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Snorri Nelriksson

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Everything posted by Snorri Nelriksson

  1. Probably the worst problem is that aos still has factions with 4 units...the battletome+hero thing is normal for 40k armies less for Aos native ones. We also got those 6 months of delays also but the 40k does'nt seems affected by it much as aos(last but not least the whole dragon problem). The good side of that is that 40k is finally giving xenos more love than usual. But mybe i'm just being too pessimistic, i'm just worried that this edition many armies in dire need of models will get nothing other than the usual hero.
  2. Really disappointed by this preview... The only things think that these models will comes out soon as Eldar are imminent and Nighthaunt probably will be the next Battletome after the Fyreslayers and Idoneth ones(so probably Q1 of 2022). Still getting only an hero seems bad for Nighthaunt...let's see how it pans out but seems a rough start for Aos.
  3. TBH they don't need an huge retcon,there was already a queen leading a lodge....just say it happens more than what people think, pop up more female models and the trick is done(other than putting always some women body in the new kits also). And i agree with the people saying thy needs also some other faces of the society to "appears" in the army like miners and so on. The whole "patrilineal thing" is a nice contrast to meritocratic Kharadron society considering that the "old ways", if Grungni will not bring a 3rd army more in line with the classic dwaves, are left forgotten(not counting dispossessed ofc).
  4. So...any hope for something before the end of the year? I'm just deluding myself?
  5. Tbh in all the arhammer universes there's plenty of awe inspiring good characters even in the worst places of the settings(Dante,Gaunt,Felix and so on). Titus was written as a reasonable one (for the "little" that his game can convey) and was liked by many, getting the sequel that was intended but cancelled many years ago is a very good news indeed. And i hope GW will finally get some ideas and finally give us the AOS musou/Hack-and-slash game that we deserves.
  6. TBH this 3rd edition seemed started very rough. I'm worried seems GW broke something and they are way behind what they were wanting to do... Still i could see some battletomes not getting much other than rules like soulblight as, both for aos and 40k,they never gives miniature to everyone. Many Aos ranges needs proper units and love, not just heroes...
  7. If Fyreslayers got more than an hero i would be still happy...only 1 unit is not that much but better than nothing "imho". Maybe they'll split their warscroll with different weapon option (still hoping not cause is the worst problem in Fyreslayer line...too much redundancy while "not so great sculpts"). I could see more an OBR vs Ghoul boxes though, FEC sees Nighthaunt as "bringer of foods" while OBR want Bone Tithes and we already saw some friction between FEC KIngs(not alway loyal to Nagash) and OBR (fervently following his Principles).
  8. Seems seeing some posts online that the rumor engines will be only eldar.. Does nurgle christmas also had only advent RE for them?
  9. All the TOW human armies will be usable in aos cities imho. By Sigmar,even the Cathay contraptions could fit the ironweld or some other subgroups. I'd love some mash up between human armies making room for extravagant conversions.
  10. Deep gitz? What could it mean?(the dawi are called dwarf-gitz iirc).
  11. Gloomspites could get some plastic models for the finecasts model left like the spiderfang heroes.
  12. Considering that Sons got the White Dwarf update they'll probably miss a new 3.0 battletome imho.
  13. The more i heard the term chaos dwarfs,the less i believe in them coming.... :( .
  14. RE seems definitively an insect so i would bet on Sylvaneth cavalry. The pose makes me thinks about grasshoppers but the leg is different from them...perhaps sort of sleeker beetles or dragonflies? Edi:also seems too sleek to be a crustacean so i don't hink is Idoneth.
  15. So darkoath? Missed opportunity to not put them in aos as a bunch of new units like the Queen and champion.
  16. TBH only few non-codex compliant are deserving specific kits imho. Mostly of them could be just recreated with rules and paint schemes(but maybe for the first founding ones they could do better bits kit than the ones currently xisting with very few options). Templars are a nice comeback as they were one the less codex compliant of the second founding.
  17. You're joking but it would much much better having the sheer numbers of Primaris Lieutenant for Maneaters considering they're the most different and stylish Ogor personalities. i'm still bummed we did'nt get a proper multipart plastic kit for them...
  18. I don't get the hate for the Slaughterborn....while i agree warcry is nice for his differences of the chaos ways a good old "Conan" styled barbarian warband is nice. Everyone was hyped for Darkoath also..i don't get the disappointment.
  19. The left guy probably will be warcry warband perhaps the second one of the new box, the center ogor Maneater pirate with a sharkteeth sword, the third a SM from HH.
  20. Sounds like a typical "trust me£ rumor,at least on the "failed 3rd edition part". Nighthaunt coming seems already "confirmed" by old rumor engine so probably just a guessing....Blades of Khorne seems strange but possible considering how they were pumped for a long time. EDIT: it's from 4chan apparently this rumor not a group.
  21. I'm thinking the same. The other "question" left is....we will see other armies getting the Kruleboyz style addition? @KingBroddI don't think we'll see Sons souped because like Knights in 40k are a very specific type of army...Ogor already merged two subfactions (perhaps with a third incoming) so i can't see them gulping gargants.
  22. I think Destruction could still have some space for another flavour of Ogor and Grots. But yes...better having a new edition with more "second waves" and very few new armies than the opposite.
  23. IDK it's still a bad choice both for Lumineth players that needs to buy 3 times a tome and a kick in the teeth for other armies that got no new models after the first wave(and they are a lot). Unless they'll do a "minimal wave" with 2\3 troops for river temple (or zenith?) and Tyrion (but i doubt we'll see him having already Teclis as "god sized" model). Considering we'll also get Malerion seems a pretty bad move also if they'll arrive one near another. But it's also wrong to think they should'nt have a 3rd edition wave tbh...idk i just hope gw start to give the same "love" of ome armies to many others.
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