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Posts posted by DoctorPerils

  1. 1 hour ago, Lucentia said:

    The studded gloves are very Hedonite, yes, though the sword doesn't totally match the Slaanesh style (They do have a pretty eclectic mix of melee weapons, but they generally have a pretty consistent haft/handle design.)

    It does have a sort of pop culture scimitar shape which could fit with hedonites. In any case, very pretty sword

  2. I was going to say something for the Ironweld Arsenals, as book*s* make me think of human factions more than anything else, but that Kharadron trigger mechanism definitely looks pretty close

    (* As opposed to a mighty great tome for the book of grudges)

  3. 5 minutes ago, Still-young said:

    We saw models that are probably the Legionnaires in the background of a photo, but I’m not sure why that discounts them from being a Warcry warband?


    Yeah, they were listed just next to all the other warcry warbands, why would they not be? Unless @Nezzhilhhas some extra info to give us ;)

  4. 1 hour ago, Baron Klatz said:

    Honestly with how they’ve been flooding UnderWorlds with pets and jumped right on the crab memes I wouldn’t be surprised if Deepkin crabs are in the near future. They already knew pets were big just with how much people loved Gryph-hounds and the Ochtar familiars and now even the new Deepkin hero has a little eel friend. 

    They know what we want. ;) 

    Hehe I see what you did there ;)

  5. 13 hours ago, CommissarRotke said:

    You know I thought the same thing, then today I'm greeted with the news that GW is putting out separate supplements for Sororitas Orders (a la Marine Chapters) so............

    It's actually a supplement inside the vigilus alone book, not quite as egregious as a full supplement

    • Like 1
  6. 49 minutes ago, Neverchosen said:

    Honestly, I think they should just make the chosen a dual kit between AOS and 40K. I think all they'd need to do is have a sprue that has alternate heads, sci-fi guns and space marine styled pauldrons and then another with spikey shoulders and swords. 

    But they could share the same overall base body, cloaks and some mutations and certain weapons.

    But it wont happen because Chaos Space Marines need weird pipes everywhere and somehow 40K players can spot a melta from a flamer across the room despite looking like just guns and those words seeming like synonyms to me.

    I'd rather get a kit of each: MOAR BITZ!!!

  7. 3 hours ago, KingBrodd said:

    If we are talking ugly and in need of updating, it doesnt get more dire than the Ogor Butcher. 

    If the Rumours are true and the only update Mawtribes get is a new Butcher, at least it's the mini in most need of it!!



    I actually quite like that second one - wasn't it released like 10 years ago?

    • Like 1
  8. 17 hours ago, KingBrodd said:

    Theres a chance!! But if they were to get more it would only be 1 of them getting more love. I'd love Idoneth to get more Sea Beasts but I'd also love the Fyreslayers to get some love as well!!

    I'm torn between an Aelf and a Bearded place.

    The 40k Shadowspear battlebox featured all new models for each side, but that's currently the exception - the current trend definitely looks like single heroes in the battleboxes, with potentially a larger release a few months down the line

    • Like 1
  9. 5 minutes ago, Enoby said:

    Yeah, while Hedonites are not the weakest army, they are the army I've seen the most complaints and disappointment about. So many people saying "would have played this army, the models are beautiful but the rules just suck". 

    While I don't necessarily agree the rules are that bad, I do understand people's complaints and I can imagine it would have cost a considerable number of sales.

    Yeah, from what I've understood they aren't bad per se, however they are overly complex for someone new to AoS... Like me XD

    • Like 1
  10. 1 hour ago, novakai said:

    Well sadly I think eventually they will discontinue all the SC boxes. They already are phasing out the 40K ones and I doubt Sigmar gets the exception either. My GW store owner already said that if you want an Ironjawz SC better get it now because they beginning to phase the AoS ones too. 

    The start collecting boxes in 40k are being replaced by "combat patrols" - they aren't as interesting in terms of pricing, but they can essentially make a small army playable out the box, which didn't always work that well with the SC

    • Like 1
  11. 2 hours ago, rattila said:

    About the Dawnbringer Crusade… the main theme is colonialism. Would’nt it be awesome to have far-west themed freeguilds mini’s? You know, with New Pistoleer looking like Cow-Boy with 17’ centurie guns, those kind of things. And the hobgrots on wolves can take the place of Native Americans, that would be awesome! 

    probably wishlist but food for next army…

    Must admit that sounds pretty great

  12. Right, so let me get this straight - GW saw that having faction battalions became unbalanced and unwieldy in the second edition, so for third they (essentially) got rid of all the faction battalions in favour of generic core battalions...

    And then two months later they go straight back to releasing faction battalions? What's the logic behind that I wonder

    • Thanks 5
  13. 14 minutes ago, Klamm said:

    A flying ghost ship would rule, it would be great to get to the point where you have speciality flying naval combat game. Kharadron Overlords, Nighaunt, Skaven and Grotbag Scuttlers duking it out in the skies.

    On another note, I'm guessing this natfka post has been discussed already but this snippet really surprised me:


    IDK the worst selling army? I'd have bet anything it would be Fyreslayers, I always assumed Deepkin sold solidly. 

    That "rumour" has yet to have anything to prove it that didn't come from a prior reliable rumour - I wouldn't sweat about it too much

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