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Snorri Nelriksson

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Posts posted by Snorri Nelriksson

  1. 1 hour ago, Public Universal Duardin said:

    *barges through a crowd*

    Outta my way! Outta my way! They mentioned Duardin! Geedubs mentioned Duardin as part of Dawnbringers!

    You dropped this King *extend a dwarvish crown*.

    I'm also excited at the idea of (at last!) having nonhumans in cities that worships Sigmar.

    Also...the heavy armoured arms seems to confirm we'll finally have a new full plated cavalry kit(with horses and not Demigryph).

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  2. 3 hours ago, Twisted Firaun said:

    If gw imports half of the designs from TOW for LONG LOST NEHEKHARA!!! And the Vampire Coast (to say nothing of their chaos stuff), I’d be a happy camper.  CA really went all out with certain factions and it shows.

    Many Vampire coast units were directly inspired by the artwork of whfb though....(not the heroes though,Harkon was different).
    Imho i think they should not use only the TTW designs and using more the old artwork or at least blending the "old with the new".

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  3. Well,NOVA was sure a blast!As a dwarf player Votann were the best imho!!
    Nice to see many things for Aos like the Biggest and baddest Gargant in the realms! (cheers @KingBrodd!!!)
    The khorne warband is not bad,not liking much the mutant but the priest is gorgeous!(sadly that RE was not a chaos dwarf still XD).
    Slaves to darknes are great as we already saw before with those leaks...
    TBH my biggest disappointment is the Bloodpelt Ogor, i don't like to whine too much but....is a wasted opportunity even more if that's the only model that  mawtribes gets with the battletome.
    He's worse than Hrotgorn imho, he does'nt even fit much nor with the gutbusters(thematically) or the Beastclaw (too naked,not properly "icy or prehistoric" and seems a bunch of things cobbled together)....the head seems ridicolous with those strings on the eyes and the whole idea is a bit messy (i get they wanted to make him "savage" but seems silly to use only body parts as equipment).
    Ogors were always one of the best ranges and this time they did'nt deliver imho, seems that GW made this model as a placeholder for the battletome without too much thinking.....considering the underworld hunter they should have made a proper Butcher in plastic instead.

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  4. I found ironic that after the rumor engine of today i'm more confused about Ogor or Gloosmpite coming this fall....seeing the RE i would say Gitz are not coming now but maybe next year but i won't like even the idea of having mawtribes coming this fall without new models (at least a Butcher and some Maneaters!).
    Also loving seeing some destruction love and can't wait to know the lore of those funny little creatures.

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  5. 47 minutes ago, Lich King said:

    What are the chances for further Dawnbringers reveals ?  ( Because they’re probably not going to do full reveal , but I’ve been wrong before )…

    Other than the warcry warband chances are very slim.

    They're a long project and unless we got some unofficial leaks like world eaters we are at least 1 year away imho.

  6. Considering the skink...maybe we'll see a proper seraphon release in aos?

    They still have not a battletome and some other rumor engines are obviously for them...

    Probably the Warcry warband will be a full chameleon skinks unit as a way to remake the resin kit like they alteady did with the ork Kommandos from KT.

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  7. 8 hours ago, CommissarRotke said:

    Dang I thought they were farther apart :( so it's really more of a geographic difference than time...

    My first thought tbh,i like expanding in the historical inspirations but still i want something fresh.

    Is not even that much of geographical difference considering HRE for some time contained many other european territories like Spain and Netherlands.

    Probably the army will be more "techy" than old empire but i still i hope some original designs.

    The late medieval\renaissance\early modern period is not bad but cities needs to be more than that, considering also the non-human members.


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  8. 15 minutes ago, Beliman said:

    Rotmire were not in the S2D book, and we don't know anything about an order battletome. 

    And even if we assume a new Nurgle Book or Dawnguard Crusade will e  released in 2023, they are 6+ months away to be legally playable.

    Ah...i forgot Rotmire were not in std battletome. 

    Maybe they'll put warscrolls on community articles.

  9. On 8/12/2022 at 10:45 PM, CommissarRotke said:

    You know the more I think about it, the more I'm realizing the conquistador look was probably the easiest/simplest way (in GW's mind) to 'upgrade' the old look to fit with the high fantasy of AOS. That aesthetic sort of bridges the gap between medieval HRE and the Napoleonic eras.

