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Everything posted by DoctorPerils

  1. Seems like a great idea. The pool could work just as well for molten metal as for a pool of mercury.
  2. And more importantly (for me) the new Scorpions Your sacrifice is greatly appreciated by all other Hedonites players
  3. Why am I not surprised XD they're basically a Destruction army that staggered into the wrong Grand Alliance after a few too many ales in the skulls of their enemies
  4. The trousers do seem more reminiscent of Qulathis than Darkoath imo, the toe section seems daintier than Darkoath boots, and the apparent colour scheme looks closer to Qulathis imo, though that may be hopium
  5. Kurnothi Wardancers seem like they could be a perfect fit for Warcry
  6. As with all unnamed rumour mongers, this is most likely a fake. Still, it remains possible - if so, could it really be OBR? Part of me wonders more about a gang of rogue/piratical KOverlords or something - "grave robbers" doesn't sound like any kind of GA Death warband imo.
  7. @Clan's Cynic do you mean plastic Votann characters?
  8. Wow, that's quite a feat, GW have invented time travel to ensure their FAQs are more futureproof
  9. Truly?! Glory of Hashût! Praise to the Father of Darkness
  10. Last time they did an advent engine, it was for a battlebox (the 40k eldar vs chaos one) - I imagine it would be like that again Also last time, it was a springtime battlebox as opposed to a summer release, so I imagine it would be before AoS4. Whether it's a 40k battlebox again (I could see those feathers being for a kroot pech'ra) or an AoS army box for a new faction, who can say
  11. Not necessarily, they could still have some models they've kept back for the full release
  12. It would seem logical to structure the vanguard box around the special formation: a unit of fusiliers, a Cannon, a fusil-major and perhaps a unit of steelhelms (though that may be too much?)
  13. I'm pretty sure they mentioned the old (opaque) ones would still be on sale
  14. I'm thinking along these lines myself. Perhaps the making of a mortarch is irrevocable, and Ushoran has been kept imprisoned (rather than permadeaded) while nagash is finding a way to retrieve that portion of himself?
  15. I won't argue with the tactile experience of metal models, but compared to modern plastics they're horrendous - just been putting together an Isengard army with metal Lurtz and the Siege ram and man is it a horrible experience - mold lines so deep you have to gouge out or fill with putty .5mm deep, little burrs and pour lines that are in really obvious places and make them uncomfortable to pick up before they've been filed down. The Siege ram operators straight up won't stick to the log because the contact points are so borked, so going to have to break out more milliput... all the while the detailing just isn't up to snuff compared to today's models
  16. @lele could you start new threads for your lore questions please? It would give them more visibility and discussion space in a more appropriate place
  17. SBGL, S2D, LRL?, OBR, ?, CoS ? Or crown is FEC and Heart is Lumineth?
  18. One option (however unlikely) for them to update that kit is to take advantage of the upcoming Death-centric DBringer book to release three new kits in parallel, one for each of the death factions in question. We already suspect that OBR will likely be in the same book as FEC, doesn't seem a stretch to also include SBGL. What's less certain is their willingness to release two big kits at the same time as the big FEC release, but they were able to put out Belthanos and Ionus together, so not impossible.
  19. We've seen Warcry stuff on the new models Mondays before too
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