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Snorri Nelriksson

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Posts posted by Snorri Nelriksson

  1. @KingBroddthe nice thing about the Ogre of Cursed City is that he's based on the pre-6th edition ones, the classic gw idea before the whole mongolian spin. I'm starting to think they want to get back some "Oldhammer" style to some new niniatures considering what we've seen of these "Morruks'.

    About the boxes:a bit angry that KO did'nt get one still probably they  would have put the usual ballon boys+gunhauler combo...i still hate that half the boxes did'nt have arkanauts.

  2. 12 minutes ago, Thalassic Monstrosity said:


    Judging from Whitefang's reactions to your two posts, it seems like our new greenskins ARE in fact a part of Warclans. Not sure how I feel about that personally; I've always felt a bit like Warclans is less a soup tome and more like two separate entrees where you pick one and can include some of the other but why would you because the flavor would be off.

    But I'm also an Incredible Dingus.

    I admit, i don't like the idea but judging by the reaction it will be so.
    Probably i'm biased against cause seems  a bad idea to me, warclans already have too "much thing" a third faction could diminish the expansion of this new idea.
    I'd hope we'll see also something about the three headed icon of the newsletter mail though.

  3. Probably their aesthetic and uniqueness (after the fact they are dwarfs).
    The idea of mesopotamian\iranian chaos dwarves seems "original enough" without just playing on the old "duergar" fantasy trope.
    Still they play on the dwarf worst traits and exaggerate further, without seeming just evils , with their added quirks and things like the whole Hashut cult (that seems really different from other chaos gods).
    Also their story is interesting as they continued with the dwarven mindset but tried to avert their doom with a pact forged in damnation.
    There was an interesting quote in the Wrfp 2nd edition tome of corruption:
    "Where was Grimnir when our warriors were dying? Where was Valaya when our children sickened? When we called out for aid in the deep places where we delved, it was not Grungni who answered our call, but mighty Hashut who delivered us in our time of need. Who are the real traitors here? Our kin who abandoned us to madness and death or we who only sought to survive against the forces of Chaos? One day there will be a reckoning and it will be the Sons of the Father of Darkness who will have the victory, not the weak willed spawn of the pathetic Ancestor Gods."

    • Like 14
  4. 11 minutes ago, Nezzhil said:

    Well, I'm getting used to that the new faction is not a new faction and they are a new subfaction of Orruk Warclans.

    Or they just shares keywords and have somer sort of orruk specifical units that could be taken in Big Waagh.
    It seems strange starting an edition with something new but fused in an old battletome.

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    • Confused 1
  5. 12 minutes ago, Public Universal Duardin said:

    I was talking with a mate of mine, who claimed he had seen a rumour that the boxset would include a single (1) chorf in some capacity...but as he didn't tell me where he had seen that rumour, this should be taken with a trolley's worth of salt and as a game of telephone. Still, a gal can dream!

    It seems wishlisting but i'd really love something for them,still does'nt feel right having 1 chaos dwarf in a boxset of Destruction vs Order....
    Or maybe it's just a sort of marker like some weapon \ armor thing.

    @FFJumpIn Eight Lamentations they say that the furnace kings misused Grungni's teachings and so he casted them down with some punishment or something like that.
    It makes more compelling this idea considering all the "still unknown" parts of Grungni story in the mortal realms.

    • Like 1
  6. Boc and Skaven just needs mostly model line revamps with some lost units like centigors though.

    I'd love for some skaven waves themed around the Eshin and Moulder clans, they were ignoreed to much.

    Still as already said,Chaos dwarves were already a thing so it should'nt be called a new army if we count Azgorh Legion.

    Also we got other Hashut worshipping dwarves like the ones in the Iron Golems.

  7. Considering that in the area under Excelsis there's the Morruk hills....could it be these are the "Morruks"?It seems still part of Thondia that area.
    Morks lesser orruks that are kunning but brutals?

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  8. 1 minute ago, Ganigumo said:

    The best candidates for possible aos possible aos shows (in my opinion) would be: Gotrek, something starring a witch hunter, a show following a newly recruited stormcast, or a story about the path to glory.

