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Ollie Grimwood

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Posts posted by Ollie Grimwood

  1. 45 minutes ago, Moldek said:

    @Ollie Grimwood yeah, I remember the albion campaign, good times! Gw’s setting have always kind of shifted in tone and style, I think that’s one of the reasons they survived for so long. Who knows maybe in 10 years AoS will look more like Dark Sould than D&D 😂

    @Beastmaster I think with mordheim they really captured lightning in a bottle tone wise. I don’t see how they could replicate that today as a bigger structure with more oversight and such. I’m fine with letting Mordheim live in fans communities, but if they re-release it we’ll at least get some cool new models.

    Absolutely. I’m very intrigued what the tone of the The Old World will be. After all we know what the twists are, Malkieth in the turn Phoenix king and his scheming caused the war of the beard or Lileath is the The Lady. 

    Yes we knew in broad strokes the outline of the HH but it hadn’t been told in full. The story of Warhammer Fantasy has been told to it’s conclusion over the last 30+ years. 

    GW clearly have a vision though otherwise they wouldn’t be doing it 

  2. 12 hours ago, michu said:

    Eh, that's not entirely true - first years of warhammer was grimy but also more fantastical than for example 6th ed.

    TBH if there are dragons and regular gryphs in your world, what is wrong with demigryphs? In 3rd edition, even regular gryphs were just hybrids born thanks to chaotic energies. They were just stable mutants like 40k abhumans.

    Agreed, I started in 3rd Edition/ WFRP and it was much it pretty fantastical flying Dwarfs, flying Islands and Las totting Amazons all knocking about and the Dwarfs of Man O War were pretty techy. 

    and let’s not forget the “magic” items won during the 6th Ed Dark Shadows campaign were all 40k equipment

  3. 23 minutes ago, RexHavoc said:



    The Three years warning here isn't a cliff edge either. And its not even like they are cancelling AoS, but at least you are weary that AoS *might* suffer as a result, as you have seen them remove games before and know what to expect. The end times is a poor example as they never made it clear that this was the end of WFB during its run. I think most people expected the setting to be reset (as they had done before after a big end of the world campaign) or that the shift in the timeline would happen and the next edition would be about the reshaped old world map and we would go back to a stand-off with chaos, but just a couple of years after the final battle.  

    I never said there is a cliff edge with the introduction of The Old World. Nor have I said there’s anything to worry about with it’s release it’ll be all good.  GW never reset the story line with a campaign before the Endtimes , Storm of Chaos never changed anything and they outright ignored it in the end anyway.   I find somewhat hard to believe anyone reading the Endtimes didn’t think something major was happening, first it’s called the Endtimes and they destroyed a major faction in the first book which should have cleared up and thoughts of a minor tweak.     

  4. 9 minutes ago, zilberfrid said:

    For myself, there was a good chance of me leaving.

    I am not smitten by the Mortal Realms, my army has not received new models, and am not interested in most of the aesthetic of AoS.

    When I am ready painting my current models, am I going to invest in a new army (Kharadron or Tzeench)? Or, am I going to look at other miniature producers, because they are good enough for my skills, while being quite a bit cheaper.

    This may keep me within GW's clutches, because I know there is something beyond the horizon that can complement the things I have.

    That’s no bad thing. You’re still in the hobby.  The Horus Heresy kept me involved for a number of years when my interest waned pre Endtimes/ AoS. Things go stale it’s always nice to have choice. 

  5. 1 hour ago, Kyriakin said:

    That's not really a fair comparison.

    • One is the sudden extinction of a game and setting that had been around for 30 years, and replaced with something completely different that was initially flawed in many respects.
    • One is a hint of a game in the distant future that will almost certainly not replace the current game.

    Your message feels like it is throwing shade on the WHFB community compared to the AoS one.

    While the AoS community may indeed be "better", let's not pretend that this so-called upheaval to AoS players even remotely compares to that upheaval for WHFB fans back in 2015.

    It's not even close.

    To have a fair comparison, you would have to have GW have released a video or book where the Mortal Realms are suddenly destroyed, half its miniature range is squatted and then a teaser video is released to say that the Old World has returned to replace the Mortal Realms with a new rank-and-file game on square bases.

