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Posts posted by r0olz

  1. So I just noticed the ardboys are "No Longer Available Online" on the GW site. Bit concerning seeing as ironjawz only has 3 options for units as is. I hope it is just a re-boxing to the red AoS3 box, over the white box. I doubt they would bin a unit for a book that just came out and has one of the biggest followings of customers. 

  2. 9 minutes ago, Malakree said:

    Just checked, actually correct. I suspect it'll be errata'd real quick but atm you can't run it in a Kruleboyz army.

    I am not entirely sure it will. It doesn't have any Orruks on it, only Grots and a Troggoth. The Hobgrot Slittaz have the Hobgrot keyword but not the Grot key word, cause they aren't Grots and in the lore fight with the kruelboyz. I am starting to think this Sloggoth is specifically there as is, like the last of the Gitmob Grots, literally, riding around on a Troggoth, which is why they can only be in Big Waagh. Lore wise it makes sense. They have no leader or allegiance, and since there isn't an Orruk riding the thing bossing them around, they only join the Big Waaghs when the energy is pumping, hence "friendly" and boy do I hope this stays. It makes sense thematically. 

  3. 3 minutes ago, PlayerJ said:

    RAW, yes

    I thought the +1 to hit "friendly" aura on it was a mistake, but thinking about the key words now it seems intentional I think? If it can only be in Big Waaagh, they wrote it's warscroll to reflect that and not get locked into a faction. 

    I hope this is the case, that would be really cool. You might lose some allegiance abilities for taking Big Waaghh but the unit combos provide incentives. 

  4. Did anyone catch in the new app yesterday when building a gitz list, where you would choose your grand strategy it made you CHOOSE one of the bad moon benefits? I hope this is NOT the direction they are going in an upcoming FAQ because gitz struggle enough as it is, especially for a random allegiance ability that potentially could never come into play, going from 5 to 1 is horrible and absurd.


    Unless, they are re-working the book similar to Orruk Warclans into 4 factions but have something like Big Waaghh where they can be used together and in that sense they would retain their bad moon abilities. But that would also mean the little sub factions would get more little abilities of their own, like how when you take just ironjawz.


    Today however, after I download the updated version of the app, this is gone, I should have screen shot it. That's what makes me think a new battletome is on the way, like they added this prematurely. 

  5. 27 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    It says to replace the paragraphs following the one about battleshock immunity. That paragraph did not get replaced.

    Ahhh, wow. Since they specified "start ing with" I thought it meant that is the one being replaced. Thank you for clarifying.

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