an iPhone so posts don’t take up huge space?
  5. Nice lists, I agree with much of your thinking. I’ve yet to play with the new rules, but it’s good to hear how others feel. I’m considering trying to lean into bounty hunters while avoiding GV’s (denying the battle tactics opponents can use that require them)… I also play nighthaunt and am keen to avoid building another horde style army in favour of something more elite. It seems that under the new rules GV’s and expert conquerors don’t lend themselves that well to using skeletons and zombies that have been cheap and resilient enough to capture objectives and hold them, but now die very easily to bounty hunters. However I feel like I’m losing out on a lot of the good SBGL stuff not having a summonable unit. I love grave guard, but I find their speed makes them pretty hard to get to where they need to go. I’ve been using VLOZD for a while and also find his damage frustratingly unreliable. My thinking with my above list was that pairing him with Vhordrai and giving him flaming weapon in combination with Vhordrais fist of Nagash CA would make for a strong pair of hammers. I played my brothers idoneth at the weekend and alpha striked him with the pair turn 1. Vhordria killed the Akhelian king and 20 reavers. VLOZD killed 4 thralls. I’m aware that’s anecdotal, but it feels like the case too often. this is the other list I’ve been playing with: Army Faction: Soulblight Gravelords - Army Type: Kastelai Dynasty - Grand Strategy: Hold the Line LEADER Mannfred Von Carstein (380) - Spells: Overwhelming Dread Necromancer (125) - Spells: Invigorating Aura, Fading Vigour Vampire Lord on Zombie Dragon (435) - General - Command Traits: Rousing Commander - Deathlance - Artefacts: Standard of the Crimson Keep - Mount Traits: Foetid Miasma - Spells: Amethystine Pinions, Invigorating Aura BATTLELINE Blood Knights (195) - Kastellan - Standard Bearer Blood Knights (195)* - Kastellan - Standard Bearer Blood Knights (195)* - Kastellan - Standard Bearer Blood Knights (195)* - Kastellan - Standard Bearer OTHER 1 x Grave Guard (280) - Seneschal - Standard Bearer - Hornblower - Great Wight Blade CORE BATTALIONS: *Bounty Hunters TOTAL POINTS: (2000/2000) Created with Warhammer Age of Sigmar: The App … though I’m tempted to switch VLOZD to vhordrai and maybe remove necromancer or a unit of blood knights for something else?
  6. How do people feel SBGL are faring under the new GHB rules? I’m considering abandoning a 2 drop with battle regiment to put 3 units of blood knights in bounty hunters: Army Faction: Soulblight Gravelords - Army Type: Kastelai Dynasty - Grand Strategy: Hold the Line - Triumphs: Bloodthirsty LEADER Prince Vhordrai (455) - Spells: Amethystine Pinions Vampire Lord on Zombie Dragon (435) - General - Command Traits: Rousing Commander - Deathlance - Artefacts: Standard of the Crimson Keep - Mount Traits: Foetid Miasma - Spells: Invigorating Aura, Flaming Weapon Vengorian Lord (280) - Spells: Invigorating Aura, Amaranthine Orb BATTLELINE Blood Knights (195) - Kastellan - Standard Bearer Blood Knights (195)* - Kastellan - Standard Bearer Blood Knights (195)* - Standard Bearer - Kastellan Blood Knights (195)* - Standard Bearer - Kastellan ENDLESS SPELL Chronomantic Cogs (40) CORE BATTALIONS: *Bounty Hunters TOTAL POINTS: (1990/2000) Created with Warhammer Age of Sigmar: The App
  7. Wow. Really nice job! What weapons did you use?
  8. Thank you you are an absolute star! I’m in South West Scotland (near Glasgow) and of course will cover postage.
  9. Thanks you. That’s really kind and I appreciate the potential offer. How far south are you?? 😅
  10. LOOKING FOR A BIT OF HELP Hello fellow SBGL fans. I’m looking for some help with a modelling mistake… I’ve built a vengorian lord and decided to dry fit the head to appreciate the model. However on attempting to remove it, to make painting easier, I found it’s actually very hard to do so. After numerous attempts to remove the head using various implements and becoming increasingly frustrated I managed to do so, but in the process I’ve destroyed the detail on the head beyond redemption. I have looked online to replace this part with no success, and I could use the Lukai Vai head, but I am very attached to the vengorion lord aesthetic for my army. I’m hoping some of you wonderful people might have that head spare and would be willing to post it to me. (Of course I would cover any postage and supply a little extra for the effort and the part). I live in the UK. If anyone reads this and would be sympathetic enough to aid me it would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!