    They would all hit different themes, gotrek would be action, witch hunter would be intrigue/horror, stormcast could be a high fantasy (it would be interesting to learn and see the flaws of stormcasts in a show), and path to glory could be dark fantasy.

    They could also do an episodic series about various people and factions in the mortal realms.

    That could gives the feeling of the various GA and lifestyle of the people in the settings.

  9. I think the major letdown on Animations is the streaming service.

    On top of that the most of the series are about 40k,little for aos and nothing for whfb (a Gotrek and Felix animated series could be the best way to do a series for them imho).

  10. 22 minutes ago, pitzok said:

    yes, we do, but looking at what we've got so far these guys looks just too "classic" to me. they definitely give off a whfb orc vibe and for me personally going back to the old world for designs just ain't it chief. but still, this is still not enough stuff to judge the whole faction on, i'm gonna have to see the minis to decide whether i like them or hate them but they're not off to a good start in my book

    I'd say the opposite,to me they seems very different to the standard ork/orc "made in Gw".

    The body and heads are very different.

    The intriguing part is how they'll  implement the swamp style in the army.

  11. I'd say i'm not much fan of the nose though.

    Seems strange,not enough orky but completely different from grots,too "flat".

    Still it does remind me those orcs of the 5th edition(see pic) in plastic that had a similar face, so i think they're not the hobgoblins.


    Perhaps "lesser orruks" and not "big goblins" like the hobgoblins?

    • Like 3
  12. 9 minutes ago, Mutton said:

    I hope people aren't trying to judge the aesthetics of an entire miniature range based on two frames from a CG animation.

    Nah, nobody would do that.

    Well the animation can be judged and is gorgeous XD.

    Still while "puzzling" is an interesting appetizer for the reveal, i hope the week passes quick.

    • Like 1
  13. I admit seems just a regular skinny orc.

    Not even an Hobgoblin...still not even somewhat "swampy" the armor seems the standard of the old orcs and goblins of whfb.

    Nice catch though.

    Still 3/4 of the things are for 40k as expected...still it seems in the trailer i saw Mannfred for a second?

    I hope that with the series about different episodes for different things they could give some focus on aos interesting characters.

    • Confused 1
  14. I'm thinking that these new kroolboyz will have some "fairytale" vibe like gloomspite though, mostly seeing the cauldron.

    Witch huts in swamp style.

    Also i don't  agree with people that say the current destruction armies are goofy and not evil/cruel.

    In the novel about skarsnik the dark goblins are mentioned doing horrible things to captives,there's even an unsettling piece about torturing a kid or something like that(and moonclan are still the same).

    Still  probably these new ones will have more "aesthetic" elements to convey that.

  15. 9 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

    I'm still waiting for Valaya to return with her faction of Dawi and give Nagash a smack around the chops in revenge for the End Times. 

    I'd say Valaya will reunite with Grungni if she'll come back and recreate the Khazalid empire, still some shield-maiden should be given and even runepriestess\runeladies "at least" (but i hope for more than that).
    Still more female option for models should be nice, but GW always had some problem with female heads (but as already some said the paintjob is the major problem).
    I don't like that lately seems that most female models (stormcast)  have the sidecut, sororitas fortunately retained their classic hairstyle but i'd say sidecuts are a repetitive and annoying style if done every time, some flowing manes or tails should be interesting enough or even some "more refined hairstyles".
    Let's see, i liked Borri Kraglan and Orrum and even in Fyreslayer novels there were some secondary character really interesting.

  16. Hashut was never a godbeast though so I'd say firmly chaos as they are "chaos dwarves" and he's a minor chaos god of old.

    He's already been mentioned in the mortal realms (like in warcry also) so i'd say if we'll see chaos dwarves the will not venerate the big four ,even if they will be added as units for Std.

  17. 2 minutes ago, Gothmaug said:

    I dont know...with the angular pommel on that mace and its short length, I'd actually believe we might have the first chaos dwarf preview. Though the fingernails on the hand look "Orkish", chaos corrupted duardin could have similar hands. 

    But the rumor engine of these days are for the new 3rd edition box, doubt we'll get some dawi zharr.

    Still hobgob with an hand grenade made by them is possible.

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