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Everything posted by Garrac

  1. I'm sorry for bringing this on here because I've got very bad and sad news for everyone.
  2. Excuse me for a minute, but I'm very sad
  3. I wouldn't be surprised if TOW gets to be managed by Forge World, as LOTR nowadays
  4. I mean, look at them, it's like they are two separate races
  5. If anyone still has some hope left: no, the other banner is just the throwing star wielded by the assasin. Not a hint
  6. Problem we have with AoS is that Fantasy proved how, if a universe or race doesn't sell enough (not even bad, just not enough) they totally will distroy it Love AoS, even like ET, and the new heads in charge seem to be better than the old ones. But. BUT. End Times planted the seed of insecurity in warhammer fans. And it has come to stay.
  7. I want to have the optimism and faith for Warcry, but according to the leaks today they'll just announce the legionnaires and the horns of hashut I wouldn't expect more for warcry given that Kill Teamm semms like their main preocupation right now
  8. Again, only releasing one eshin miniature if you have more planned is a stupid marketing decission, more if the 40k announcements were so big, and you could simulate a little. I still have faith for more untis, since it would be WEIRD to release a starterbox of Eshin vs bugs with the monkeys. Who the hell would buy a starterbox with the monkeys?
  9. So. One miniature! Cool! One miniature? No! I wish him luck buying from the only company that makes skaven more expensive than GW
  10. That's... that's completely accurate, yes.
  11. Btw, if revealing only one skaven was a marketing strategy for more announcements to come, it's totally backfiring on them. All skavendom is kinda raging at the internet, and some have even started to criticize the new model (in my opinion, a bit unfair given that it's a cool model and removes a finecast one, even if it wasn't that needed) which I'm sure it's not very good for GW's business atm
  12. I want to have hopes, but we already know that what's comign to warcry are just two new std warbands (the legionnaires and horns of hashut) Hope I'm wrong
  13. I don't know, would be fun to summon him like a great chaos demon to know if there's anything more planned for the rats if you want The biiiiiiiiig lack of leaks is starving me (I don't know how to quote people on TGA)
  14. I don't know. They didn't make a single hint, and I haven't seen any @Whitefang approved rumours or leaks. If they had units I think they would've showed them already, if we're going to get a box rivalry with sylvaneth. There isn't a better time than the Fest for it
  15. Well, that... could be more I'm happy for a new bt and the assasin, but I really expected a new unit. Don't really know why GW has done this to us skaven players.
  16. Well, oficially Skaven and Kharadron received exactly the same
  17. I honestly thought they would bet more on skavens, given the fame they've gained from Total War
  18. Well, when I asked GW for at least one rat I didn't think they were going to take it so literally
  19. Don't know whats gonna happen in less than 6 hours but either way im gonna have a hearth attack
  20. It's not obly the disappearence of banners at the preview, but the lack of skaven leaks so far. Not a single camera-potato edition, or hints by leakers. I mean, if we only get a starterbox with just a new hero, I'll get sad and clowned. (Would still buy the box) (btw the banners have also dissapeared from the countdown. Let's open the possibility that the new skaven are just a new warcry warband...)
  21. So, GW released a teaser of AoS announcement. Two Sylvaneth banners... and nothing more. oh no
  22. Now for tomorrow: I hope that rats Still have the clown noses prepared. Just in case too
  23. Yeah, and the model-refference to Juan Díaz is just great
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