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Posts posted by Maogrim

  1. 10 minutes ago, Ratboy genius said:

    You ask the 40k crowd they'd probably say the same thing in reverse- "aren't you glad our Good Elf update is refreshingly lacking in dumb giant hats and hammers etc"


    Some aesthetic designs are just good, like skaven, and don't need to be radically changed. No need to add longhorns where none are needed

    If we kept on copying the same basic stuff over and over again, a faction like Skaven would have probably never been invented in the first place. 

    Orks, Chaos and Undead are just good. No need to add rat ninjas and evil rat scientists when none are needed. 

    How about another example?

    Old Dark Eldar Mandrakes:


    New, reimagined design:


    I know which one I prefer, but to each their own, I guess.

    And Alarith Stoneguard are just amazing models. Fight me. 


    • Like 9
  2. Hey, but aren't you all excited that 40K is putting their dedicated ressources into rehashing the same old designs they've been putting out for well over a decade now? 

    Sorry, I saw the 'new' Dark Reapers for (A)Eldar(i) yesterday and was really bored and disappointed. But I see that now they are really stepping it up with the creativity by rumour-engining flipping Imperial beach buggies with all new and thrilling ... tires. So that we all know that the drought in AOS is at least worth it for our dear big brother wargame system. 

  3. Interesting question @Lightbox

    Though my activity on this forum might give an opposite impression I'm still very new to AOS and my army still isn't up to 2000. So I haven't really decided on who will lead my slighty personalized forces of Ymetrica. I recently finished a Scinari Cathallar of whom I'm quite proud of, so she might take the mantle. But I also really want to try two reinforced units of Stoneguard led by the Archmage himself, once I've got that much done. 

    Anyways, this topic inspired me to maybe cook up some fluff once I've been able to get in a game or two. 

    PS: Should I not be able to resist temptation I might also start Sylvaneth (Harvestboon or Heartwood) led by an Arch Revenant.

    • Like 1
  4. Is this thread aiming at redpilling us towards how bad and evil GW is, aka getting us to quit their products?

    Because that's what it reads like by your constant use of negative adjectives (bloated), verbs (neglect, leaving behind) and nouns (mess, debacle), even though you're 'just asking questions'. These are relevant questions, but by the way of framing them in this destructive and incredibly salty manner you are, in my opinion, doing noone a favour.

    Hence I'm not adding to the vitriol you want to concoct.

    • Like 14
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    • Confused 1
  5. 1 hour ago, novakai said:

    At least Seraphon got Kroak in Broken Realm and I feel like such a big centrepiece model isn’t some one off model they design without other stuff related to him.

    that and they hinted in a White Dwarf that Kroak and Kragnos are set to square off in the Era of the Beast.

    I dare say that Seraphon has probably the highest chance current of getting a rework 

    Hm, I'm not so sure; Lord Kroak already did try to keep Kragnos at bay and needed the help of a certain ascended Goddess of Murder to do so.

    I believe that it's going to be Yndrasta and the dragons who will face off with Kragnos. She is supposed to be Sigmar's best monster hunter and she's on the cover of the core book. And the dragons have their own motivations, of course. 

    Still Seraphon are, of course, in need and deserving of a refresh. 

  6. 1 hour ago, KingBrodd said:

    Tome Celestial to me just reads as 'This Faction needs these rules sooner than their Tome is arriving.'

    True, although I don't think Soulblight Gravelords 'needed' anything, except maybe Black Riders being more viable. As far as I understood everyone was pretty happy with their battletome.

  7. 52 minutes ago, Neverchosen said:

    I think this is simply more proof that the Tome Celestial has no bearing on when an army's tome will be released but rather the designer's focus on armies that need to be brought into line for 3.0. I honestly feel that Sons of Behemat and Slaves To Darkness got such early focus as they needed some updates while also being fairly simple to bring up to speed. Ossiarch Bonereapers were likely a priority but needed to have a little more work on developing the rules. 

    So I am not personally holding my breath for any army not yet featured getting a tome before any of those currently featured in the Tome Celestial. 😄

    Reasonable. But Nighthaunt to my knowledge didn't receive a Tome Celestial up until now and are very lilely to get a new tome plus accompanying one new model released. 

