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Everything posted by Deakz28

  1. I knew this new army would be a new level of Greenskin Kool, but this is just starting to hit my dream of malerion levels of cool! Well that me fully converted to destruction
  2. It does actually look a little like the totem on Kragnos’ base which was heavily hinted at to be created by this new edition army
  3. Similar thing with Szeras in psychic awakening, as he will be a “Nagash” of destruction he will be in the new destruction armies battletome which will most likely fix this issue anyways, just a couple of months later
  4. Yea just realised who it was referring to, but the story also hinted at them being a god or godlike now
  5. Sounds like a really awesome story! Interested in the Shadowgave who devours... wonder what that could even be? New green skins “silent king” or equivalent maybe... or maybe just a ally who gave gifts... wait hold on just searched this, and there was a Beastmen in the world that was called Morghur the Shadowgave? I wonder if this is talking of his return as a god now? Or if he has turned to destruction instead of being a beast man of chaos
  6. My worry is they’ll be just like nighthaunt, here’s a new army, rest of edition, here’s one or two models... but then Death in general got ossiarch and soulblight, with other armies in between, I think it could be the new army in winter (ala ossiarch, gloomspite, gargants) will probably be Order either dwarves or shadow elves and either summer or following winter destruction update
  7. Didn’t someone a good few pages back say they believed this would be set somewhere called Thondria according to a map that was shown a while back, I probably misspelled that tbh, but my guess is they’re going to that which makes Wednesday R Thursday I and Friday A then Saturday is reveal
  8. They’ve been said to have cavalry, or at least heroes on beasts, but to what extent we will have to see
  9. I hope Vorgaroth doesn’t go just yet, got to buy mine at the end of the month!
  10. I do think gargants will get a official named character, hopefully one larger mancrusher and one armoured mega, yes I’m hoping for two named gargants eventually but if gargants follow imperial knights they will eventuall Get at least one
  11. Definitely see this happening! Unfortunately reviews come out before I get hands on store copy, so watching them will be first place for answers
  12. Guess we know the first chaos battletome then
  13. I think the issue is it’s really going to be rules for kragnos only, and maybe a fancy warscroll battalion, same happened in psychic awakening with necrons, they only got szeras and his data sheet, that’s it. It’s because he will most likely be in the first battle tome for destruction since he seems to be nagash, but will have a rule in BR saying he can go in any army with destruction keyword most likely
  14. Yea this sounds sweet, I’m going for more like a lynel, keeping red hair but going for dark grey fur with a few black stripes, give him a more sinister look, and painting his ornaments with colours of different destruction factions to help blend him into any army
  15. Not the only one! Can’t wait to paint him up (albeit different to the box art)! And damn 36 wounds potentially on charge, before attacks, 3d6 to ignore any spell (ignore being key since even teclis can’t stop that) and a 2+ save! Dayum not looking forward to a 1k point model though 😂
  16. To me that rumour engine means nothing for the mace/grenade, what’s best is it gives us a look at a arm of the upcoming ork/goblins, definitely that slightly slender but lean muscle build, and not too small! Definitely gives some strong insight to what the rest will look like. seems much more human in muscle and stature, can’t wait to see these ork gobbos!
  17. Strange question, the corpse cart, locus of death ability say to add 1 to save tolls against DEADWALKER ZOMBIES within 12”. However they don’t even have a save characteristic, surely this is a mistake since even the corpse cart doesn’t contain ZOMBIES keyword and dead walkers don’t have a save value.
  18. Yo dude! These are so damn cool! Where did you get that dragon born Viking helmet! Couldn’t scream more MEGA Gargant if you tried, know this is a old post came across it on safari! Insane work!
  19. Got to admit this one gripe, I fully understand, I honestly thought the would make swords/maces and separate profile to the lances, probably with a -1 rend but without the charge bonus the Lance has... oh well
  20. Somehow quoted you twice 😂 I believe so, they’re in 40K so I assume they are in aos, however most of it will either be expanding on Broken realms Kragnos, or be included in it (lore wise at least, maybe not the extra stuff they throw in)
  21. In case anyone is still wondering, I emailed customer service today through store email to get answer to whether legions of nagash is null and void, this is the response, hope this answers all concerns anyone has basically seems either run SBGL with allies for missing units, or a grand alliance DEATH army
  22. I have a feeling the SBGL battle time is written with 3rd in mind since the leaks show so many differences, and that would go against the zombies and skeletons, however the 1000 point thing could really work!
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