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Everything posted by Garrac

  1. Seems like Emang has been denounced to death by GW, and is deleting all of his STL files.
  2. I can asure you, if they do a new ninja rats box all the damn skaven players of the world will make it last less than a Raven Guard box.
  3. i dunno, launch boxes of AoS don't sell so crazy fast as the 40k ones. I mean, my shop still has like 3 launch boxes of FEC. It's completely plausible 4th ed lasts for a month if it doesn't update the ninja monkeys.
  4. Someone on the skavendom already found out that the Death Globe isn't limited to 1 per army, and that master moulders can wear 25 points of magic objects... and you can put them on basic 30 points giant rats units...
  5. Well, I'd be impressed. Even the legacy pdfs show a lot of work behind, and I couldn't even dare to imagine doing all of what they've done fluffwise, rulewise, etc with just me and 3 other mfers. Reading the legacy pdfs what I find is that the person who wrote "DONT USE AGE OF SIGMAR MINIATURES" bit and the person who wrote the rest are two diferent people alltogether, or the same guy forced to write ****** because he had a gun on his backhead. I don't doubt that if it were for TOW team we would have had full support to everything. I mean, when you read the arcane journals, do you really think the same devs would say "No, warriors of chaos can't use demons"? Doesn't fit. I think TOW has shown a lot of dedication, passion and work, and the fact this could have been done by just 4 guys is bonkers. Also, the fact that this is being worked upon by 4 guys (hypothetically) means that we're not going to get a lot of updates for the near future, lol
  6. Only thing I can guess it's that an elf wouldn't wear such a wasted cape
  7. Bruh, this isn't even half of what I had to field on 8th
  8. Ok, I already got my first list: -Warlord with heavy armour, shield, talisman of protection (5+) (150) -Warlock level 2 with pistol and condenser (161) -Warlock engineer level 1 with death globe (100) -Chieftain with standard bearer, halberd, grand banner of superiority (128) -20 stormvermins with GM and Doom-Flayer -30 clanrats with GM spears, shields, and a ratling gun (262) -30 clanrats with GM shields, and a warpfire thrower (237) -26 clanrats with GM, shields, and a warpfire thrower (217) -6 jezzails (114) -4 globadiers (40) -Doomwheel (145) -Warp Lightning Cannon (110) -10 giant rats (30) -10 giant rats (30) Sadly I can't spam more doomwheels, ratling guns, wlcs, and stormvermin because I don't have more, lol. Was planning to buy more for this year's project, but now I'm holding into them until I see what GW does in 4th ed of AoS. But meanwhile I think I can do good on TOW? Maybe I'll drop one or two units of clanrats in favour of rat ogres or hell pits, of which I do have more. There's already a huge community of TOW players in Spain, so I'll probably play more TOW because I enjoy the most the bigger customisation options of rules in TOW.
  9. It Will have some negative connotations, tho. For example, I dont think many skaven players will field Assassins when plague priests, and warlocks most of all, seem like a higher priority.
  10. Alltho, the rule is worded in such a weird way It could also imply a limit of 0-1 of each Great Clan character category. Wording is strange or Im dumber than I thought. Also, can a warlord join a unit with warpgrinder? The rulebook hasnt been fully translated by humans yet so I still dont have clear if a character whitout the certain keyword can joind a unit. Alltho, you can still have a pair of Assassins on big stormvermin units with warp grinders and gutter Runners attached to spawn a literal mini-army behind the enemy, lol.
  11. *people spawning conspiracy theories about wolf rats and brood horrors in AoS after reading the legacy pdfs intensify*
  12. Reading the PDF, what I understood was that you're límited to one Great Clans character per 1000 points?
  13. Beastmen also are lacking one, and the theme of this season is woods ..
  14. Btw, it's sad to not be able to soup the 4 Clans on a same list. It was never the most competitive option, but It was fun...
  15. Now to start thinking which formations are best for the rats. I supose hordes have heavily changed, right?
  16. Round bases and square trays, my friend
  17. These two texts look like they were written by different studios...
  18. Well, I'll be damned, this indeed has a lot of work behind, and the specific lores are still there. Yeap, this is easily still the worst bit of the pdfs. Hope the game doesn't get any updates at all nor gw tournaments in the near future. Seems like they've tried hardest they could to nerf the skaven armylist: -No slaves (as suspected from the base sizes list they posted) -Stormvermins on 10 points (¿¿¿¿¿????) -Only one Great Clan character per 1000 points -Only one Great Clan Spetial/rare unit per 1000 points -No Verminlords, which is shilly and stupid, but ok -Nightrunners core, if you like playing with monkeys -Inherits the limits from 6th ed, with some of the shenanigans from 7th -Puting together weapon teams seem more interesting than ever, as long as you can keep them close to their mothers -Jezzails lookin spicy as ever -Glad that the most iconic skaven spell are still there. Yeah, no 13th spell, dont worry -Big nerf to warpstone tokens, but a funny one. -Skalm is sexy -Some classics on the magic objects list, some from 6th ed -They tried to nerf hellpits and plague furnaces, whitout big success -Personalized misfire tables are back! Only one, but aguably the most important one -None of the mounts from 7th whitout mini are featured here. So sorry for everyone that made their warlords on rat ogres... -Plague censer bearers suck ass. Probably the worst unit in the whole list -Horde rule for rat ogres? -Nerf on rat giants, limiting them to 10 min. alltho, now they dont need a packmaster. So, guess what's the next funny thing all skaven players are going to do... The best strategic knucleheads will think on the best combos, as I never was too much of a tactician, but it seems like this list allows for very fun and crazy combos, as long as you focus the list on a single clan. So, fortunately I was wrong and it doesn't seem like the pdf has come dead on arrival. But will probably get dated if GW starts updating rules.
  19. Man, I'm LIVING with the anticipation for the pdfs. In a matter of hours we'll know. Either I'm wrong and the world remains a better place, or I'm right and some idiot destroys his 10.000 points dark elf army again.
  20. On the TOW forum they're saying that acording to Square Based the ban would be lifted today, but Im still gonna act as if they release it on february, just in case
  21. Ok, I'll reckon then it's just heavy copium for seeing rats/goats
  22. Cause we've been a whole year whitout one, and it seems weird, doesn't it? Alltho, granted, I dunno if thats how warcry works
  23. Fest is in april And also, GW no longer wants to anounce things with such little anticipation, they know their expensive stuff must be revealed with enough time for their fanbase to be able to buy it. I think its more intriguing to wonder when the Next warcry warband Will drop because It can contain either skavens or beastmen and that would be an indicator for the future. Unless its another band or chaos hobbos.
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