    I personally would also expect Sylvaneth to get a new proper tome instead of a Tome Celestial soonish, because the last thing they need is having their rules even more scattered across several books and online documents. 

    • Like 2
  8. 5 hours ago, Ganigumo said:

    BoC are the february tome celestial, hopefully it means they're getting a proper line refresh near the middle/end of the edition.

    I think the contrary might be true; Soulblight Gravelords got a Tome Celestial just recently, and I think no one expects anything for them in the nearish future...

    Though, on the other hand Ossiarch Bonereapers also just got a White Dwarf treatment, and I'd deem their chances for at least a new battletome + maybe rge rumoured archers quite decent.  But take that with a truck load of salt as well, because Archers would probably be battleline, and we know that GW don't make those anymore.

  9. 17 hours ago, KingGatorboy said:


    Lastly, the subfaction. Harvestboon is great, don’t get me wrong. However, there’s no reason not to just keep the kurnoth hunters near the arch revenant anyways which gives them reroll hit rolls of 1  as well. Heartwood or winterleaf would be much better in this scenario. In heartwood, they can reroll ALL failed hit rolls and you can target an enemy unit with a command ability to treesong them without a spell. Winterleaf on the other hand gives one of the units a double attack, all units in the army exploding 6s AND the greatbows mortals on 6s through branch blizzard.

    To make things more complicated, concerning the subfactions lore and colour scheme play a role for me. I like the aggressive, youthful, hopeful and vibrant aspect of Harvestboon; the bitter, hardened and withered vibe of Winterleaf not so much. Maybe I need to look for Heartwood and see if I like their colour scheme when actually applied to minuatures. 

  10. 13 hours ago, readercolin said:

    You can certainly try something like that.  Probably some sort of list like this:

    Allegiance: Sylvaneth
    - Glade: Harvestboon
    - Grand Strategy:
    - Triumphs:
    Arch-Revenant (105)
    - General
    - Command Trait: Seek New Fruit
    - Artefact: The Silent Sickle
    Branchwraith (95)
    Warsong Revenant (275)
    5 x Tree-Revenants (80)
    5 x Tree-Revenants (80)
    20 x Dryads (190)
    - Reinforced x 1
    6 x Kurnoth Hunters with Kurnoth Scythes (430)
    - Reinforced x 1
    3 x Kurnoth Hunters with Kurnoth Greatswords (225)
    3 x Kurnoth Hunters with Kurnoth Greatswords (225)
    3 x Kurnoth Hunters with Kurnoth Greatbows (225)
    Umbral Spellportal (70)

    Total: 2000 / 2000
    Reinforced Units: 2 / 4
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 122
    Drops: 10

    Is this the best list?  Nope.  I certainly wouldn't look to run it competitively.  However, if your goal is to run a bunch of hunters and get the most out of them, it is probably where I would start.  The big question for me would be more which hero should be the general, whether you want a revenant or a treelord ancient, whether you want the block of 20 dryads, or just more tree revenants instead.  The next question is whether or not to keep the melee focus on the kurnoths, or whether additional units of hunters should be swapped for more greatbows.  Finally, battalions are open - want to run a battle regiment?  This can be a 3 drop list.  Warlord + hunters?  Its an available option.  Etc.

    Those are a lot of questions which I, with my very limited understanding of the faction, ca.'t answer. 😅 

    But it certainly looks really fun, and it does feature models I like the look of. What would be the case for Dryads vs Tree Revenants, and vice versa? And how could you boil a list like that down to, say, a 1000 points, so that I could slowly build up? 5 boxes of Hunters alone are quite the steep Investment.  

  11. 2 hours ago, readercolin said:

    The arch-revenant does 2 things - Kurnoth's get re-roll 1's to hit, and can give a unit +1 attacks (in melee) as a command ability.  If you are playing in a Kurnoth heavy list, and aren't playing Gnarlroot, bringing a revenant can be a good idea, and he saw a decent amount of play in 2nd edition when people were running 12-15 Kurnoth lists.  However, since at the moment Sylvaneth have moved more towards gnarlroot and more towards being spell heavy, he has fallen out of play because you already get the re-roll 1's to hit near a wizard.  Additionally, the limit of max 1 command ability per phase means you need to think hard about whether the +1 attacks is worth it, especially when you have to choose between that (at wholly within 9", so hard to use) or just hold your CP for all out attack/all out defense.

