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Everything posted by DeLewko

  1. Well we need another video for 40 k like we got for AoS, i'm hopping it's today. Question is will they roll in Necromunda and HH in it ?
  2. Last year all models from the same teaser video were released in the first 3/4 months so i would assume we have the same time frame here. I would assume this should all be released before adepticon which is on 22nd of march. 3 models for AOS - Seraphon: New Slann, new saurus warriors or a hero, new skink cavalary. I don't think these are new cold ones they look completelly diffrent. Then we have 1 khorne hero from the new warcry set which should also be released in that timeframe and lastly something from new underworlds warband, this really could be anything so no point in guessing.
  3. Imo we can see that armies that got minis during Broken realms are getting something new when released for 3rd edition. Sylvaneth - new unit, Kragnos - Kruel Boys, Belakor - new STD, leaving Kroak so i guess we can expect Seraphon to be more then 1 hero release. I'm not counting slaneshi demons since they got a big release right before the campaign started.
  4. Now that we know that expansion minis dont have to be push fit do you think Awlrach The Drowner might also be an expansion character? He would fit on the map in the docks area that we got with the original release.
  5. Now that we know that cursed city expansion minis dont have to be push fit, do you think Awlrach The Drowner might also be an expansion character? He would fit on the map in the docks area that we got with the original release.
  6. Is it still ratsummer ? Or this is the chaos tome ?
  7. i think it's very likely the box will drop this weekend and we get full release later in the year like march/april
  8. Looks metalic so probably something for new CHSM, there was another rumor engine with the same spike
  9. Chaos, Eldar and tyranids for 40 k, nighthaunt for Aos
  10. i would guess 125 like Octarius since they look similar in size
  11. Copied from another site, pretty interesting thought: "Honestly while a non reveal, there is a bit more to it... while the obvious first tought is Spiderfang goblins (wich I would like very much), I think they are excluded because of the chaos comes scuttling from below... Which could possibly mean Ashcrawlers And if Ashcrawlers are their own distinct warband, its very possible the other symbols indicate a new wave of unique warcry warbands.. and while its odd to start this late after the book they featured in, keep in mind that its quite possible that whats coming for warcry now was supposed to come much earlier."
  12. i just hope warcry isn't going to be another book...
  13. Yeah i agree. It looks like a slow July is ahead
  14. 100% since those monster we got so far are more in size with Akhelian King. We need something BIG !
  15. the more i'm looking at this, i think what we have here is a rider on some sort of platform and those "jaws" on the left are not a mount head but rather some mounted skull on the side. If this is our gator he is hidden under this platform
  16. Surely by new army they mean new stormcast.
  17. I simply don't watch those. What's the point of watching unboxings anyway it's not like we don't know what's inside the box. If i feel like watching some grey sprues i have plenty at home
  18. I just hope they don't go down the path of "weird orcs for the sake of being weird" like 6 arms goblins from silver tower. Makes no sense whatsoever to me.
  19. I think they meant 2 previews including the one we got already. Looks like i'm not getting Wight Knight anytime soon....
  20. Please lower your expectations for Saturday. We will probably get a vague short of what's to come and maybe a silhouette but not more. They have 2 months of releases for AoS n 40k already shown, Vamps for may and Kragnos in june. We won't see any new minis till june.
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