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Snorri Nelriksson

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Everything posted by Snorri Nelriksson

  1. Only thing i can like is that at least seems Cathay is confirmed for TOW...?(my bonereaper project will have some good things for conversions at least?). But tbh TOW announcement seems was announced only to hype Total war 3 at this point,i'm a bit left down. They could have at least shown "something" other than maps and TTW3 renders\artworks.
  2. I hate soup but Ironweld(dwarvish part ofc)\Dispossessed+some new Grungni "faction" could be a nice idea still. But KO don't need gods.
  3. TBH it could have been just an educated guesses after reading the lore from Grungni during BR.
  4. And then they made the Grungni new dwarves+KO soup leaving Grimnir's sons out (cuz GW hates them). XD.
  5. Tbh six months of just a pair of models still is not what i'd define a good release plan. Still 40k had sone months also of drought so i can see why (delays and so on). And rules updates matters as some armies ar not in a good shape. Also i could see summer as a perfect timeframe to release some more things with battletomes as probably spring is csm time for 40k.
  6. Plaesantly surprised by the Nighthaunt. I'm curious about when we'll see the next battletome for aos though.
  7. Considering how egomaniacal is Nagash that poor soul is cursed to read the Nagash certifified Biography again and again (from the beginning in the old Nekehara till the Necroquake times) until the enemies will cut off their ears to stop earing. From the trailer that miniature seemed "big" so hoping it's sort of monstrous cavalry(maybe atop a ghost ship like Charon?) but who knows.
  8. I'd love Grungni with new reinforcements (as a remaking for disdpossessed or a new type of dawi) but smashing Fyreslayers and Kharadron together and call it a day without adding something to them is a really bad choice... Considering the image surfaced now about the 3 model "shadow" seems Nighthaunt are the most probable thing. The model on the left is the only thing we can't really know because seems at the same time eldar\Lumineth\something?(aos is alone this time so i can't see them putting underworld or some other thing).
  9. Just Fyre\Idoneth battletome (not even both imho) mention...a Nighthaunt teaser perhaps. Sadly i don't think new models.
  10. Squat could just be an Imperial army while still being their own thing though("Codex:Squat"),their homeworlds were regrouped in the imperium but probably have a great degree of autonomy. Also tbh, i'd still prefer them in the imperial guard with some units than not seeing them again. Imperium has a lot of ifighting, it's not uncommon to see guard vs guard or some other strange things....it's not just traitors but even misconceptions of political battle or some other "stoopid senseless action"(see for example Inquisitorial or Ecclesiarchy infighting).
  11. Imho Tome celestial are also used as "flow of new content and adjustment"....so i don't think having one will means that the army will not get a new battletome in the edition.
  12. It's not even a "problem about being bad" imho...it just seems (again) that GW doesn't have interest in some of his armies like Fyreslayers. Nerfing an army with so few choices is a really bad move imho. But let's see the battletome..
  13. I was thinking.....has always GW not mentioned even for a bit the battletome during the dualbox reveal? Is possible they're not mentioning that for some specific reason?
  14. Considering the bloodbowl Khornegor that we got fairly recently i'd say it would be possible if not probable....or perhap after the WE codex hits the 40k (as some rumors says is down the line but not too far).
  15. Going by the wole idea this is a "more 40k" year i'd say that we will get 1\perhaps 2 "Big releases"(for big i mean not BT and hero or BT and a pair of units nut something between soulblight and Kruleboyz releases). Imho 1 new army near the end of the year\2nd half and one near summer to keep at least the flow of releases:i'd point to Malerion guys (seriously there's just them now left unless we think about Grotbag\Gitmobs or Chaos dwarves) and a legacy army reworked, probably Skaven as we approach Ulgu...or Beasts of chaos, as the Chaos GA is needing more things like these and we're in the age of beasts. Destruction imho will get the "possible 2nd new army for the edition" the next year or perhaps even further, they started with Kruleboyz so like the Nighthaunt\Bonereapers thing we'll see the second army coming after some time. I can't see nothing new for dwarves honestly until we'll see if Fyreslayers will get souped or not.....i hope not as alreay stated before but only GW knows.
  16. I always felt GW wanted to pull those units off or waited to remake them in a new Aos way. Gorgers seems a plausible start for a new faction or type of units,while yheetes mesh wells with the beastclaw so waited to perhaps create a new kit. But now considering TOW returns who knows....Firebellies remains the one faction idea more plausible to expand or soup to the other mawtibes subfactions tbh(fire and ice).
  17. No but considering the whole deal with battleboxes they don't wait too much between the box and linked battletomes\codicies so maybe we're getting them soon.
  18. Considering that the box of aelves vs duardin is the next week in preorder maybe the "timeframe" is slighlty before than we thought? I remember people talking about the box in february so maybe they intended the battletomes?
  19. Tbh i hpoe next skaven wave is not about Skryre or Pestilens but Moulder or Eshin.
  20. I hope for the Grotbags as we have 3 orruk races at least haves 3 grots races (unless they bring back gitmob).
  21. Imho other than Chaos Dwarves and Ulgu Aelves they will not release another faction unless souped like Kruleboyz....
  22. Seems more a Sigmarite Hunter considering the wooden pikes hanging.
  23. Lava lobber sounds more Fyreslayer to me(dwarfs had the goblobber in the older edition of whfb iirc). Unless is a firebelly siege weapon...but idk.
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