    Then the AoS community - myself very much included - would be up in arms, and rightly so.

    To be totally fair WFB wasn’t suddenly discontinued there was a whole set of (Massive) campaign books and a novel series detailing its ending coupled with a transition period with the rules compendiums/ignoring bases. It wasn’t a sudden cliff edge.  Even now very little has actually been “Squatted” as most still has rules and points. 

    • Like 1
  6. 6 hours ago, Dead Scribe said:

    I'm gutted.  Some of our older players set up a WHFB 8th edition game day yesterday.  The amount of interest really kicked me in the gut.  There were so many people that showed up for it yesterday, I had no idea that that many people wanted WHFB back.  I haven't even seen a lot of the guys that showed up before in my life.

    Its really going to tear my community apart and endanger our AOS group.

    Shame they didn’t show as much enthusiasm when 8th was out 😉

    I wouldn’t worry crikey I’d probably have a game of WFB for nostalgia’s sake as a one off same for 40K Rogue Trader doesn’t mean I’m not going to play the new stuff. 

    There might be a silver lining the fellas you’ve not seen before may stick around and play some games of AoS and find out they like what it’s evolved into. 

    • Thanks 1
  7. 27 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

    For somebody who's admitted they've never touched WHFB, you're making a lot of assumptions and sounding very bitter, dare I say, salty.

    I really don't get all this negativity coming from a community that usually prides itself on not being such. This is going to do MORE for AoS than it is harm. After a while of release, much of what resentment towards AoS that lingered will have faded away since the game will not longer have been squat'ed. This will likely bring players into AoS who shunned it for that reason.

    This also opens up more design space for AoS, as GW can commit to both Old World designs for those who they appeal to in the game that was truly meant for them (WHFB) whilst having more breathing room to make AoS more unique.

    Lord of the Rings supported 'return' (kind of, it was never truly squat'ed) didn't eat a chunk out of AoS either despite it having more in common with it mechanically than WHFB.

    I think after having 5 years of salt poured on them they’re just having a go at it themselves. In no way is this going to detract from AoS, HH certainly hasn’t effected 40K at all in a negative way (and initially it was just a re skin with the same rules) In fact it’s just meant a load of cool extra stuff 

    • Like 1
  8. 3 minutes ago, Panzer said:

    Yeah I was thinking about that as well. Doesn't bode well for my Tomb Kings but gives hope for a Kislev army. :D 

    Yeah, 5 possible human factions, Empire,  Bretonnia, Estalia, Tilea and Kislev plus the additional 6th mixed humans of the Border Princes. Would reduce production a bit have a base human model and 5 different add on packs like they do for the Astartes Legions. 

  9. Just a thought it’s called Warhammer The Old World (at the moment) and the map is of the Old World part of the Warhammer world. Might be that it’s going to be a bit more pared back in comparison to WFB. Maybe that’s part of the Horus Heresy similarity, a reduced number of races/factions and a more concentrated scope. 

  10. 2 hours ago, Mcprowlington said:

    Personally i think you're setting yourself up for disappointment if you ever assumed warband = future army.  Also, i don't think  Shadespire minis have the same 2-3 year production time that main AoS factions are said to.  For many of them, the quality isn't there.  I try to take them as an enjoyable  way for GW artists to vent some of that loose creative energy while also fleshing out some of the mortal realms. I really doubt we'll ever see a full kurnothi faction. The satyr theme already exists in abundance within the beastmen, and there's no way to copyright such a widespread trope, or even really distinguish it for that matter.

    But it's nice to see them populate the realms without worrying about  redundancy, copyright issues or  how the faction must fit into the big overarching narrative. The kurnothi are simply a type of nomadic aelf found in small numbers roaming ghur. That's cool. I wonder what other neat realm-specific creatures and cultures are out there. 

    You might be correct and it is a good way of populating the setting without massive production costs. 

    To add into the idea though they might be using it as a opportunity to test concepts and see which ones have the biggest take up and then develop those ones into full factions for AoS proper. 

    • Like 1
  11. For me the problem with the Chariot and Orruk Boys is that they are “old” Orcs with the gorilla gait physiology that is absent in the upright Ironjawz and Bonesplitterz. Of course so do Ard Boys but they don’t fit very well to my eye.  I feel they provide an aesthetic problem. 