    Basically, if you decide you want to play a hunter heavy build in something like winterleaf, he can be worth bringing with your army.  You'll just need to keep in mind that he might be hard to use.

    As for the Revenants, by referring to the teleport I'm assuming you mean the tree revenants?  Basically, their use is to hide somewhere on the field away from objectives so that your opponent has to commit something if he wants to make them go away.  But, just having them on the field makes the battle tactics "Savage Spearhead" (2 units from your starting army in your opponents territory) and "Ferocious Advance" (run 3 units and end within 3" of each other) basically trivial, even later on in the game.  This is important to helping you hit all of your battle tactics in a game, and letting you choose other battle tactics at various points when they are available.  The second thing it does is forces your opponents to play a bit more conservatively.  If they leave an objective undefended, you can easily hop in and take it - and they are battleline which is important if you are playing "Power in Numbers".  You are also doing this with only 80 points per squad, which can have a big impact if you are forcing your opponent to keep 100-200 points back to defend their objectives.  Finally, while they aren't particularly strong in melee, with the ability to re-roll 1 die per turn, they don't have too much trouble teleporting and charging, and have enough damage output to threaten squishy support hero's/units.  Going with that, if you need something to eat an unleash hell, they are perfect for that as well, which can then let you charge in with a stronger unit more freely.

    On the other hand, if you mean spite revenants... they exist because they are cheap battleline.  Otherwise, they are useless.  They were actually halfway decent in 2nd edition as a way to throw massive amounts of attacks at something and as a somewhat weak hammer unit, but between coherency rules, reinforcement rules, and the save stacking going on, they can no longer serve that purpose and you now only run them because you were 5-10 points over in your list and need to downgrade a unit of tree revenants to spite revenants.

    Yeah, sorry, I did mean Tree Revenants. I somewhat called the Spite Revenant 'Spites' for myself and remembered the others as 'Revenants'. Sorry for the confusion.

    So would you think that a Harvestboon Alpga Strike Melee Build with an Arch Revenant and Kurnoth Hunters could have play in a more casual environment against enemies like Stormcast Eternals or Slaves to Darkness?

  12. Thank you guys so much. This is a really friendly and helpful subforum. :)

    Bonus question(s): Is the Arch Revenant any good? I really like the model! Same goes for Yltharis Guardians..

    How do you actually use Revenants? Their teleport looks great but they seem awfully squishy with just 1 wound each. Especially as people seem to play them as MSUs. 

  13. 11 minutes ago, Popisdead said:

    The woods is a hidden cost in the army and one that hits long time players hard who have previous had upwards of 9 Citadel Forest kits and now needing to buy 1-3 of the new forest kits and a higher cost than a year ago... 

    I would recommend buying one forest kit and using it as 3 individual pieces nad start small.  Crusade is a VERY good system so if you could find some people to try Path to Glory it might be a decent starting point?

    Yes it's complicated.  I recommend getting games in at small points levels.  Hence Path to Glory too.  Learn your units and what they do.  But it's not bad to lean towards a few big guys.

    Path to Glory unfortunately isn't to the liking of the guys I'm looking to play with. But Warcry might be an opportunity to at least paint some of those amazing models, at least for the time being. And I would imagine that there's a decent chance for Sylvaneth to get a new, cleaned-up battletome this year.

    PS: It's kind of a shame that Oakenbrow seem so lackluster. I like their lore. 

  14. 4 minutes ago, Popisdead said:

    I'm sure you can compete with Harvestboon and Winterleaf if you wanted to build a combat oriented army.  Winterleaf is weaker since you get the exploding hit on a 6 and I'm not sure what big guys get 6A when swinging and you want to think about big guys.  Sylvaneth have good big guys/gals right now.  

    Rob is,.. good and bad.  He's a driving force for good things in AoS and also at the same time completely ignores and stomps over things that aren't top meta in tournament lists.  Not everyone plays at that level and the majority of games of AoS on the whole are pick up games not tournament games.  He railed against Behemoths constantly and then it turned out months later they were great.  So all that damage he does to a scene was not undone.  But like any celebrity they are popular by being seen be that good or bad comments.  I'm not a fan of poisoning the well then walking away.  