  11. Please help! - Vengorian lord head. Hello fellow SBGL fans. I’m looking for some help with a modelling mistake… I’m building a vengorian lord and dry fitted the head to appreciate the model. However on attempting to remove it, to make painting easier, I found it’s actually very hard to do so. After numerous attempts to remove the head using various implements and becoming increasingly frustrated I managed to do so, but in the process I’ve destroyed the detail on the head beyond redemption. I have looked online to replace this part with no success, and I could use the Lukai Vai head, but I am very attached to the vengorion lord aesthetic for my army. I’m hoping some of you wonderful people might have that head spare and would be willing to post it to me. (Of course I would cover any postage and supply a little extra for the effort and the part). I live in the UK. If anyone reads this and would be sympathetic enough to aid me it would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!
  12. Hello fellow SBGL fans. I’m looking for some help with a modelling mistake… I’m building a vengorian lord and dry fitted the head to appreciate the model. However on attempting to remove it, to make painting easier, I found it’s actually very hard to do so. After numerous attempts to remove the head using various implements and becoming increasingly frustrated I managed to do so, but in the process I’ve destroyed the detail on the head beyond redemption. I have looked online to replace this part with no success, and I could use the Lukai Vai head, but I am very attached to the vengorion lord aesthetic for my army. I’m hoping some of you wonderful people might have that head spare and would be willing to post it to me. (Of course I would cover any postage and supply a little extra for the effort and the part). I live in the UK. If anyone reads this and would be sympathetic enough to aid me it would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!
  13. I can’t see any summary, or find the new rules. Does anyone have a link?
  14. I also really don’t like the necromancer model so I kit-bashed one:
  15. Thanks for sharing and congrats on your recent wins. I’m running a blood knight heavy Kastelai list, but have only played 2 games of 3.0 so far. I found listening to you talk about your list and how you play really helpful in thinking about how to play/ build mine.
  16. Thanks for the replies. After much searching online and finally getting my head around the exact allocation of wounds from different weapons; that they can be split up by the opponent so that anything with more than one wound will basically never be killed by the sword, it makes abilities like these feel all but redundant. Seems like a waste and strange game design when there are numerous interesting abilities like this that will hardly ever come into effect.
  17. Hi, thanks for the response… did you type something that isn’t showing? It starts “for example” and I feel like there was supposed to be an explanation leading up to that? 😊
  18. Hi all Im trying to figure out how Mannfreds Sword of Unholy Power ability is determined: “If any enemy models are slain by wounds inflicted by this model’s Gheistvor, until end of of that phase, add 1 to the attacks characteristic…” Since wounds are calculated after all attacks have been made from multiple weapon profiles, and the models removed afterwards how do you determine if a model was killed by a specific weapon (aka Gheistvor)? Thanks!
  19. Looks insane. Can’t wait to see it painted!
  20. These are great! Can I ask how you did the bases??
  21. Hello Several rules/ effects trigger when an enemy model is slain by a specific weapon such as Mannfreds sword of unholy power ability: “If any enemy models are slain by wounds inflicted by this model’s Gheistvor…” Since wounds are calculated after all attacks have been made from multiple weapon profiles, and the models removed afterwards how do you determine if a model was killed by a specific weapon? Thanks! Quote
  22. Hello Several rules/ effects trigger when an enemy model is slain by a specific weapon such as Mannfreds sword of unholy power ability: “If any enemy models are slain by wounds inflicted by this model’s Gheistvor…” Since wounds are calculated after all attacks have been made from multiple weapon profiles, and the models removed afterwards how do you determine if a model was killed by a specific weapon? Thanks!
  23. I feel the same. I don’t play competitively, and no one in my group uses SOB so I’ll probably give it a miss and go for pinions or flaming weapon. thanks for weighing in.
  24. I know it’s been out a little while, but not heard much discussion about it. What do people think of vile transference since the FAQ: ‘Vile Transference is a spell that has a casting value of 7. If successfully cast, pick 1 enemy unit within 3" of the caster that is visible to them. Roll a number of dice equal to that enemy unit’s Wounds characteristic. For each 6, that unit suffers 1 mortal wound and you can heal 1 wound allocated to the caster.’ I’m considering using it on my VLOZD for extra survivability, but it feel situational and the 3” range kind of puts me off.
  25. Thanks, these are all good points and help me see why it’s actually fairly beneficial. I hated characters being locked into general role, feels far too restrictive.
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