    Boarboys however don’t as they are mounted and also possess commonality of design with the Bonesplitter sets. I was far more surprised they went. 

    There’s quite a large narrative point to be addressed as Bonesplitterz and Ard Boyz do both start there lives as “ordinary” Orruks so that’ll need to be addressed in Warclans. 

    I  am of course praying to Gorkamorka that a new set will be produced and added along with a return of Boarboys.  I’m not hugely hopeful though. 

  12. 3 hours ago, PlasticCraic said:

    Yeah that could work!

    I guess the problem overall is that it's not very granular... Maybe it could be more like Nurgle, where there are multiple ways to generate this resource? Completed charges could be one of several. 

    Yeah it needs to be well defined,  any ambiguity does not go down well

    • Like 1
  13. 2 hours ago, PlasticCraic said:

    Yeah I'm not sure.  One thing that could work thematically is completed charges...every completed charge generates a Waaagh! point (just thinking off the top of my head here!)

    What do you reckon?

    Charges could work well, representing a building tide of Orkiness as they get into the fight.  Of course adds a bit of a weakness as we can be a bit slow getting there but new Ironjawz ability would mitigate that. Thematically it would work  

    Edit: could go with units in 3” of the enemy after all Orruks don’t mind how they get into a fight as long as they are there. Might and for an interesting game where you’re enemy needs to choose their charges very well 

    • Like 1
  14. 5 hours ago, PlasticCraic said:

    @Ollie Grimwood Yeah.  I guess the summoning in Bonegrinz is another one (lures more Boyz to the draw of the Waagh!) and I could see something similar here.  

    Kinda like Blood Tithes...you can spend it on extra attacks / pile ins etc, or spend it on summoning Boyz (from the board edge would be most thematic).

    Summoning you say? Interesting. Has it been mentioned where the Waaagh points come from? It’ll be interesting to see how they do it thematically speaking. Traditionally more boyz equals more Waaagh 

  15. 21 minutes ago, madmac said:

    It's not the units, it's the three finecast heroes. Not to mention their one plastic hero comes with a built in square base that includes part of his foot. Would be nice to see some replacements but with the merged Orruk book I'm not sure how likely that is.

    Similar problem to Ogors and their extensive range of finecast heroes/units that will probably be fully or mostly purged with the Mawtribes book.

    Good point, though it wouldn’t  really affect them all the characters can be made out of the plastic sets pretty easily as could a mounted missile unit. 

  16. 44 minutes ago, Ashendant said:

    I'm pretty sure some factions are going to be partially squatted in the future. If I had to guess I would say Bonesplitterz, Gutbusters, Beastclaw Raiders, Seraphon, Slaves to Darkness are going to through some minor squattings,


    Finished uploading all the images on the Lexicanum, through I was pretty lazy on the names

    Blimey Bonesplitterz only have two box sets !! Loosing anything would be pretty major. 

    High possibility of some Ogor trimming with a new book coming though I might guess at Gnoblars 

  17. 7 minutes ago, zilberfrid said:

    Could you tell me which boxes that would be? I am sort of new, I don't know all that much about anything from before the end of may.

    Black Orcs to Ard boys and Savage Orcs to Savage Orruks spring to to mind where the number of models of models in the box went up. As did the Bloodchrushers.  They didn’t add in extra sprues from other sets with them. They did with a couple of the FEC sets though 

  18. 11 minutes ago, zilberfrid said:

    There still is the Empire captain, it has the worst loadout possible, and the ugliest model, but it does use the General warscroll. The general on griffin has a wildly different command ability.

    I do not think they will increase unit numbers, all new units are with a lower amount of units, not a higher one, and even if, they would not add the discarded sprues in the new sets.

    If Freeguild gets a new missile troop, I expect a second culling where the battleline remaining is greatswords, and the guards and crossbowmen are removed.

    Ah good call on the monopose captain I’d forgotten him. 

    I didn’t mean number of units increasing you are very correct the number of units in total has tended to go down. I meant the number of models in a box which they’ve tended to increase for boxes like that to 20 

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