    If you find a glade that has appeal and find you are having some enjoyment or success isn't that the goal?  Slow natural development is more helpful for generalship than internet WAAC lists.

    Thanks for the answer. The same goes to @Arzalyn of course! :)

    I find Sylvaneth really hard to access right now. It's quite a steep investment because of things like the Wyldwoods, multiples of Kurnoth Hunters etc. Then there's how scattered their rules are across different bioks and FAQs. And of course how bad their reputation is from a competitive standpoint. But my lord, those models are gorgeous! 

    I'm not looking to play tournaments, but I've learned that I just don't like the feeling a losing a game after feeling the whole time that everything's way easier for my opponent. Which is why I do look into these meta analysis'. I'd like to play 'good' units and subfactions but without spamming Sentinels and the like. But I also don't like to play what everyone's playing. It's complicated. 😅

  15. 12 minutes ago, Noserenda said:

    Surely it puts the fire out if its their best AoS launch by some margin? They arent allowed to lie on these things and that does not read particularly ambiguously. Pretty certain they did overproduce ofc but it clearly sold well.

    I remember being really suprised when the discussion came up. Clearly the models just look plain amazing, especially the Kruleboyz, but also the Annihilators, the Lord Imperitant.. And it was a great deal as well, even if the rules for Kruleboyz ended up being lackluster in a few aspects. 

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  16. Are there even any other subfactiobs really viable other than Gnarlroot, or is this a Kruleboyz situation?

    I watched a meta analysis video by Rob from The Honest Wargamer, showing that 85% of Sylvaneth lists at tournaments are Gnarlroot, while, if I remember, four of the seven Glades didn't show up at all. I think the other two ehich were played very rarely were Winterleaf and Harvestboon.. 

  17. 3 hours ago, HollowHills said:

    I think the crab thing is a bit of a meme for sure, but at the same time a lot of people really love my painted duinclaw even though he is a lot less impressive than some of the other models.

    Same with the octopus. There are tons of people who love sea creatures and would be way more into Idoneth if GW leaned more into that and less into elves


    Also if said Aelves weren't all bald and looked a little like Genestealer Cults Magus models with slighly less bloated heads.

    Seriously, I love all kinds of aquatic stuff and obviously I love Aelves.. but I just can't bring myself to get into Idoneth. There are just too many models I don't really like, e.g. the eel riders and some of the heroes. The Namarthi are cool but their new dedicated hero is again really not to my liking.

  18. I would expect a small Sylvaneth release im the style of the recent Maggotkin release. Sylvaneth seem to have a decently developed range, including terrain and Endless spells, but I believe they need an updated tome and Warscroll cards to include the new Warscroll for Alarielle and the important Warsong Revenant (and maybe the Underworlds Warband. Don't know if they are akready in there). It's a shame that new Sylvaneth players need to buy an outdated tome, a Broken Realms and FAQs just to keep track of their faction. 

    • Like 2
  19. 2 hours ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    If I was working at GW I would definitely be keeping a close eye on the sales of Elathain's Soulraid to see whether the hype around the meme crab actually translated into sales. Because I actually kinda doubt it. I also doubt that a big crab behemoth or whatever would strike the same chord with people as Duinclaw did. The idea of a little crab friend scuttling along with a warband snipping at people is adorable and hilarious, but once you just put a bunch of crabs into the Idoneth Deepkin army proper that kinda loses it's charm.

    I don' t know, I'm not convinced. I think if they were to release giant crabs and they looked cool as hell, people would buy them. Except if their rules were really bad and the vocal tournament scene would denounce them as trash, like they did with Kragnos and the dragon princes. However, I do think that meme-yness played definitely played a role with Duinclaw.

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  20. 15 minutes ago, novakai said:

    Yeah that one where the Rotbringer was murderizing that Lumenith Aelves was a really a piece of Art

    That one, for example, was unfortunately a real step back compared to the previous Maggotkin art. And it's not just that it's a Lumineth Warden being murdered, but that his colour scheme in the lower right of the art kind of break the piece's composition. It also lacks the threatening, foreboding atmosphere of its predecessor in favour of a frantic, aggressive surge that, in my opinion, doesn't quite fit the army. 

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