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Posts posted by DoctorPerils

  1. E6npAnY1kzv3KcHq.jpg

    OK, trying to think of my predictions for this:

    - 40k: Ork and Custodes characters

    - AoS: Morghast character, teaser trailer for Dawnbringers 5 with some silhouettes for the models to come. New roadmap

    - HH: Solar Auxilia army box, plus a centrepiece model to be released alongside it. New Roadmap

    - Warcry: Lumineth river temple vs Nighthaunt poisoners. The nighthaunt poisoners will be pulling double duty in dawnbringers 4, like the fyreslayers and gorgers warbands appeared in the AoR. New roadmap

    - WHU: not sure we've seen much in terms of rumours? I'm going to guess Death as there haven't been any so far in DEATHgorge - if that would be the case, OBR or FEC, as those both only have 1 whu warband, whereas SBGL and NH both have 3+. New roadmap

    Kill team: Mandrakes, perhaps a teaser for the next box (the current Kill Team season seems to have been delayed, and I'm expecting them to release a new edition towards August or September). Names for the following boxsets in the (shortened) roadmap.


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  2. 1 hour ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

    Didn't include things like the "Lady of Ruin" character they keep hinting at, since we have so far too few evidence about it to qualify as a true rumour.

     Thanks for the recap - iirc Whitefang liked a post describing the chaos Spear Rumour Engine as the Lady of Ruin's?

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  3. 22 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

    @DoctorPerils Sorry about those filters. I am a lazy ****** and I hide them in mobile to avoid styling them. I was hoping most of us would see them at hope on big screens, hehe. I am putting them back and making them pretty now. They are quite obvious to miss them 😅:

    They're still not appearing on my side, despite a hard refresh



    On firefox, android, samsung

  4. 23 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

    The Rumour Engines site is done for the moment. I hope it helps us to navigate between the ton of content released during the years: https://rumour-engines.netlify.app/

    Any feedback is welcome.

    Hi, this is great, thanks - I will say, filtering isn't immediately obvious on mobile (android, using firefox), am I missing something ?

    Could you perhaps open a new thread to centralise any feedback you get? Thanks 🤙

    • Like 1
  5. 2 hours ago, Ejecutor said:

    Yeah, I am not following 30k/40k that much. Just a personal opinion. I guess, seeing the feedback to my idea, that Space Marines users are happy buying the same armour sculpt over and over.

    Well, they aren't the same armour sculpt over and over, they have quite a few details that differ, between unit types and chapters, and also between eras (40k and 30k). And the creation of the Primaris waves are exactly what you've been arguing for, what you are asking for is something that GW has been doing for the last 7 years. Whole new scale, whole new armour variants (all mkX: tacticus, gravis, phobos, omnis), whole new philosophy in how the codex is organised (from 5 or 6 basic unit types with many options, to ... lots of very specialised units with very few options).


    You seem to be under the impression space marines are still the same old faction they were 10 years ago, but the Primaris have actually had profound effects already, and they still haven't fully replaced the old range. And they are also, still, profoundly divisive - many space marine players still refuse to acknowledge them so many years later.

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  6. 23 minutes ago, Gitzdee said:

    Does this mean that the sword RE is an AoS model?

    Looks to me like it's on

    [spoiler]the banner bearer's back[/spoiler]

    Edit: I don't know what went wrong with the spoiler tags, sorry

    • Haha 1
  7. 8 minutes ago, EntMan said:

    Oh yeah, I'm in now and you're right. Spacecast Eternals scouts in the killteam box.

    Also a bunch of nids from the launch, now available as individual units.

    And more importantly (for me) the new Scorpions :D

    6 hours ago, Big Kim Woof-Woof said:

    A slice of fried truth, right there. I'd trade a limb for a generic mounted Hedonites hero. 

    Your sacrifice is greatly appreciated by all other Hedonites players :D

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  8. 11 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

    I've read that the pose is like a Wardancer one, that doesn't seem to be a cavalry one. I can get that feeling if we only look at the foot, but the way the leg is bend makes me feel it is a classic rider post. If that's the case imo this hint towards S2D rather than Kurnothi.

    The trousers do seem more reminiscent of Qulathis than Darkoath imo, the toe section seems daintier than Darkoath boots, and the apparent colour scheme looks closer to Qulathis imo, though that may be hopium

    • Like 4
  9. 1 hour ago, Neverchosen said:

    Yeah I saw this as a leaping pose. 
    Maybe a Kurnothi update of a wardancer mid jeté. 

    I love that it is hard to determine between Darkoath and Kurnoth as either one makes me happy. I feel like Kurnothi Wardancers would make the most epic Warcry/Underworlds Warband.

    Oh not the dreaded Tripple Post, Mods save me!

    Kurnothi Wardancers seem like they could be a perfect fit for Warcry :D

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  10. 49 minutes ago, Beliman said:

    New rumor:


    As with all unnamed rumour mongers, this is most likely a fake. Still, it remains possible - if so, could it really be OBR? Part of me wonders more about a gang of rogue/piratical KOverlords or something - "grave robbers" doesn't sound like any kind of GA Death warband imo.

    • Like 1
  11. 2 hours ago, Someravella said:

    Are all the clues for a single model or unit that will be revealed on Christmas or they are simply 24 RE concatenated?

    Last time they did an advent engine, it was for a battlebox (the 40k eldar vs chaos one) - I imagine it would be like that again

    Also last time, it was a springtime battlebox as opposed to a summer release, so I imagine it would be before AoS4. Whether it's a 40k battlebox again (I could see those feathers being for a kroot pech'ra) or an AoS army box for a new faction, who can say

    • Like 1
  12. 1 hour ago, Chikout said:

    If you take all the new kits  and add the old ones except the Vargulf, you get 27 warscrolls so it's safe to assume all the characters made from units are staying. 

    Not necessarily, they could still have some models they've kept back for the full release

  13. 15 hours ago, Vagard said:

    I think Marshall on foot and at least 10 steelhelms are mandatory. It is the base of every classic army and steelhelms are the only human battleline on their own if i remember well. 

    Marshall on foot is the most basic hero of the new wave. 

    I will not be surprised if we don't see fusiliers in the box as they better sell them in standalone boxes as their rules are OP. A canon could be a good choice to have a "centerpiece". 

    I'm a bit afraid about a mix between old and new minis in the box

    It would seem logical to structure the vanguard box around the special formation: a unit of fusiliers, a Cannon, a fusil-major and perhaps a unit of steelhelms (though that may be too much?)

    • Like 2
  14. 5 hours ago, Gitzdee said:

    I am not a fan of clear plastic. Only on a few way too expensive pvc figurines have i seen it done well. I think it just looks cheap most of the time compared to a painted mini. Just look at most toys using clear plastic for flames or similar effects. Its a hard sell for me. But i guess i can just still use a primer and paint it, nothing lost here.

    I'm pretty sure they mentioned the old (opaque) ones would still be on sale

  15. 6 hours ago, Chikout said:

    This is the point I was making. If a Mortarch describes them as a type of being rather than a title given by Nagash, then it doesn't matter what Ushoran does. He will still be a mortarch even if he is in full rebellion against Nagash. 

    I'm thinking along these lines myself. Perhaps the making of a mortarch is irrevocable, and Ushoran has been kept imprisoned (rather than permadeaded) while nagash is finding a way to retrieve that portion of himself?

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