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Boingrot Bouncer

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Everything posted by Boingrot Bouncer

  1. Her points have been confirmed by an ittalian leak.
  2. Since Kragnos has been leaked to be 760, Kroak 430, and Allarielle 740 they seem to have given the gods a quite high point cost, the problem being that Teclis and Morathi is at 660 and 600 which seem low comapred to Nagash, Kragnos and perhaps Allarielle (I haven't seen her war scroll). So while Morathi and Teclis (whos points could have been increased in the BR-books) is something you can build a really good list around, it feels like Kragnos and the new Nagash will almost never be seen in list unless you only play for a cool game with gods.
  3. It feels like Kragnos is dead on arrival, 760 points will give me 35 Boingrots, a command point and 10 points to spend on something else. And I also have to spend MSP 125 euro to buy it to replace something in my Squig or Troll-army. Sure, if I fight a monster he would be good, but most of times you don't fight monster...and 35 Boingrots (or whatever I take instead) will give a lot more board controll and chance to control objectives.
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