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Everything posted by Asbestress

  1. Naturally, it is base decoration for Skricchkracher, Incarnate-Endless-Spell Avatar of the Silent People-Chorf Coalition.
  2. Honestly, pleasantly surprised by some of the pricing (most of the kits are ridiculously discounted at my go-to retailer for some reason, to the point where a box of Steelhelms costs almost the same as the old Freeguild Guard kit did ordering direct, adjusted for inflation/price hikes), although I agree that the official MSRP is a bit high for me. Also, I just love the new range too much to not invest in at least a Castelite formation in addition to the launch box. Currently thinking about getting 2-3 Fusilier squads, Cannons and ogors and a command squad over time after I'm finished with what I already have.
  3. So, now that we have some pics of the sprues, what are we thinking on overall bit utility? Infantry kits are great for the sheer amount of heads (Fusilier kit alone has 14! different helmeted heads) and arms in various poses/with different equipment (Fusilier arms with fuses, Steelhelm weapons) that are really useful for adding variety, although the Steelhelm kit lacks any base decor sadly. Some surprising highlights for me are the Ironweld cannon and command squad. The cannon has an unexpected amount of extra options for crew equipment (compasses, sextants, bottles, helmets in hand, and you could make some interesting things with the empty hands that you can slot one of the base decor cannon shells into for the big guy!), alongside the fuse-stick(?) with helmet on the ground, a mallet, and around 10 spare shells for basing, while the command squad has some nice bits of basing material (signage, gargoylians, rocks with plants etc.). Also, kinda surprised at the lack of individual hero models now that all the kits are on the website, with only the Marshal and Warforger.
  4. Put some skulls and "Sigmar"s on these and we straight up have Freeguild Cavaliers on foot!
  5. Expecting the reveal of the two faction starters for Bretonnia and Tomb Kings (1 new plastic character each, maybe some more new FW?), and the Core Book. Seems like they'll be switching up the usual Fantasy red dominated packaging/design with blue based on the WarCom page. Release date and base size info will probably come closer to release (guessing between February-April), so I think this will be a quick box reveal for the 40th anniversary and will hopefully herald more frequent bi-weekly/monthly miniature reveals based off of how Necromunda/Horus Heresy get their reveals, leading up to the delayed launch maybe late Winter/early Spring next year. I'm surprisingly excited for this reboot (for Cities conversion material if the scale/painting won't be to my liking), so hoping for some good stuff! Edit: Oh, also! Seeing how the confirmed movement trays will look like would be nice, although again, that seems like something to reveal closer to release. Maybe we can fit round bases in? Probably not, but I can dream damn it!
  6. None yet surprisingly. AoS playlist has 5 unlisted, but I don't know if some of those are older. Maybe they are in there?
  7. This is what I wanted Vindictors to be when we got the initial Thunderstrike reveal! Now I know what the elite infantry support for my Greywater force will look like. Although it's kinda weird they made full models/unit screenshots/etc. for old style Liberators when now we have these.
  8. https://www.warhammer-community.com/warhammer-the-old-world/ redirected to the Paladin and Tomb King reveal article yesterday, so yeah, this is brand new! (Don't ask why I've been checking it for changes every few weeks 😛)
  9. YES THESE ARE AMAZING I NEED THEM I've resisted the temptation of 3d printing for a while now. Would have probably succumbed to these if I had the place/money/free plugs for one. Gonna have to see if there are any printing services near me if/when the sculpts are released though!
  10. With no idea whatsoever: Khorne/S2D (Scyla/Lady of Ruin/Valkia) Sylvaneth (Kurnothi) Nurgle/Fyreslayers (Harbringer) Soulblight (bonus)
  11. So we're definitely getting Sylvaneth/Kurnothi, but what are the symbols on the bugs? Could they mean something? Have they already appeared elsewhere? Am I looking too much into this?
  12. Every limited release model has been "Commemorative Series" for a few years now, e.g.:
  13. Finally, I can vent my Cities brainrot (chose these more on a what if they needed a background theme for a movie/video game theme rather than general theme song 😛) Cities of Sigmar/Freeguilds: Civilization V - Elizabeth I War Theme (I Vow to Thee, My Country) Dispossessed: Diggy Diggy Hole (WIND ROSE) Scourge Privateers: All 5 Pirates of the Caribbean film scores Flesh-Eater Courts: Two Steps From Hell - Protectors of the Earth OR Darkest Dungeon: Bloodletting (depends on who you ask)
  14. They are probably referring to the unreleased 2009(?) Dwarf Lord plastic kit. http://www.bugmansbrewery.com/topic/25520-the-unreleased-lord-sprue/ First time I've seen this, and the first time I realised that WHFB only had metal/resin Dwarf Lords.
  15. For the Lady! It looks so good! Even if I don't end up doing any forces for TOW this has a lot of Cities conversion potential (alongside some weirdly heroic scale but imo awesome looking men-at-arms 😄).
  16. So maybe the regular ghoul "serfs/men-at-arms" are retaining the old (no metal gear/armour/weapons) kit? Looks like I'll have a use for leftover Cities bits (of course only in the very unlikely and definitely not realistically happening, "please don't look cool" scenario in which I start a FEC army)
  17. At least it's semi-confirmed that we are getting both refreshes of old kits (leaked ghouls), and entirely new things (court judge/executioner from Whitefang). My guesses would be something like: Ushoran Court of the Regent (i.e.; Gobbapalooza, Freeguild Command, with stuff like the aforementioned judge, executioner and other medieval royal court roles) Ghouls Actual cavalry Crypt Horrors Big monster Crypt Horrors style squad Household Guard elite Ghouls 2-4 heroes/other kits
  18. NOOOO Don't make me like FEC! Please! I don't need more loons (apart from Gitz)! Also, those shin-pads are somehow both "not enough armour" and "they look how I always wanted deluded ghoul soldiers to look like".
  19. A day may come when the Workshop of Games discovers magnets, when they forsake their paint pots and break all paintbrush contracts, but it is not this day. An hour of new logistics and shattered moulds, when the age of 2011 pots comes crashing down, but it is not this day! This day we sell! By all that you hold dear, in these good margins, I bid you stand, men of the stocks!
  20. They'd look really cool in an Ironweld focused army, like elite, top-of-the-line engineer-handgunners.
  21. On the topic of repainted old models... I'm still waiting for a good look at the new red Hammerhal Aqsha Steam Tank from the background of that one Irondrake/Alchemite focused picture from the Battletome. It even has the same basing as all the other new stuff. Hopefully it'll replace the current Steam Tank as a photo model on the webstore (although the warscroll still uses the Fantasy one for some reason)
  22. Absolutely incredible model. Really hope it's like the Sisters of Battle special minis and it's not limited. I'm not a fan of FOMO, but this mini would have me seriously considering an unplanned purchase (and the fact that this is just imho a much better pose for the Champion in general). I've toyed around with the idea of getting into LoV for a while now (even getting some Necromunda Squats before release to test some schemes), but painting white got me off that idea pretty quick. I've got a trip lined up for this weekend to a place which just so happens to have a Warhammer store (I know lfgs would be cheaper), so I might finally bite the bullet and get a character to see if I really would want to do a full force in a more manageable scheme. Or maybe just a Kill Team.
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