    I'm thinking GW broke it down into a few key points:
    -more armored than WHF to deal with the more dangerous Mortal Realms
    -fits in with magitech, steamtech, and other high fantasy designs
    -recognizable historical pastiche

    Now they really need to start posting more design info so we can hear about their process...

    But Whfb empire was Holy roman empire from 14/16 century already so is not even that different from spain or other european countries.Considering the redesign i could have thought they would have used more medieval inspirations like Bretonnia.

    Tbh i like the idea of @Baron Klatz of using some "holy art" inspiration like blasphemous but cities having many gods needs to "give that to every deity in the pantheon"( the use of masks was not present in conquistador/spanish armies,"parade"/noble armors even lacked thoses).

    They needs to distinguish the aesthetic from stormcasts,having huge full plated masked soldiers in the army is already their things.Also the grim aspect should be used mostly in Azyrite inquisiton not the church as a whole andother churches like Alarielle or Grungni's should have a different feelings also (i loved Zana Mathos armor made with coins,it gave an interesting design for a Chamonite follower of the Maker).


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  10. Chaos dwarves could mantaint their bronze age-persian\assyrian style with just a few "adjustment"(while as already said imho they're not offensive) ,just embrace fully the historical aspect IF gw want to change something about them....but let's go on (personally i don't like much the older CD style of "short chaos warriors" as it lacked a proper identity comparing to the assyrian ones).

    Considering the whole Bel'akor plot going on i could see GW announcing a campaign themed book to fully delve in this storyline,while i still hope GW will not leave destruction as side antagonist for the edition.
    I'm betting that the warcry warband we'll know soon is the cities ones if they want to "boost" the underworld Inquisitor warband.

    Hoping the Nova will give us many things to chit-chat about though....at least the coming battletomes after Lumineth vs Tzeentch.


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  11. @Neil Arthur HotepI could see them doing some sort of "upgrade kits" for various realms but not city specific units as it would be strange to justify in some manner (just think about the whole thing about color schemes and allegiance,warcry warbands are "tribes" so at least makes "senses").

    TBH i also hope they'll add some new units to the cities as whole to differentiate from the old world.
    Mixed races regiments,new more "realmy\high magic" units, some new realm races auxiliaries and so on.

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  12. Not a great change though....still 15th\16th century Europe inspired.
    Probably we will see more Spain\Netherlands\Italy etc. influences(and still were under Habsburg empire so the difference is not even that much historically speaking) though.
    Loving the cogfort....but seems too huge?
    Maybe a "lesser version" with a size more in line with the steamtank dimensions though.

  13. The Seraphon RE makes me thinks that those armies updated with the White dwarf will get more than a battletome and hero.
    See also the RE that seems FeC themed....and iirc they also got only a FeC update.
    Perhaps all those armies were put in the backburner to be expanded next year\later like the World eaters in 40k (they got a WD update recently and their codex will come probably this winter\q1 of 2023).

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  14. 51 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

    I always figured Chaos was the easiest to handwave on account of there being numerous examples of the Chaos Gods resurrecting their favoured champions even back in WHFB.

    Thinking the same, chaos doesn't need something like the soulbound ritual or Nagash dominion over death...they always used the soul and flesh of their followers as they saw fit.

  15. 9 minutes ago, HorticulusTGA said:

    Well, in the WarCom article they talk about a male Priest ... But indeed.

    I wonder if we'll get four Gorechosen (like in that "old" board game), or a smith, a priest and a big monster. 

    Btw, between the second edition of Warcry and the last sub-season of Underworld, we are flooded with inspired (ha), glorious looking models.

    Maybe a khorgorath?
    I could see them doing the "first edition Khorne" heroes warband with the bloodstoker,skullgrinder,Slaughterpriest and a Khorgorath....an interesting box to update Blades of Khorne heroes and units without "actually doing them in the coregame" like the Ogor Hunter .

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  16. The skullgrinder seems worse than the classic one imho, nice the bodytype but the "armor" does'nt sems to fit to the idea of a blacksmith,imho they should have given something more(also chained-anvil-flails are better XD).
    But i'm not a great fan of Khorne tbh, still hoping that the rumors about a female khorne priest in the warband is true though..

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