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Everything posted by MothmanDraws

  1. The real question is does sigvald get to hit him before he leaves
  2. For me the double turn needs to become an option not a bonus, it should be a gamble. I would rather it be there for a side thats been beaten down to try and claw back a win vs just dumping on an already damaged opponent. The goal for GW I think is for 80% of times it comes up people refuse the double turn. Im hoping the CP regen, charge reactions, objective removal make it so a double turn becomes fighting an uphill battle to get back into the game. You will get improved priority but are fighting into a force with +1 saves, overwatch and retreats, will lose an objective in the long term for it and opponent will have more CP for inspiring presence. So hopefully you will only take it as a last big push or to execute on an enemy that has already basically lost though you run the risk that they weather your storm. The current main issue atm though is the double turn magic+shooting. Some of which can be lessened by giving obscuring to more terrain and promoting heavier use of it, bumping prices up on offending units as its more specific units causing issues than how shooting works, better character protection will also help as well as limiting ability to shoot into combats you are not part of. I also think large monsters might be looked at in 3.0 with beasts being focus, just make them tougher to wound in some way and degrade less, the mortal wound spam shooting will hurt them if they dont have the improved protection that hopefully characters will get. Only other thing is I could see summoning be dragged to slaanesh style 1 unit per turn brought in with maybe a few exceptions for death armies.
  3. I hope its a mix of fimir, hob goblins and other stuff, I would be fine if destruction had a bunch of wackier mixes of units, will make Kragnos feel like he fits better amongs a mob of random monsters vs just orks (for most part)
  4. I am also hoping the rumoured charge reactions make combats last longer, her spells are kind of short range, shes not a great caster, and her other ability needs to be within 9" and is unreliable on a 3+ so cant really plan around it. so defensively painbringers can receive a charge on a 3+ re rolling, then on your turn push through with the shardspeaker + 1 to wound their target. What would be cute is if she could have consumed some depravity for casting bonuses, though I still think whole army would be neat if they had a few other depravity outlets not tied to just summoning.
  5. I wonder if the rumour command point regen could limit double turn effectiveness. If going for double turn prevents you regenerating command points that round + objectives disappearing to opponents favour. Would also I think fit the fluff of whats happening, push the advantage but stretch the command structure of the force to do so. Its likely impossible but could also build in a magic fatigue if double turn is taken limiting spell casting if magic still proves oppressive on double turn. It would still leave some value in taking the double but does cost your army effectiveness. Im still in favour of more terrain entering the game, couple of large ruined houses or walls blocking shooting, charge through trees turn off stand and shoot, Area terrain giving a free charge reaction and armour bonus vs ranged attacks. Also gives more room for large creatures and behemoths to get some gimicks like ignoring defensive terrain as they just bash through the walls. If retreat is true I think we need to wait and see its full text before saying it makes melee dead and shooting strong if it comes with "if you are caught unit is wiped and retreating units cannot shoot next turn"
  6. Id sooner believe slaanesh is getting new daemonettes with the twins than another Lumineth release.
  7. Clearly the new token is "the broken realm token" Because of the shifting narrative and how the realms have been broken in 3.0, you may place a token on one piece of terrain or 12x12 area of the board to declare this area is broken and due to sigmars new stringent health and safety code (enforced by the new logister chamber writing angry letters to the other factions) no one may enter or cross over that area without the fly keyword to prevent anyone being hurt.
  8. I would love to hear from people who think slaangore are correctly pointed. Results are about as I expected, you might be able to take the % rate of overcosted to well costed as rough of idea of how far off points are. -Glutos appears perfectly pointed -Seekers seem roughly about right maby 5-10% over -twinsouls and painbringers both overcosted roughly same amount For most points cost doesnt stop most playing, but of those still planning to play them decent portion are adjusting spending habits based on how off the points feel for some units.
  9. I think the fall back will be useful on alot of slaanesh stuff, Blissbard archers will likely want to be at max range from threats so might be able to keep a little more distance, or stand and shoot for extra few depravity on the chargers before being killed. The +1 save on myrmidesh might help them work well as an anvil, 3+ re rolling with possibly negatives from glutos/fiends/shardspeaker and mystic shield, if we see a meta shift to some grindier 2-3 turn combats the tankier painbringers might also help the shardspeaker be close enough to use its abilities. As for opponents, the fall back and stand and shoot might not hurt key units we have are so fast anyway its likely not going to be an issue (sigvald should be averaging between 9-12" seekers can run fast enough to just start their charge close). Stand and shoot might actually help us get more depravity spread around if all ranged units start plinking us as we go in. Falling back with keeper or other daemons could be neat as well, if we fall back and they still barely get charge off they are likely in a very spread out spot making locus scary if it triggers. While the caps will hurt glutos+fiends builds, what we are attacking into also wont be as crazy buffed up. On the twins and other stuff, I would actually like to see them get a new depravity mechanic, let them spend depravity in smaller chunks to hand out buffs to units around them, with the idea of them channelling the depravity to drive worshipers further, Would be useful for small amounts of depravity here and there, and would make the built in extra points cost on units not feel as bad if you can super charge them. Also works thematically as a twisted version of aether quartz from lumineth.
  10. Some will but some abilities in 40k are still +1 to wound, its very powerful. If they did they might split what becomes strength buff and what becomes a + to wound
  11. The flee might have restrictions on it, in oldhammer it was fully break and had to rally, Gloomspite gits could get the old skarsnik rule of fleeing, rally and still shoot as part of his traps. It could come with "when fleeing you may not shoot or charge next turn". It could also have a debuff if the enemy catches you, oldhammer would have fleeing units just die if caught by the charging unit. Stand and Shoot I think will be fine as long as it -requires line of sight at start of charge, If terrain becomes alot more dense which I hope this might be a way around it, also would be interesting if idoneths "only shoot closest" would mess with stand and shoot -limited to once per turn like 40k overwatch -shooting generally no longer works in melee even vs target engaged with I also expect we would quickly see some units turning off overwatch, some units being able to flee and act next turn (could be a gimmick for kurnothi archers or gloomspite) Set to defend will be interesting, might stop some charges and combats being a "1 turn" charge and blitz opponent, some units will get more value out of it than others. Myrmidesh Painbringers on a 3+ re rollable and being able to hold opponents down for shardspeaker to be close enough to debuff might help them out. Its going to be interesting if it works on heroes like archaon or if its limited to just units. Mortal wounds in combats value will also go up a little.
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