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Snorri Nelriksson

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Everything posted by Snorri Nelriksson

  1. No because it was said in an interview by Jervis Johnson...iirc was never said in any book (or there was some strange mentions about Squat "gone" but not "eaten by Tyranids") . Tyranids arrived not too long ago (not even a millennia) in the galaxy so i think they'll never acknowledge the whole tyranid apocalypse.
  2. They just need to update resin models and add something to Moudler and Enshin imho...
  3. Kurnothi are pretty much that concept. @novakaiin the old world Gorgers were ogre children born without a paunch abandoned in huge caverns were they become savage,so the scrawny look should be "from the infancy"...they could jump back to that idea instead of the "Empty belly curse" of Aos. But who knows.... TBH these little guys seems something death also.
  4. TBH after the returns of the Squats i'm more hopeful about plastic Chorfs in some form in Aos.... Then after them we'll just need the chaos squats back and we'll be even. XD About those little funny creatures: what if they are ogor gorger's children (obvously re-imagined for the AOs setting with more mutations)????
  5. Considering The old World is coming back and Bretonnians are getting B-retconned into existence i would say the new term should be Chorfed .
  6. If Demiurg will be just "squats" it will be a retcon because Demiurgs are a Xeno species in the lore of BFG and 40k...i hope they'll not retcon that. But maybe they are just teasing us misleading theories XD. Maybe they could even link Demiurgs and Squats in a new way like "Demiurgs are similar to squats because they were an allied species during the past and were helped greatly with technology and whatnot" or something like that.
  7. The rumors mentioned the controversial aspect about the Sylvaneth release though...so skaven in Sylvaneth should definitivly be controversial? XD
  8. I'm a bit hopeful also for Sylvaneth...as someone pointed out the rumors talks about "a controversial release" so i think it would not ben a single hero. IMHO we could expect after those 2 another medium or big sized release at the end of the year (not Malerion but i could see something for destruction).
  9. It's not far fetched the idea that Kharadron probably were a keypoint\testing ground for the squat return. They are a well received aos range so perhaps they will mix some "thunder" from them in the Squats (a jumppack unit perhaps mirroring the ballons?), and i could even see the other way around like giving Kharadron a sort of "exoarmor" powered by aethergold. Still i hope the "iconic" old units will returns "re-designed" but with a nod to the past.
  10. To be honest i hope Squats will stand firmly in the old "land vehicle" niche that they always had. They had the land train, the Colossus,the Termite, bikes and trikes. The only airborne units were the Overlord airship and Gyrocopters(in Epic)...that could take some design ideas from KO nonetheless.
  11. Squat had psykers though(living ancestors)...so i think they'll bring them back also. I'm very happy about this announcement, i like that design-wise the armor seems similar to some extent to the Kharadron ones (light voidsuit and armor on top).... I can't wait to see them!
  12. As a lover of all dwarfy things i must say...i don't know what to believe. The trailer seems well made and perhaps was even made for something different( space hulk new game?Battlefleet gothic?some other thing?) and the squat part seems a sort of afterthought. But the most credible rumor for 40k,that got a whole year of releases said something about "Squats down the pipe....". Also making a joke about Squats today seems off....because nobody would ever think they'll be back(so the joke would be about being real?) Maybe just a killteam (sadly?)...but maybeeeeee they're really coming back in 40k with some units for Imperial guard or other thing. Or maybe a full fledged army..? I'm already bored about the "Grungni return" that (as for now) did'nt change anything for the whole dwarfkind in terms of releases, so i can't think that for once GW did something like bringing the squat back.
  13. I never liked using special characters...BUT many armies do they need them at least one or two to make more memorable. Aos uses too much old WHFB characters without developing their own nor expanding them too much(unless they're big players like Katakros).
  14. So...the CSM trailer means new daemon prince? Because it shiuld be also an aos model so at least there's something more than just 2 new pieces.
  15. I'm more worried about the other 3 GA...death and Destruction needs some juicy waves asap imho. Chaos at least seems will have a Skaven update.
  16. Considering he's talking about Tyrion Lumineth side i would assume the aos wave will be after shortly...i guess?
  17. Mmm...seems strange a Lumineth 3rd wave so soon...till now mostly new armies that got some *beef* are order i would expect something for death (if skaven are a big release) before Malerion and Tyrion.
  18. Ok....i know you can't explain but how it could be more controversial than the fact is another elgi army and probably we'll get only an hero?
  19. So...if we'll get a tome this edition it surely will not be in the near future.
  20. Gorgers are Ogor so i don't think that thing is a gorger. Still it could be some critters in gorger's encrusted hairs. I'd love to see them returning.
  21. Skaven got popped up from the old world in the mortal realms so broodmothers are still there. In one of the fyreslayers novellas they are even mentioned iirc when the lodge destroy their tunnels iirc.
  22. Maybe a Skaven magical Harmonculus/familiar? @Perturbatoin many novels Skaven are mentioned having a "infancy" so i don't think they changed that.
  23. They just have to update old models and nothing more. Skaven have 4 clans to work on for new units and Lizardmen can have some new dinos or something to diferentiate between coalesced and the others....ig they want to go in crazy mode they can just add some magitech to feel more "alien". But the rats mostly just needs to update kits that have too many years.
  24. Maybe Skaven big release if the Sylvaneth get to be the weak part of the new battletome? IDK them and lizard are the most probable to have a Vampire counts styled release being both legacy Whfb army.
  25. I just want to give some asian themes to the army(taking mostly from China and partially Japan\India). Like the Necropolis stalkers modeled after Ashura statues,making the armors more similar to earliest chinese dynasties ones and so on...(the bonechair wizad just screams "military strategist" to me,like some artworks of Zhuge Liang). Considering that arts are valued between them i find interesting a "personal spin" given by the priests and sculptors...also hoping the next wave will have something like a bone elephant siege cavalry and other "big things"(and i hope GW will play with the body horror like the underworld band leader,it seems something out of giger). But alas,i find difficult to do anything these months unironically.
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