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Everything posted by Garrac

  1. So, halfway thru on the rebasing process. Still have some stuff left to rebase, and movememt trays to buy. Clanrats on rounds are... weird. But stormvermin really were born for bigger bases. Also, I have like 100-150ish more rats that need rebasing but now theyre not a priority since its enough with these fellas.
  2. Didnt see a Direct comparison on photo about this, so here you go: a frontal of 5 20x20mm, with miniatures on round 25mm. As you can see, they fit perfectly on this 100mm base size. However, its not the same case with 32mm.
  3. He did predict stuff for TOW, like how many miniatures were on each box, but on his valrak way, going like "There are gonna be X number of guys on horses and stuff" I 100% belive he has legit sources as he hasnt failed in 9th, but as you guys have pointed out, he really doesnt care about anything that isnt marines. He may be sitting on a huge krieg rumour leak but doesnt give a damn to tell more.
  4. Also, if they did want to do rule-updates, 40k allways comes first.
  5. Was discussing this on the spanish TOW telegram: about what type of ranks will be most popular going on I really thought it would be a 7-10 front, but true, pivoting in this edition seems most important than ever Also, seems like horde is now a type rather than a formation, and it also seems like some units have this rule for the suculent +1 on result (that would compensate how harders this units have for hurting) I'll wait for the pdfs to drop because I need it to know which movement trays to buy for the screaming bell/pebeteiro and it's carriers
  6. Just checked on valrak channel and can't find even a single video where he talks about AoS (safe for the christmas boxes), I don't really know from where come these "valrak confirms skavens vs stormcasts starter box" rumours.
  7. Ive seen this post in dakkadakka, and aparently someone has extrapolated that GW spent 10 millions on the new website, which is just nuts.
  8. Btw, today GW should release the new battlescroll or something like that?
  9. You really could tell during the rumours round for 10th, for marines he was like "were gonna have the marine mk11 with inferno bolters and a primaris captain that may be this lost Ultramarines characters" while for tyranids he was like "theyre gonna have some bugs, i dunno" and yet it was the most correct source during a very big wave os misinfo
  10. Btw, which were the posts originally liked by whitefang that are giving dosis of copium to the skavendom? And valrak? Can't hardly find videos by him not talking about 40k and marines
  11. I dont know why some chuds are using this to create a polemic, datacards are very useful in game
  12. Didnt know that, thanks! Its true I was searching on english, mb
  13. Who is the lady of ruin? AoS fans really need a good wiki, no way I can find an article for the two paragraphs about Araby and then have to go to scratch reddit posts for finding even a brief summary for dawnbringers.
  14. Speculating here about things I still cope to not see: well, a starter box with rats would be against GW's policiy of hating rats, but a starter box with chorfs would be even further against GW's policy of hating chorfs, so both happening at the same time would be just asking too much of nature.
  15. If Gw releases any starter box this year, it would be slated for june, as allways with their big releases. And all the latest anouncements of big stuff by GW have been during adepticons on march. The next event is LVo this 19th, where they should anounce the plans for the rest of winter, I guess
  16. I'll admit that for this matter I come from a very 40k perspective. i rather prefer the kt philosophy of doing more generic units that I can get to use in various games. UW warbands are really very specific, even with their AoS rules, and come in diferent base sizes that makes it harder (to me) to make them fit all on other games. For example, I would have preferred a unit of 5 gutter runners rather than the skittershank crew because now i have 5 minis that I can use on opr as night scouts, but having two models that i have to clearify arent characters, lol.
  17. Lol, thats a lot of monkeys. Also, I love the flavour of the first list with the whole Eshin triad.
  18. Aparently theyre slated for this summer, if im not misscorrect. Probably may or july if June is reserved for 4th Ed AoS (since august is the "dead month")
  19. Was discussion about GW on a WhatsApp group and got told that I shouldnt complain, that skavens had 3 underworlds bands
  20. This forum is going to kill me, and rightfully so, but I really don't care about stormcasts, (IM SORRY, ok) I don't know anything about stormcasts, and I can't name a single stormcast miniature, so I don't know what does it mean what you just posted. (It's not that I hate stormcasts, it's just that I don't have thoughts at all about stormcasts, Im totally neutral about these guys)
  21. The most intriguing thing is these new boxes being released on the same year a new edition is suposed to be slated for release. So, some of us are wondering if we'll be able to figure out future content on 4th based on these boxes, just as 40k fans could figure out tranids being renewed or new world eaters just with the boarding patrol boxes (or the lack of them)
  22. Legacy pdfs on other game systems dont use to have images attached
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